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Academic Honor Policy and Grade Appeals System

Academic Honor Policy and Grade Appeals System. Jennifer N. Buchanan, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement. Purpose.

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Academic Honor Policy and Grade Appeals System

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  1. Academic HonorPolicy and Grade Appeals System Jennifer N. Buchanan, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement

  2. Purpose • Show how survey information gathered from FSU students informed the development of the Academic Honor Policy, which affects all student academic work (even yours!) • Discuss how you can prevent academic dishonesty in your class

  3. Purposecontinued • Familiarize you with the operation of the Academic Honor Policy and the Grade Appeals process

  4. Academic Integrity Survey • FSU mirrors other universities • Faculty and teaching assistants as primary sources of information • Students and faculty disagree on what constitutes “serious” cheating • Hope to do survey again in 2013 - 14

  5. Ways Undergraduates Reported Cheating • Sharing assignments (65%) • Unauthorized collaboration (41%) • Copying a few sentences from internet without citation (39%)

  6. Ways Undergraduates Reported Cheatingcontinued • Copying a few sentences from written source without citation (38%) • Helping someone cheat on test (10%)

  7. Faculty-Student Opinion Differences • Students rated the severity of penalties as higher (60% high/very high) than did faculty (15% high/very high) • Students rated faculty members’ understanding of the policy as higher (77% high/very high) than did faculty (25% high/very high)

  8. Honor Code Assumptions • Strong majority of students (56%) disagree that they should be responsible for monitoring others • Unlikely to report fellow students (80%) • Even less likely to report friends

  9. Conclusions and Themes • Cheating happens • Students assume you know more than you do about academic integrity • Students look to you for cues about whether cheating will be tolerated

  10. Conclusions and Themescontinued • Students will hesitate to inform • Prevention is important • Our involvement is critical

  11. Preventing Plagiarism • Mutual respect between student and instructor and confident verbal reinforcement • Syllabus: http://facsenate.fsu.edu • Teaching meaning of plagiarism, esp. paraphrasing versus quoting • “Turn-it-in.com,” “SafeAssign” and other resources – make available

  12. Preventing Cheating • Making cheating more difficult • Following through (learn policy) • Have a plan for test-time (verify independently) • Emphasize “Complicity” charge • Confident verbal reinforcement

  13. Academic Honor Policy Instructors play central role Procedural Notes (check for prior record)

  14. Florida State UniversityAcademic Honor Policy (AHP)

  15. Charges • Plagiarism • Cheating • Unauthorized group work • Fabrication, falsification, & misrepresentation

  16. Chargescontinued • Multiple Submission • Abuse of academic materials • Complicity in academic dishonesty • Attempting to commit an offense

  17. Graduate Student Issues • Prelims, comps, thesis or dissertation treated as egregious and sent to Step 2 • Charging decision made by committee comprised of department chair, outside member, and faculty member appointed by dean

  18. Academic Honor Policy By Semester(Since New Policy in Fall 2005) Number of Violations * Through August 1, 2013

  19. Academic Honor Policy By Academic Year (Since New Policy Effective Fall 2005) Number of Cases

  20. Cases and Outcomes Through August 1, 2013

  21. Grade Appeals System • Also involves integrity • Emphasizes centrality of instructor judgment in grading process • Grade must be imposed in an arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory manner to be overturned

  22. Grade Appeals Systemcontinued • Starts with evaluation (grading) standards expressed in syllabus • Minimize exposure through consistency

  23. Grade Appeals System

  24. Resources in your Department • Your supervising faculty member should always be informed about any allegations that arise in your class. • Your department chair should also be informed by either your supervising faculty member or by you. • Either of them can inform you of typical penalties in the department and can sit in when you meet with students.

  25. University Resources Office of Faculty Development and Advancement: http://fda.fsu.edu under Academics – Academic Honor Policy, Grade Appeals System, annual Important Policies and Procedures Memo, or at 850-644-6876. Students should be referred to the Associate Dean of Students 644-2428.

  26. University Resourcescontinued Important Policies and Procedures memo contains important information for instructors. ODL resources at:http://distance.fsu.edu/instructors

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