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Fair Share Scheduling

Explore fair share scheduling concepts, queueing theory, and priority scheduling in this comprehensive guide by Ethan Bolker. Learn about degradation, response time computations, shares semantics, and more.

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Fair Share Scheduling

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  1. Fair Share Scheduling Ethan Bolker Mathematics & Computer Science UMass Boston eb@cs.umb.edu www.cs.umb.edu/~eb Queen’s University March 23, 2001

  2. Acknowledgements • Yiping Ding • Jeff Buzen • Dan Keefe • Oliver Chen • Chris Thornley • Aaron Ball • Tom Larard • Anatoliy Rikun • Liying Song References • www.bmc.com/patrol/fairshare • www/cs.umb.edu/~eb/goalmode

  3. Coming Attractions • Queueing theory primer • Fair share semantics • Priority scheduling; conservation laws • Predicting response times from shares • analytic formula • experimental validation • applet simulation • Implementation geometry

  4. Transaction Workload • Stream of jobs visiting a server (ATM, time shared CPU, printer, …) • Jobs queue when server is busy • Input: • Arrival rate:  job/sec • Service demand: s sec/job • Performance metrics: • server utilization: u = s (must be  1) • response time: r = ??? sec/job (average) • degradation: d = r/s

  5. Response time computations • r, d measure queueing delay r  s (d  1), unless parallel processing possible • Randomness really matters r = s (d = 1) if arrivals scheduled (best case, no waiting) r >> s for bulk arrivals (worst case, maximum delays) • Theorem. If arrivals are Poisson and service is exponentially distributed (M/M/1) then d = 1/(1- u) r = s/(1- u) • Think: virtual server with speed 1-u

  6. M/M/1 • Essential nonlinearity often counterintuitive • at u = 95% average degradation is 1/(1-0.95) = 20, • but 1 customer in 20 has no wait at all (5% idle time) • A useful guide even when hypotheses fail • accurate enough ( 30%) for real computer systems • d depends only on u: many small jobs have same impact as few large jobs • faster system  smaller s  smaller u r = s/(1-u)  double win: less service, less wait • waiting costly, server cheap (telephones): want u  0 • server costly (doctors): want u  1 but scheduled

  7. Scheduling for Performance • Customers want good response times • Decreasing u is expensive • High end Unix offerings from HP, IBM, Sun offer fair share scheduling packages that allow an administrator to allocate scarce resources (CPU, processes, bandwidth) among workloads • How do these packages behave? • Model as a black box, independent of internals • Limit study to CPU shares on a uniprocessor

  8. Multiple Job Streams • Multiple workloads, utilizations u1, u2, … • U =  ui < 1 • If no workload prioritization then all degradations are equal: di = 1/(1-U) • Share allocations are de facto prioritizations • Study degradation vector V = (d1, d2, …)

  9. Share Semantics • Suppose workload w has CPU share fw • Normalize shares so that w fw = 1 • w gets fraction fw of CPU time slices when at least one of its jobs is ready for service • Can it use more if competing workloads idle? No : think share = cap Yes : think share = guarantee

  10. Shares As Caps • Good for accounting (sell fraction of web server) • Available now from IBM, HP, soon from Sun • Straightforward (boring) - workloads are isolated • Each runs on a virtual processor with speed *= f share f dedicated system utilization u u/f need f > u ! response time r r(1  u)/(f  u)

  11. Shares As Guarantees • Good for performance + economy (use otherwise idle resources) • Shares make a difference only when there are multiple workloads • Large share resembles high priority: share may be less than utilization • Workload interaction is subtle, often unintuitive, hard to explain

  12. OS Performance Goals response time report measure frequently update query workload Model complex scheduling software analytic algorithms fast computation Modeling

  13. Modeling • Real system • Complex, dynamic, frequent state changes • Hard to tease out cause and effect • Model • Static snapshot, deals in averages and probabilities • Fast enlightening answers to “what if ” questions • Abstraction helps you understand real system • Start with a study of priority scheduling

