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When you face criminal charge in a criminal court

When you are charged in a criminal case and are scheduled to appear in the court in New York, you should ensure a few things. Here are few most important ones- For more details please contact Paul Petrus at 212.564.2440 and visit: http://www.petruslaw.com/

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When you face criminal charge in a criminal court

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  1. When you face a charge in New York Criminal Court, you should...

  2. When you are charged in a criminal case and are scheduled to appear in the court in New York, you should ensure a few things. Here are few most important ones-

  3. Arrive early Most important thing is you should always be early or on time, and Be present in the scheduled courtroom

  4. Dress appropriately Do not wear mini skirts, t-shirts, tank tops or weird hairstyle Dress conservatively and professionally

  5. Act respectfully While waiting for your case in the courtroom, avoid: Any conflict with court officers  Reading newspapers, books, or other materials Sleeping Slouching or reclining in the courtroom seats

  6. contd… Excessive and loud talking Eating, drinking, or chewing gum Disruptive noise Failing to turn cell phone to vibrate

  7. Never miss your appearance In case you are going to miss your appearance in the court room, please give prior information to your attorney about the reason for your missed appearance, and when you can be expected to appear in court. 

  8. Hold on an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Always hire an experienced criminal defense attorney Hire early to ensure you have strong defense from the start

  9. Contact Paul D. Petrus, Jr. for more about criminal defense law and procedures in New York www.petruslaw.com New York Criminal Defense Lawyer Phone: 212.564.2440 paul@petruslaw.com

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