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This presentation outlines the South African Council for Educators' focus areas for the year, including MTEF projections, registration of educators, professional development, ethical standards, and research, policy, and planning.

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  2. OVERVIEW The council will focus on the following: a. MTEF Projections b. Registration -Registration of applying educators - Improve registration cycle to 7 days c. Professional Development -Roll out CPTD

  3. OVERVIEW/cont d. Ethical Standards -Improve case management process to 3 months cycle. -Implement proactive measures to reduce breaches. e. Research, Policy and Planning -Develop a fully-fledged unit to deliver the advisory mandate satisfactorily.



  6. NOTES REVENUE • Council increased its monthly subscription fees from R6 to R10. w.e.f 01.07.2010; • Council receives funds from DBE to subsidize the administration of Professional Development. The DBE has committed 7,3 million for the current financial year. Budget is being adjusted. • Registration fee is expected to decrease as we clear the backlog; currently no fees are charged for renewals of provisional registration; • Building reserve fund contribute to interest receivable.

  7. NOTES/cont EXPENDITURE • The rental for offices has increased from 950 000 in 2012 to 6.6 million in 2014. Newly rented offices . Rental contract runs till 30 June 2016 • There is drastic decrease on mandatory functions budget. Office rental funded from same operational budget while fixed costs escalating; • The building reserve fund is aimed at purchasing the building by 2015; • R2.60 per educator reservable w.e.f 01.07.2010; • Accumulated reserve is at 40million as on the 28.02.2013; • Building in Visagie street was sold in an Auction for 10.5 million; proceeds to be transferred to building reserve fund. Guarantees or payment due to be received on bond registration; • On purchase of this building , rental funds will fund operations.

  8. B. REGISTRATION Purpose • Register all educators who satisfy registration requirements; • Maintain and sustain the credibility of the educator database; • Enhance the quality of the registration of teachers by introducing standards of entry into the profession. Key functions • Determine minimum criteria and standards; • Decide on any application for registration; • Keep names of all registered educators; • Determine period of validity of registration.


  10. Financial Implications

  11. C. LEGAL AND ETHICS Purpose • Promote ethical conduct among educators; • Facilitate interventions and support for schools and educators on ethical matters. Key functions • To uphold the image of the teaching profession; • To investigate complaints of improper conduct; • To institute disciplinary hearings.


  13. Financial Implications


  15. SACE PRESENCE IN 9 PROVINCES • Development of the SACE provincial presence concept document; • Recruitment of the 9 retired educators / college lecturers to coordinate the CPTD system at provincial level in collaboration with the Provincial Education Departments (Teacher Development Directorates / Provincial Institute for Curriculum and Teacher Development);

  16. Professional Development Portfolio • Development of the manual and electronic professional development portfolio: • Planning for my three year professional development cycle; • Recording evidence of my participation in professional development; • Reflection on my participation in professional development; • Reporting my professional development activities / programmes and points earned to SACE;

  17. Professional Development Portfolio • The electronic portfolio will be on the CPTD Information System; • Portfolio is being tested in the sign-up workshop sessions with principals and deputy principals.

  18. CPTD Orientation and Sign-up Process • CPTD System to be implemented with three different cohorts as follows: • 1st Cohort : Principals and Deputy Principals (40747 ) • 2nd Cohort : HOD (55 032) • 3rd Cohort : Teachers (342 680)

  19. CPTD Orientation and Sign-up Process • The CPTD Orientation and sign-up process will take place as follows: • Electronically through the CPTD Information System (CPTD-IS) self-service web-portal and manually through the forms • Workshop sessions, video clip on the SACE website, CDs in schools,

  20. CPTD Orientation and Sign-up Process/cont • January to December 2013: Orientation and sign-up for 40 747 principals and deputy principals and 25 000 schools • Established and capacitated the National Orientation and Sign-up Team made up of all stakeholders • Met with all the relevant national and provincial stakeholders (Teacher unions, SAPA, SGBs) to share the CPTD implementation plans and identify possible areas of support to share the CPTD implementation plans, and identify possible areas of support

  21. CPTD Orientation and Sign-up Process • Met with the first three Provincial HoD / SG (NW, WC, MP) to share the CPTD implementation plans and identify possible areas of support to share the CPTD implementation plans, clarify roles and responsibilities, and identify possible areas of support • Planned Sign-up sessions scheduled for March 2013 in the firs three provinces (NW, FS, MP) postponed due to the biggest union’s non-participation position • Remaining Provinces to be visited in April 2013 • Signed-up 1476 principals and deputy principals through other stakeholders gatherings

  22. CPTD Roll-out (January 2014– December 2016) • January 2014December 2014 • 1st cohort starts the 1st year of the three year CPTD cycle • 2nd cohort engages in the CPTD orientation and sign-up workshops • January 2015December 2015 • 1st cohort starts 2nd year of the three year CPTD cycle • 2nd cohort starts 1st year of the three year cycle • 3rd cohort engages in the CPTD orientation and sign-up workshops

  23. CPTD Roll-out • January 2016December 2016 • 1st cohort starts 3rd year of the first three year CPTD cycle and earn 150 points by the end of December 2015 • 2nd cohort starts 2nd year of the first three year cycle • 3rd cohort starts 1st year of the first three year CPTD cycle • Impact study of the 1st cohort’s first three year cycle NB: In January 2017 the 1st cohort’s 150 points fall away as the cohort starts 1st year of the second three year cycle

  24. Implementation Cycle...

  25. Provider Approval and Activity Endorsement • Recruitment and capacity building of 54 new evaluators; • Approval of 150 providers; • Endorsement of 450 Professional Development activities / programmes; • Provider Capacity Research.

  26. CPTD Monitoring and Evaluation • Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and accompanying instruments for the CPTD system • Monitoring the following: • Sign-up process • Participation in the CPTD System • Professional Development Uptake • Quality of Professional Development Provisioning by the Providers • Provider Capacity

  27. M&E Verification Tools • CPTD-Information System Reports • School visits • Professional Development Portfolio Samples • Provider Sites Visits • Feedback from Educators

  28. Financial Implications


  30. 2013/14 Key Activities • Two policy positions to inform the advise to the Minister of Basic Education: • Internal Teacher Migration • Principals and Deputy Principals Needs • Four Research Projects • Attitudes of principals and deputy principals on professional development • State of the teaching profession: special focus on principals and deputy principals activities and programmes (to determine values they attach to different professional development activities and programmes)

  31. 2013/14 Key Activities • Analysis of the teacher misconduct cases referred to SACE from 2008 - 2012 • Tracer study on teacher supply and demand (tracking the number of newly qualified teachers going into teaching, how many leave teaching, where do they go, consider the professions competing with teaching) • Analysis of database Foreign Educators (2008-2012) registered with SACE • SACE Professional Magazine • Twice a year

  32. 2013/14 Key Activities • Dissemination of policy and research publications produced and disseminated • Internal Teacher Migration • Principals and Deputy Principals Needs Analysis Report • CPTD Monitoring and Evaluation Report

  33. Financial Implications

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