  14. Priority Scheduling • Priority state: order workloads by priority (ties OK) • two workloads, 3 states: 12, 21, [12] • three workloads, 13 states: • 123 (6 = 3! of these ordered states), • [12]3 (3 of these), • 1[23] (3 of these), • [123] (1 state with no priorities) • n wkls, f(n) states, n! ordered (simplex lock combos) • p(s) = prob( state = s ) = fraction of time in state s • V(s) = degradation vector when state = s (measure this, or compute it using queueing theory) • V = s p(s)V(s) (time avg is convex combination) • Achievable region is convex hull of vectors V(s)

  15. Two workloads d1 = d2 d2 V(12) (wkl 1 high prio)  V([12]) (no priorities)  achievable region  V(21) d1

  16. Two workloads d1 = d2 d2 V(12) (wkl 1 high prio)  V([12]) (no priorities)   0.5 V(12) + 0.5V(21)  V([12])  V(21) d1

  17. Two workloads d1 = d2 d2 V(12) (wkl 1 high prio)  V([12]) (no priorities)  note: u1 < u2  wkl 2 effect on wkl 1 large  V(21) d1

  18. Conservation • No Free Lunch Theorem. Weighted average degradation is constant, independent of priority scheduling scheme: i (ui /U) di = 1/(1-U) • Provable from some hypotheses • Observable in some real systems • Sometimes false: shortest job first minimizes average response time (printer queues, supermarket express checkout lines)

  19. Conservation • For any proper set A of workloads Imagine giving those workloads top priority. Then can pretend other wkls don’t exist. In that case i  A (ui /U(A)) di= 1/(1-U(A)) When wkls in A have lower priorities they have higher degradations, so in general i  A (ui /U(A)) di 1/(1-U(A)) • These 2n -2 linear inequalities determine the convex achievable regionR • R is a permutahedron: only n! vertices

  20. Two Workloads conservation law: (d1, d2 ) lies on the line d2 : workload 2 degradation u1d1 + u2d2 = 1/(1-U) d1 : workload 1 degradation

  21. Two Workloads d2 : workload 2 degradation constraint resulting from workload 1 d1 1/(1- u1 ) d1 : workload 1 degradation

  22. Two Workloads Workload 1 runs at high priority: V(1,2) = (1 /(1- u1 ), 1 /(1- u1 )(1-U) )  d2 : workload 2 degradation constraint resulting from workload 1 d1  1 /(1- u1 ) d1 : workload 1 degradation

  23. Two Workloads  d2 : workload 2 degradation u1d1 + u2d2 = 1/(1-U) d2  1 /(1- u2 )  V(2,1) d1 : workload 1 degradation

  24. Two Workloads  V(1,2) = (1 /(1- u1 ), 1 /(1- u1 )(1-U) ) d2 : workload 2 degradation achievable region R u1d1 + u2d2 = 1/(1-U) d2  1 /(1- u2 )  V(2,1) d1  1 /(1- u1 ) d1 : workload 1 degradation

  25. Three Workloads • Degradation vector (d1,d2, d3) lies on plane u1 d1 + u2 d2 + u3dr3 = C • We know a constraint for each workload w: uw dw Cw • Conservation applies to each pair of wkls as well: u1 d1 + u2 d2 C12 • Achievable region has one vertex for each priority ordering of workloads: 3! = 6 in all • Hence its name: the permutahedron

  26. Three Workload Permutahedron 3! = 6 vertices (priority orders) 23 - 2 = 6 edges (conservation constraints) u1 r1 + u2 d2 + u3 d3 = C d3 V(1,2,3)   V(2,1,3) d2 d1

  27. Experimental evidence

  28. Four workload permutahedron 4! = 24 vertices (ordered states) 24 - 2 = 14 facets (proper subsets) (conservation constraints) 74 faces (states) Simplicial geometry and transportation polytopes, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 217 (1976) 138.

