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Next time your thinking of going on the next diet try these 8 easy weight loss tips. They are easy to implement and will help you lose weight
8 easy weight loss tips • Today I'll be sharing with you 8 easy weight loss tips that will only require a small lifestyle change to see definite results.
8 easy weight loss tips • For any of these tips to be truly effective you must take ACTION, this is probably the main reason people don't see results.
8 easy weight loss tips • 1. Don't eat until you are full, the trick is to aim for 80% fullness. This can be easier said than done, especially when we have spend most of our lives eating until we feel full. Our brain though takes 20 minutes to realise that we have reached capacity, so in reality we can consume a huge amount of food before our brain tells us we have had enough.
8 easy weight loss tips • 2. Try not to eat 3 hours before your bed time, if your cravings get the better of you then eat a piece fruit and most definitely keep away from processed foods.
8 easy weight loss tips • 3. Have frequent meals, you should be aiming for five to six small meals a day. Getting into this way of eating has many benefits. You reduce the big hunger pains that come by eating three times a day. It also keeps your metabolism humming along nicely which works on digesting and burning excess energy.
8 easy weight loss tips • 4. Reduce or eliminate soda drinks from your diet. The amount of sugar these drinks have is phenomenal, even some orange and pineapple juices can have large amount of sugars.
8 easy weight loss tips • 5. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before meals can help to reduce your hunger and giving you that fullness before sitting down to a meal.
8 easy weight loss tips • 6. When ordering a meal don’t order the sides, these extras taste great and are great with a nice burger but they contain mostly saturated fats and unless you work out daily the calories will simply be stored as fat.
8 easy weight loss tips • 7. Drink green tea instead of coffee, we tend to drink at least two coffees a day and many have more than that. Green tea contains caffeine which will still allow you to get you fix but has many benefits such as increasing your metabolism and reducing bad cholesterol, to name a few.
8 easy weight loss tips • 8. Eat more wholefoods and less processed foods, this will make it easier for your body to digest the foods you eat and will help you stay regular. Many of the stomach disorders in the western world are caused by too much processed foods in their diets. Populations that base most of their food on whole foods tend to have a lower rate of diabetes and heart disease as well.
8 easy weight loss tips • However you decide to approach these tips is up to you but as I explained earlier without action your will so no results. Remember the adage ‘The definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result’.
8 easy weight loss tips • Apply some or all of these tips and you will see results. You can pick up my ‘7 step approach to a healthy lifestyle’ ebook here. This will arm you with everything you need to change your life around and stay fit and healthy forever. • Here’s the address for the ebook • http://motivateyourselftoloseweight.blogspot.com
8 easy weight loss tips • One last point I would like to make is, don’t forget to let your hair down once in a while, don’t deprive yourself completely of foods that you love. I suggest that once a week you indulge in something that you enjoy, even if it is highly processed or high in sugar, just pick a day and enjoy the little pleasures in life.
8 easy weight loss tips • I’ve really enjoyed sharing these tips with you, for more motivational healthy tips and articles you can visit my site ‘How to motivate yourself to lose weight’.