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Charter Renewal Made Easy

Charter Renewal Made Easy. Even Homer Can Do It! Dan Beard Council. 9 Step Process. Make Sense Out of It ( Review the Charter Renewal Materials) What’s Real? ( Reconcile the Charter Renewal Roster with Your Unit Records) Are We Good or What? ( Complete Your Quality Unit Form)

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Charter Renewal Made Easy

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  1. Charter RenewalMade Easy Even Homer Can Do It! Dan Beard Council

  2. 9 Step Process • Make Sense Out of It (Review the Charter Renewal Materials) • What’s Real? (Reconcile the Charter Renewal Roster with Your Unit Records) • Are We Good or What? (Complete Your Quality Unit Form) • Sign on the Dotted Line • Show Me the Money $$$ • Revenge of the Nerds (Using Packmaster or Troopmaster) • Finish Up • Stuff ‘N Seal • Turn It In

  3. Step #1 Make Sense Out of It: Review the Charter Renewal Materials

  4. Separate Your Paperwork • Charter Renewal Paperwork • Charter Renewal Roster – computer form • Instructions – USE THEM! • Charter Renewal Overflow Pages • Scout & Adult Leader Applications • Quality Unit Application and Order forms 2. Everything Else

  5. Step #2 What’s Real? Reconcile the Charter RenewalRoster with Your Unit Records

  6. Start at the Top of the Roster • Chartered Organization • Executive Officer • Also called the Institutional Head (IH) • Disability Code (if the unit serves a majority of disabled youth) • See “Unit Renewal Application Instruction” for appropriate codes • 100% Boys’ Life (1 subscription per family) • Y = Yes, N = No • On time unit • Y = Yes, N = No

  7. Deleting Members from the Charter Renewal Roster • Draw a line through all personal information. • That’s all you do. • But, be sure… Are they really no longer active, or have they just missed a few meetings?

  8. Adding Members (Use the Overflow Pages) • Already registered? Or New Leader? • Write information requested on overflow page. • Attach copy of completed application to the overflow page. • Use separate overflow pages for Scouts and adult leaders. • Designations for the top of the page: • Council No. 438 (Dan Beard Council) • District No. xx (for your district) • Program Code C = Cub Scout pack S = Boy Scout troop P = Venturing crew E = Explorer post • Local Unit No. = Your unit number

  9. Verify All Personal Information • Adult Leaders and Youth • Name and Address • Birth Date is Mandatory! • Social Security Number for Adults is Mandatory! • Phone • Boys’ Life Subscription (Y = Yes, N = No) • Gender • Adult Leaders • Position • Trained (this can only be updated using council training records) • Youth • Rank • Grade Changes? Draw single line through mistakes. Write corrections underneath. No changes? Leave as is.

  10. Boy Scout Troops • IH, CR, CC, 2 MCs, SM • Venturing Crews • IH, CR, CC, 2 MCs, NL Watch Out: • NO Registration Fees for: • The Institutional Head (IH) • Tiger Adult Partners (AP) (but they do have to pay the annual insurance fee) • Multiples (circle position abbreviation) • Only CR can be multiple within a unit. • 2nd position only as CC or MC • Ensure minimum leader requirements are met: • Cub Scout Packs • IH, CR, CC, 2 MCs, CM • DL (if Wolf/Bear dens) • WL (if Webelos dens) • TL (if Tiger Cub dens) • AP for each Tiger Cub

  11. For Tiger Cub Adult Partners (AP): • Does not require: • BSA Adult registration. But must complete AP section of Youth Application (date of birth is required) • Payment of BSA registration fees, unless registering for an additional adult leadership position • Does require: • Tiger Cub Adult Partners must pay annual insurance fee • IF an AP becomes a leader . . . • Must complete an adult application with the required signatures • Must pay BSA registration fee • Can’t simply cross out “AP” and insert “DL” as new position

  12. For Other Unit Position Changes: Leaders already registered may change to a new position by crossing out the old position and writing in the new position. This can only be done at Charter Renewal. All non-registered unit leaders require an adult leader application to be completed and sent with the Charter Renewal paperwork. It is critical that this information get updated in a timely manner to keep communications open between the Unit and the Council If in doubt: Call Lisa Jones, Registrar at (513) 961-2336 ext 220

  13. Add ‘Em Up • Add the number of adult leaders and Scouts separately. • Be sure to count ALL the names: • On the Charter Renewal roster • On the overflow pages (attach applications for new members or note “previously submitted” on the overflow sheet) • Hints to keep your counts straight: • Number each entry in the left margin of the charter renewal form and any overflow pages. • Count multiples. Keep track of how many you have. • Carefully count Boys’ Life subscriptions. • Double check . . . then check again.

