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November 2011 nutrition Challenge “ Eat like you crossfit ”. GENERAL RULES. The Nutrition Challenge lasts 30 days, from the 1 st to the 30 th of November Athletes must sign up no later than 6:30 pm, Monday, October 31 st .
GENERAL RULES • The Nutrition Challenge lasts 30 days, from the 1st to the 30th of November • Athletes must sign up no later than 6:30 pm, Monday, October 31st. • Athletes must keep track of their points using the Daily Meal Sheet and Daily Point Sheet both of which must be turned in, in paper form, within 5 days, with all sheets turned in no later than December 3rd. Failure to turn in both sheets will result in a deduction from the athletes score of -151 points for that day. • Scoring will in be accordance with the score sheet and the guidance/definitions found in the rest of this presentation. • There are no cheat days. Every day counts. Yes, even Thanksgiving. • Each athlete will be assigned a buddy (not their significant other) which will be announced on Facebook by midnight on 31 October. Buddies are responsible to check in with each other at least once a week, preferably in person, to discuss how the challenge is going. Buddies will indicate this has been done by signing their buddy’s daily meal sheet once per week. • Weekly updates/score totals will be posted on Facebook. • The winner will be announced on Monday, December 5th. • Winner receives a $100 gift certificate from Again Faster, which they can spend on shoes, apparel (or whatever else they want). The winner’s buddy will receive a $50 gift certificate.
ENJOY/LIMIT/ELIMINATE ENJOY • Lean meat. Includes beef, chicken, pork, fish and eggs. Ground meats (turkey and beef) are acceptable provided they are at least 90% lean. • Vegetables. Eat a variety of colors and types of vegetables. • Healthy Fat. This means olive oil, olives, avocado, animal fats and coconut oil, milk and flakes. LIMIT • Fruit. Enjoy mostly non-sugary fruit such as berries. Limit fruit to 1-2 servings/day. Do not let fruits be your main source of carbs or push vegetables off your plate. • Sweet Potatoes. Limit to post-workout meal and no more than one other meal. Do not substitute for other vegetables. • Caffeine. Do not drink more than two cups of caffeinated beverages and only before noon. • Nuts. Nuts like almonds, pistachios, brazil nuts, hazel nuts and macadamia nuts are OK but should be limited to 1-2 servings daily.
ENJOY/LIMIT/ELIMINATE(CONTINUED) ELIMINATE • Sugar. Do not consume sugar or sweeteners of any kind, real or artificial. This includes white or brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup, agave nectar, honey, xylitol, aspartame, sucralose, Nutrasweet, Splenda, Equal, Truvia or stevia. Do not consume products that have been sweetened with any of the above. • Dairy. No cow, goat or sheep’s milk products such as cream, cheese, yogurt or sour cream. No butter except for clarified butter or ghee. • Grains. No wheat, rye, barley, millet, oats and oatmeal, corn and cornmeal, rice, sprouted grains, quinoa, bran, germ or starch. This also means no bread, pasta, granola or cereal. • Legumes. No beans of any kind (black, kidney, lima, pinto, etc.). No peas, lentils or peanuts. No peanut butter. No soy of any kind, including soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, edamame or lecithin (a common food additive). • White Potatoes, in any form, including red or new potatoes. • “Vegetable” oils like peanut, soybean, corn, canola, safflower and sunflower are considered a serving of legumes and are not permitted. • Processed Food. This includes protein shakes or protein bars. • Processed Meat. No “cured” or processed meat with added sugar, nitrates, sodium or added chemicals. • Alcohol, in any form. • Tobacco, in any form.
HABITS Good Habits • Fish Oil. Get at least 2 grams of EPA/DHA from Fish oil every day. Do not confuse the total amount of fish oil with the EPA/DHA. Read your fish oil labels carefully to determine how much EPA/DHA is in your fish oil. • Sleep. You should get at least 8 hours. You get credit for the period of time you are actually unconscious. If you lie awake all night, this is not sleep. • Mobility Work. Time spent stretching, myofascial release, using the foam or rumble rollers/ lacrosse balls will count. We’ll even count getting a massage. Bad Habits • Using Tobacco. In any form, it’s toxic and cancerous. Stop using it. • Alcohol. Yes, we love it too. But give it up this month. • Caffeine. You can have 2 cups of black (or with coconut cream), unsweetened coffee before noon without penalty. You’re welcome. More than two cups or after noon is not allowed.
