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Participation in T2K neutrino program? benefits, options, and opportunities. Achim Geiser ZEUS DESY group discussion on future opportunities 26. January 05. Introduction
Participation in T2K neutrino program? benefits, options, and opportunities Achim Geiser ZEUS DESY group discussion on future opportunities 26. January 05 • Introduction • Outline of current questions in neutrino physics • The T2K program • Detector and schedules • DESY-specific aspects • Conclusions A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
The T2K project ~1 GeV n 50 GeV p A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Assumptions on constraints • DESY contribution initially limited to manpower and resources as outlined in the HGF request • further contribution should be scalable both upwards and downwards, depending on resources and roadmap for DESY participation in ILC • need long term future option • individual DESY physicists cannot simultaneously participate in HERA and ILC and external activity (group can) -> external activity in addition to declining HERA activity/stepping up ILC activity A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Current issues in neutrino physics • conservative assumption: neutrino oscillations are established! Super-K, SNO, KamLand + many others -> neutrinos have mass, (minimal) extension of Standard Model! • quark masses (6) and mixing parameters (4) are now all known; recently completed by CP violation parameters from Belle/Babar • out of the corresponding 10 mass and mixing parameters of the lepton sector (slide) , only 7 are (partially) known: me, mm, mt, Dm212, q12 („solar“), |Dm223|, q23 („atm“) • remain to be measured: absolute mass scale (tritium beta decay, double beta decay) sign of Dm223 mass hierarchy (slide) , matter effects q13 ! (~equivalent to Vub) CP violation!! A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Current issues in neutrino physics • CP violation can only be measured if q13 /= 0 ! need 3-generation mixing! • Sign of Dm223 can only be measured if q13 /= 0 ! need ne contribution! (matter effects) • leptonic CP violation might be able to explain baryon asymmetry in the universe (standard model instanton processes in Big Bang can turn lepton asymmetry into baryon asymmetry) quark sector CP violation cannot (too small!) • measurement of q13 is very fundamental! T2K phase I • interest of CP violation is obvious T2K phase II + neutrino factory A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Neutrino physics at J-PARCTokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) LBL n experiment S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 Super-Kamiokande • Off-axis sub-GeV nm beam from J-PARC 50GeV-PS • ~3000 nm CC int./yr (w/o osc.) • ne appearance discovery • nm disapp. precise meas. • 5 year const. Start exp. in 2009. T2K (2009~) J-PARC @JAERI 250km K2K (1999~2005?) 40m Sensitivity on ne appearance CHOOZ excluded ~20times A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K sin22q13
The T2K program • end of 2004: phase I finally approved! • 2005-2008 prepare near detector, reequip Super-K (far detector) with full phototube density • (1. April?) 2009: start data taking (when they say april 1, they mean april 1) measure/limit q13 ! (best sensitivity worldwide) if /= 0, CP violation and matter effects can be large! improve measurements of sin2q23 (=1 or not?) and dm223 standard neutrino physics with near detector • in parallel, prepare for phase 2 (start 20xx?): higher intensity beam (proton driver), intermediate detector, HK A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Location of JAERI at Tokai S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 Tokai Tsukuba A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Replies to Recommendations (2) S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 • Recommendation #3:The IAC strongly recommends that the neutrino oscillation experiment be brought into Phase I with additional supplementary funding. This would send a clear signal for international collaboration in this area. • The neutrino project was approved for construction. A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
1) Budget and Schedule Construction Schedule S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
1) Budget and Schedule Expected Beam Power S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
2) Construction Status S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 IAC, March 2004 A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
2) Construction Status 3 GeV Quadrupole Magnet S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
4) Letters of Intent Letters of Intent for 50 GeV S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 • Announce of LoI call : July 2002 • Thirty LoI’s were submitted by early 2003 • Strangeness nuclear physics 7 • Nuclear/hadron physics 7 • Kaon decay physics 4 • Muon physics 3 • Neutrino physics 1 • Future facilities 8 478 physicists with 2/3 from outside Japan. Asian participation is still few. Call for proposals: Most likely, within half(?) a year, if no further delay is observed for the 50 GeV construction. A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Timeline for 50 GeV Proposals S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
3) Recent News in Sciences From K2K to T2K S Nagamiya, NP04, KEK, August 24, 2004 Data since 1999 T2K = Tokai to Kamioka (not yet an official name) K2K = KEK to Kamioka Without oscillation With oscillation 108 events observed (151 events expected without any oscillations) 99.99% confident that n carries a finite mass. Best fit Flux (nm) at J-PARC 50 GeV PS > 100 x Flux (nm) at KEK 12 GeV PS A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
nmne appearance. • Overcome the background and correctly estimate the remaining background. sin22qme=0.05, Dm2=3×10-3eV2 LOI mostly p0 mostly from m decay A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Electron calorimeter Conceptual Off-Axis 280m Detector Magnet (and side MRD) Magnet (and side MRD) Tracker (TPC or chambers) Fine Grained detector w/ or w/o water target Iron shield for m-ID Scintillator A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