  29. Map shares to degradations- two workloads - • Suppose f1 and f2 > 0 , f1 + f2 = 1 • Model: System operates in state • 12 with probability f1 • 21 with probability f2 (independent of who is on queue) • Average degradation vector: V = f1 V(12) + f2 V(21)

  30. Predict Degradations From Shares(Two Workloads) • Reasonable modeling assumption: f1 = 1, f2 = 0 means workload 1 runs at high priority • For arbitrary shares: workload priority order is (1,2) with probability f1 (2,1) with probability f2 (probability = fraction of time) • Compute average workload degradation: d1 = f1  (wkl 1 degradation at high priority) + f2 (wkl 1 degradation at low priority ) Fair Share Scheduling

  31. Model validation

  32. Model validation

  33. Map shares to degradations- three (n) workloads - f1 f2 f3 prob(123) = ------------------------------ (f1 + f2 +f3) (f2 +f3) (f3) • Theorem: These n! probabilities sum to 1 • interesting identity generalizing adding fractions • prove by induction, or by coupon collecting • V = ordered states s prob(s) V(s) • O(n!), (n!), good enough for n  9 (12)

  34. Model validation

  35. Model validation

  36. The Fair Share Applet • Screen captures on next slides are from www.bmc.com/patrol/fairshare • Experiment with “what if” fair share modeling • Watch a simulation • Random virtual job generator for the simulation is the same one used to generate random real jobs for our benchmark studies

  37. 1 2 3 Three Transaction Workloads ??? • Three workloads, each with utilization 0.32 jobs/second  1.0 seconds/job = 0.32 = 32% • CPU 96% busy, so average (conserved) response time is 1.0/(10.96) = 25 seconds • Individual workload average response times depend on shares ??? ???

  38. 1 sum 80.0 32.0 2 48.0 3 20.0 Three Transaction Workloads • Normalized f3 = 0.20 means 20% of the time workload 3 (development) would be dispatched at highest priority • During that time, workload priority order is (3,1,2) for 32/80 of the time, (3,2,1) for 48/80 • Probability( priority order is 312 ) = 0.20(32/80) = 0.08

  39. Three Transaction Workloads • Formulas on previous slide • Average predicted response time weighted by throughput 25 seconds (as expected) • Hard to understand intuitively • Software helps

  40. note change from 32% Three Transaction Workloads

  41. jobs currently on run queue Simulation

  42. When the Model Fails • Real CPU uses round robin scheduling to deliver time slices • Short jobs never wait for long jobs to complete • That resembles shortest job first, so response time conservation law fails • At high utilization, simulation shows smaller response times than predicted by model • Response time conservation law yields conservative predictions

  43. Scaling Degradation Predictions • V = ordered states s prob(s) V(s) • Each s is a permutation of (1,2, … , n) • Think of it as a vector in n-space • Those n! vectors lie on of a sphere • For n large they are pretty densely packed • Think of prob(s) as a discrete approximation to a probability distribution on the sphere • V is an integral

  44. Monte Carlo • loop sampleSize times choose a permutation s at random from the distribution determined by the shares compute degradation vector V(s) accumulate V += prob(s)V(s) • sampleSize = 40000 works well independent of n!

  45. Map shares to degradations(geometry) • Interpret shares as barycentric coordinates in the n-1 simplex • Study the geometry of the map from the simplex to the n-1 dimensional permutahedron • Easy when n=2: each is a line segment and map is linear

  46. Mapping a triangle to a hexagon f3 = 1 f1 = 0 312 132 f1 = 1  M f3 = 0 321 123 wkl 1 high priority 213 231 wkl 1 low priority

  47. Mapping a triangle to a hexagon f1 = 0 f1 = 1  {23}

  48. Mapping a triangle to a hexagon

  49. What This Means • Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic • Summarize key points you want your audience to remember

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