Serving Size APPROXIMATIONS (NON-ZONE) • Lean meats- Palm size • Vegetables- Fill the rest of the plate • Fruits- Fist size • Healthy Fats- • Olive oil- Thumb size • Nuts- the area between your index finger and thumb / about a silver dollar • Avocado- ½ • Coconut flakes- handful • Coconut milk • From carton: about a cup • From a can: about ¼ cup
Serving Size APPROXIMATIONS • For any prohibited food (Dairy, Grains, Legumes, Sugar/Sweeteners, Processed Food/Protein Powder or Processed meat)= any amount however small will be one serving, each time you consume. (Example: You decide to take a sip or Diet Coke after lunch, but then throw away the can. Later that afternoon you decide to have another. That’s TWO servings of artificial sweetener or -8 points. No, you may not combine the two into one serving. Nice try.) • Alcohol. Each drink (bottle or glass of beer, shot of hard liquor or glass of wine) is one serving. • Tobacco. (Yes, there are some among us who use tobacco. Not for long hopefully). Each cigarette, cigar or dip of tobacco is one dose. • Caffeine. Each cup of coffee, caffeinated tea or caffeinated beverage. • Zone Blocks. We encourage you to follow the Zone on the Nutrition Challenge. If you weigh and measure your food to Zone proportions as described in Barry Sears’“Enter the Zone” then you do not need to follow our serving size approximations for lean meat, veggies or healthy fats. You still may not eat grains, legumes, dairy or other foods prohibited by this challenge. You must show your measurements and your block calculations on your Daily Meal Sheet in the space provided.
Sample Shopping ListLEAN MEAT • Egg/Egg White • Chicken • Turkey • Beef • Bison • Lamb • Fish (especially cold water, oily fish like Salmon) • Pork • Wild Game
Sample Shopping ListVegetables* • Artichoke • Arugula • Asparagus • Beets • Bok Choy • Broccoli • Brussel Sprouts • Cauliflower • Carrots • Celery • Celery Root • Cucumber • Eggplant • Fennel • Garlic • Green beans++ • Greens (Beet, Collard, Mustard) • Jicama • Kale • Kohlrabi • Lettuce • Mushrooms • Onion • Parsnips • Peppers • Pumpkin • Radish • Snow Peas/ Snap Peas++ • Spinach • Squash • Sweet Potatoes/Yams • Swiss Chard • Taro • Tomatoes • Turnips • Watercress • Zuchini *Fresh or frozen are virtually equivalent. Canned vegetables are less nutritious, but acceptable. ++ Green beans, snap and snow peas, while technically a legume, are more pod than seed and are allowed.
Sample Shopping ListFruits • Apples • Apricots • Bananas • Blackberries • Blueberries • Cherries • Dates/Figs • Grapefruit • Grapes • Kiwi • Lemon • Lime • Mango • Melon • Nectarines • Orange • Papaya • Peaches • Pears • Pineapple • Plum • Pomegranate • Raspberries • Strawberries • Tangerines • Watermelon
Sample Shopping ListHealthy Fats • Almonds • Avocado • Cashews • Coconut Butter • Coconut Flakes • Coconut Milk • Coconut Oil • Macadamia Nuts • Pecans • Olives • Olive oil • Animal Fats • Clarified Butter/Ghee* *Not to be confused with plain, old butter, which is out! Instructions on how to clarify (i.e. separate fat from the milk proteins) are easy to find on the web.
