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ESRI International Users Conference

Learn about the North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project and survey results on capturing vector data layers for long-term retention. Find out key results, frameworks, and implications for local producers and state archives.

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ESRI International Users Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data Snapshot Archiving: A Frequency of Capture SurveySteve MorrisJeff EssicNorth Carolina State University LibrariesJeffrey BrownNorth Carolina Center for Geographic Information & Analysis ESRI International Users Conference June 20, 2007

  2. Project Background North Carolina Geospatial Data Archiving Project • Partnership with Library of Congress under the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program • Connected with NC OneMap effort (state/local/federal) Issue: How frequently should county and municipal vector data layers be captured in archives? Parcels, centerlines, jurisdictions, zoning, … Parcel Boundary Changes 2001-2004, North Raleigh, NC

  3. Survey Objectives • Target all 100 counties and 25 largest municipalities • Try to avoid focus on backup strategies (very difficult) • Constraint: Keep survey short and interesting • Concurrent with RAMONA inventory push • Needed to avoid adding to contact fatigue associated with various survey efforts • Work towards best practices in archives • Provide guidance back to local producers • Inform efforts at State Archives • Engage community in discussion about archiving • Harvest use cases for older data to sell value of archives

  4. Survey Formulation and Implementation • Survey Formulation (Community Engagement) • Initial questions developed by NCSU Libraries, NCCGIA, and State Archives • Process vetted by stakeholder organizations • Initial test run by Local Government Committee Advisory Team • Survey Implementation • Used SurveyMonkey.com • Total of 28 Questions • Open Sept. 13-28, 2006 • Response rate: 57.6% (exceeded expectations)

  5. Question #1 (the filter) “Do you create periodic snapshots of any vector datasets for long-term retention and archiving?” Response: yes = 65.3%, no = 34.7%* (out of 57.6% response rate) * Respondents answering “No” automatically skip most of the remaining questions

  6. Framework Data Questions • Targeting Key, Changing Framework Layers • Parcels • Street centerlines • Jurisdictional boundaries • Zoning • Questions • Capture frequency • Format of snapshot • Format conversion involved? • Attributes saved with the geometry?

  7. Other Questions • Technical questions • Storage environment? • Onsite or offsite storage? • Policy questions • Provide access to snapshots? • What business rules drive archive development? • Other archives questions • How far back do archives go? • What other data layers saved? • Disposition of superceded orthophotos? • Scanning/rectification of analog maps or imagery?

  8. Key Results: Capture Frequency

  9. Key Results: Capture Frequency

  10. Key Results: Formats

  11. Key Results: Formats

  12. Key Results: Attributes

  13. Key Results: Metadata

  14. Key Results: Metadata

  15. Key Results: Metadata

  16. Key Results: Reasons for Archiving

  17. Key Results: Digitization Efforts

  18. Other Observations • Process of survey formulation and implementation helped to socialize the problem of archiving data • Local innovation needs to be mined further to inform development of best practices • Business drivers for archiving need more study (i.e. stated adherence to retention policy) • Exposure to peer practice encourages archiving • Pronounced local interest in scanning/rectifying older analog maps and imagery

  19. Questions? Steve Morris Head, Digital Library Initiatives Steven_Morris@ncsu.edu Jeff Essic Data Services Librarian Jeff_Essic@ncsu.edu Web site: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/ncgdap/

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