  14. Step #3 Complete Your Quality Unit Forms Quality units are determined by past year achievements (column A) on the form. Column B is for planning purposes only.

  15. Step #4 Sign on the Dotted Line

  16. Who Signs What • Quality Unit Award form • Unit Leader • Unit Commissioner (or District Professional) • New Applications • Youth • Unit leader • Parent • Adult • Applicant • Chartered Org. Rep. OR Institutional Head • Committee Chairman • Charter Renewal Roster • Executive Officer (IH) • Unit Leader • Council Representative Forms missing signatures CANNOT be processed.

  17. Step #5 Show Me the Money!

  18. What Things Cost Annual • Unit Charter Fee $ 20.00 • BSA Registration (Youth & Adults) $ 10.00 • Boys’ Life Subscription $ 12.00 • Insurance (everyone, including AP) $ 1.75 • Multiples FREE • Transfers Too late! Pay annual fees • Quality Unit Patches • These are purchased through the Scout Shop. Double and triple check your calculations! (and then be sure that your Unit Account has sufficient funds to cover additional fees that may be required)

  19. You’ll Need A Check! • Make check payable to “Dan Beard Council” • Hint: Bring a blank check to Charter turn in locations… • Have a district or council representative confirm the total amount due. • THEN write out your check.

  20. Step #6 Revenge of the Nerds Using Troopmaster or Packmaster

  21. What You Do – Part 1 • Follow the instructions. • Use either Troopmaster or Packmaster. • Remember, the programs require the same data fields as the paper charter renewal form you receive from the council. • Use only upper and lower case for your data. • Do NOT use all caps • Do NOT use periods • Complete the Charter Renewal process using Troopmaster or Packmaster.

  22. What You Do – Part 2 • Use standard BSA position codes. • Unit-created positions (i.e., treasurer, advancement chairman, senior assistant Scoutmaster) OR no position will become committee members. • Include BOTH a paper copy of your charter renewal AND a floppy disk (or CD) of your charter renewal. • The same rules apply for new members: • Previously registered • Include copy of application form • First-time registration • Include original of application form

  23. Step # 7 Finish Up

  24. What Goes in the Final Packet • Updated Charter Renewal roster • Not using Troopmaster: Version you received from council • Using Troopmaster: • Version you received from the council • Version you developed using Troopmaster • Floppy disk or CD • Overflow pages – youth • With copies of applications clipped • Overflow pages – adult leaders • With copies of applications clipped • Any new youth/adult applications • Quality Unit forms • Council’s copy of the award form • Patch order form • One check Multi-part forms: enclose only council copy Now . . . make copies of everything!

  25. Forms You Keep • Membership Inventory • For the unit’s use – do not enclose in your Charter Renewal packet.

  26. Step #8 Stuff ‘N Seal

  27. Turn It In • Bring it to Roundtable by December. • Give it to your Unit Commissioner by December. • Do not expect a house-visit from your District Chair, District Commissioner, or District Executive

  28. Top 10 Rechartering Blunders Doh! Homer Simpson’s

  29. 10. You miscounted – members, money, or Boys’ Life subscriptions. 9. You added a name to the overflow sheet without a copy of their BSA application. 8. You used Troopmaster and forgot either a paper copy or disk of your roster. 7. You wrote your check for the wrong amount. (Too much is ok, too little is a problem) 6. You changed a Tiger AP to a DL without an adult application form.

  30. 5. You missed signatures and forgot birth dates. 4. You don’t have all required leader positions. • You forgot to cross off an inactive member. 2. You didn’t keep copies of ALL your forms. 1. You didn’t turn your paperwork in on-time!

  31. Questions? Lisa Jones Council Registrar 513-961-2336 ext 220

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