Sample Shopping ListSPICES/Seasonings • Allspice • Bay Leaves • Basil (Fresh/Dried) • Black Pepper • Cardamom • Cayenne • Celery Seed • Chili Powder • Chives • Cilantro • Cinnamon • Cloves • Cocoa (100%) • Coriander • Cumin • Curry Powder • Dill (Fresh or Seeds) • Fennel Seed • Garlic • Ginger • Lemongrass • Marjoram • Nutmeg • Oregano • Parsley • Rosemary • Sage • Salt • Tarragon • Thyme • Vinegar* • Vanilla • White pepper *Except malt vinegar which contains gluten
Read your labels • Or even better yet, eat things that don’t need labels…. • Chewing gum is a serving of artificial sweetener. • Ketchup and many other condiments almost always contain sugar or even (gasp!) high-fructose corn syrup. • Make sure you purchase “unsweetened” coconut milk (or anything else for that matter).
Fine Print • Your meal sheet must be written in sufficient detail to allow us to determine what you actually ate. • We reserve the right to adjust your points if you are “gaming the system” or not meeting the spirit of the challenge.
WHY? • Why are we doing this? • Nutrition is the foundation of your athletic performance. • Food is a drug. Chances are, unless you’ve done this before, you do not have a complete understanding of how foods affect you. • You will positively change your habits and eating patterns. • You will increase awareness of what you eat by accounting for it in writing. • You will reset your taste buds, especially regarding sweetness. • You will eliminate insulin spikes • You will eliminate sources of inflammation • You will be eating nutrient rich foods instead of nutrient-poor/calorie dense foods
WHY? • Why no Dairy? • Provoke Inflammatory response • Linked to autoimmune conditions (asthma, lupus, allergies, arthritis, psoriasis and acne). • Causes insulin spikes • Causes problems for gluten intolerant and (of course) lactose-intolerant people. • Why no Grains? • Cause insulin spikes • Empty calories when compared to vegetables/fruit. • Causes probles from gluten intolerant people • Why no Legumes? • Inferior source of protein when compared to lean animal meat/eggs. • Cause insulin spikes • Toxic when improperly prepared/soaked. • Soy specifically, mimics the sex hormone, estrogen. • Peanuts (a legume, by the way) harbor carcinogenic mold, “aflatoxin.”
MOTIVATION • You are experimenting with the complex chemistry of your digestive system. Even a small amount of unauthorized foods can contaminate your experiment and waste your prior efforts. • Planning ahead is critical to your success – especially over the holiday. • This is not “too hard”. Dealing with chronic sickness and poor performance due to life-long poor eating habits is. • The pay off is a different relationship with food, better performance and a better understanding of how food affects you.
Troubleshooting • Are your ingredients 100% approved? • Are you eating at least 3+ meals/day? • Are your meals frequent enough? • Are you eating breakfast? • Are you eating a post workout meal after training? • Are you eating enough fat?
AFTER THE CHALLENGE • It’s not over. On Day 31, Don’t binge eat pancakes, ice cream, pizza and beer, instead… • Gradually reintroduce foods and spend a few days observing how they affect you. For example: • Day 31: Dairy • Day 34: Non-gluten containing grains (oats, rice) • Day 37: Gluten-containing grains (like wheat) • Day 40: Legumes • If you don’t miss something, don’t reintroduce it.
Athlete: ____________________ BUDDY SIGNS: ______________(1xweek) Date:_________________ DAILY Meal Sheet F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: Everything you ate, no matter how little, must be on this sheet!
ATHLETE:___________________ DAILY POINT SHEET DATE:______________ EAT LIKE YOU CROSSFIT!
Thomas Magnum Athlete: ____________________ BUDDY SIGNS: ______________(1xweek) Date:_________________ DAILY Meal Sheet 11/1/2011 F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: F: P: C: Everything you ate, no matter how little, must be on this sheet!
Thomas Magnum Athlete: ____________________ BUDDY SIGNS: ______________(1xweek) Date:_________________ DAILY Meal Sheet 11/2/2011 J.Q.Higgins III ZONED 4 4 F: P: 4 C: 2 2 2 F: P: C: 4 4 4 F: P: C: 2 2 2 F: P: C: 2 2 2 F: P: C: 4 4 4 F: P: C: Everything you ate, no matter how little, must be on this sheet!