UA1 Magnet • 7.64(L)× 6.116(H)× 5.596(W) • B=0.67T (UA1), 0.4T(NOMAD), ≤0.2T (T2K for power<0.6MW) • NOMAD experiments A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Instrumenting the iron “C” are made of plates of iron 4.8 cm thick Gap of 1.7 cm between plates It is possible to insert scintillators in the gaps (1 complete layer ~ 90 m2) (extruded scintillators with fibers?) For UA1 = hadron calorimeter For T2K = muon range detector A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Full Active target detector • SciBar-like to measure the exclusive final states. A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
K. Nakamura, T2K collaboration meeting, 24.8.04 T2K Interim Collaboration Agreement and Interim MoU for the Common Project which are under discussion in the IBR A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
InterimAgreement on International Collaboration K. Nakamura, T2K collaboration meeting, 24.8.04 • T2K Collaboration does not have a Collaboration Agreement yet. • In the formal CA, we (Spokesperson + KEK Representative) wish to specify contributions from each participating Institution/Country/Region to the Experiment. • Until the funding situation of most of the participating Institution/Country/Region becomes clear, we wish to proceed with an Interim Agreement. • Until the formal CA is signed, the IBR (International Board of Representatives) functions as the Executive Committee. • Organization, Institutional Responsibilities, Membership, etc. will be defined. A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
T2K Interim Board of Representatives K. Nakamura, T2K collaboration meeting, 24.8.04 • Spokesperson K. Nishikawa • Construction group representative T. Kobayashi • National / Regional representatives Canada A. Konaka, J.M. Poutissou Italy M. Mezzeto France F. Pierre Korea S.B. Kim Poland D. Kielczewska Russia Y. Kudenko Spain E. Fernandes Switzerland A. Blondel UK D. Wark USA G. Beir, C.K. Jung*, H. Sobel • KEK representative K. Nakamura • ICRR representative Y. Suzuki A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Common Project and Common Fund for Facilities Related to Neutrino Beam and Near Detector • As one of the host institutes of the T2K Experiment, KEK is responsible for the civil construction of the facilities related to the neutrino beam and the near detectors. • The construction of the neutrino beam line and the near detectors including part of the beam extraction system is defined as the Common Project of the T2K Collaboration. • Each collaborating Institute/Country/Region is expected to contribute to the Common Project appropriately. • Contributions to the Common Project will be made in two ways: • In-kind contribution to supply engineering work and/or equipments • cash contribution to the Common Fund • KEK as a host institute will exchange an Interim MoU with each contributing Institution/Funding Agency with regard to funding request for the contribution to the Common Project. • When funding is allocated, the Interim MoU will be replaced with the MoU between KEK and the contributing Institution/Funding Agency. A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
potential DESY participation? • disclaimer: the following is an example for a hypothetical scenario made up by me, not yet discussed with the DESY management nor with the T2K collaboration • phase 0: 2005/6? main hardware/software/analysis activity: HERA • convergence towards decision on external DESY participation • preparation of potential bilateral german-japanese agreements • discussion on agreement at European level to become part of a European hub for infrastructure (hardware, test beams, meetings) and computing/analysis for test beam and physics data • collaboration agreement on detector tasks and access to far detector data, in-kind contributions? (beam-line elements (HERA), detector parts (ZEUS)) • formally join T2K collaboration in 2006? • phase 1: 2007/8? main analysis activity: HERA work on hardware/software contribution to T2K • detector construction activities according to agreement • electron test beam activities, including support for other European groups • preparation of online and monitoring software • preparation of analysis software A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
potential DESY participation? • phase 2: 2009-final ILC approval? start of T2K data taking shift of analysis activity HERA -> T2K hardware activity towards intermediate+far detectors? • running in of near detector • participation in data taking shifts • start European or European/US analysis activity! (attract students) • prepare participation to T2K stage 2 (e.g. intermediate detector, HK) • in parallel after end of HERA analysis: participate in ILC+detector design activities (e.g. T2K diploma students -> ILC PhD students) • phase 3: ILC approval-ILC startup? main analysis activity: T2K rescale hardware/software contribution to T2K for compatibility with ILC+detector plans • data analysis! (oscillations + many „standard“ physics topics) • define scale of participation to T2K phase 2 hardware depending on available resources • continue role as infrastructure provider in any case (=minimum involvement) A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K
Conclusions • DESY participation in T2K would • offer great physics opportunities (attract students + postdocs) • fit transition time between end of HERA analysis and start of ILC analysis • offer opportunities to collaborate with German and European partners in a fully international project and serve as a German or maybe even European Hub • offer opportunities for application of expertise in particle physics analysis, detectors and beam line elements (+ in-kind contributions from ending HERA program??) • allow to participate with initially limited resources • allow to scale future hardware commitments according to ILC developments • offer excellent long term perspectives, if wished, via an intermediate detector and a Megaton far detector towards a neutrino factory • If participation to an external project is considered at all, this option ideally matches all the requirements A. Geiser, Discussion on T2K