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Discover Arizona's diverse regions - Desert, Plateau, Mountain - shaped by time. Learn about Native American tribes, statehood, and key industries like mining and tourism.

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  1. Arizona The 48th State “The Grand Canyon State”

  2. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY • Learning Goals: • Explain (analyze) how modification in one place (e.g., canals, dams, farming techniques, industrialization) often leads to changes in other locations. • Describe the different landforms in Arizona.

  3. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY 1. There are three regions of Arizona: Desert Region, Plateau Region, and Mountain Region. Each of the three regions is partly desert and partly mountainous. Yet, each region offers a wide variety of scenery.


  5. Millions of years ago it rained more often in Arizona. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY 2. The Plateau Region in northern Arizona is where the highest elevations of the state are found. Millions of years ago, water covered this area and layers of rock formed underneath.

  6. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY 3. The Mountain Region is located in the middle of the state—where we live! Includingeight thousand foot peaks, ponderosa pine forests, and deep canyons are found in this area of Arizona.

  7. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY 4. The Desert Region is a particular type of land area that is surrounded by north-south running dry valleys and mountain ranges.

  8. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY 5. Because of Arizona’s location in the desert, A steady water supply would be extremely important if we were going to survive here. 6. But population growth and new business development put a strain on Arizona’s water supply.

  9. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY 7. Dam construction was important to the southwestern United States because it was an inexpensive source of electricity, dependable water supply for farmers, and provides flood control. Roosevelt Dam

  10. ARIZONA'S GEOGRAPHY Journal Question: You have just crash landed in the Sonoran Desert. Before the plane caught fire your group was able to get some items for survival. Write a journal entry about your time in the desert trying to survive.

  11. The first people to settle in North America are known as Native Americans and they came from Asia, across the Beringia land bridge tens of thousands of years ago. These small bands of men, women, and children migrated for generations, slowly spreading across the continent. ARIZONA'S HISTORY

  12. The Hohokam were one Native American Indian tribe that settled in the area that would one day become Arizona. They developed an extensive irrigation system. Other tribes include Hopi, Navajo, and Yavapai, among many others The Casa Grande Indian Ruins. ARIZONA'S HISTORY

  13. Statehood Arizona became a state on February 14th 1912. Before we became a state we were part of the New Mexico Territory

  14. Imagine you are a person living in Arizona during one of the time periods we discussed yesterday----Write a diary entry describing --How you got to Arizona --What your life is like --Challenges you face Groups we talked about: **Choose one** A) Native Americans crossing the Bering Strait B) Hohokam C) Spanish explorers D) Mexican citizens living in Arizona before it became a part of the US

  15. Facts . • First Capital of Arizona: Prescott • Current Capital of Arizona: Phoenix Prescott . Phoenix . Tucson

  16. Facts • 5 C’s of Arizona: • Cotton • Cattle • Copper • Citrus • Climate

  17. Downtown Bisbee • Copper, gold, and silver were all naturalresourcesfound in Arizona that brought people here in the 1800s. • The construction of railroads allowed many people to come to Arizona for mining and ranching jobs. ARIZONA'S HISTORY

  18. Today Arizona has a very diverseeconomy. • Arizona is known for farming, tourism, militarybases, and technology industries. HISTORY ARIZONA'S

  19. Diamante poem ______________ Name of the state ____________ _____________ The State Motto __________ _____________ ___________ State’s nickname ____________________ ____________________ Two facts about Arizona __________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ The Five C’s ____________________ ____________________ Two facts about Arizona ____________ ___________ __________ Three major industries in the state ____________ ____________ Two word description of Arizona ______________ Name of the State

  20. Arizona Travel brochure • Create a travel brochure informing a potential visitor about important information on Arizona. • Include the following sections: • --Front cover with picture • --Brief summary of Arizona history • --Famous Arizonans • --Important places in Arizona • --A description of a myth or legend about Arizona or Arizona treasure (gold, silver, etc.) • --A one paragraph review of an Arizona landmark (example: Grand Canyon, Chase Field, etc.) • Brochures will be graded on effort, creativity, and accuracy.

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