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Part seven Extended Talent & Leadership 0618.07

A comprehensive series exploring excellence, innovation, value-adding strategies, and leadership principles for success in the modern world. Join in to discover thought-provoking insights and practical guidance.

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Part seven Extended Talent & Leadership 0618.07

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  1. NOTE:To appreciate this presentation [and insure that it is not a mess], you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller”and“Verdana”

  2. NOTE: To appreciate this presentation, you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller” and “Verdana”MasterExcellence. Always.part one (of 7)“all you need to know”(dwelling on the obvious)not your father’s worldintroduction to excellence.18 june 2007

  3. NOTE: To appreciate this presentation, you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller” and “Verdana”Master*Excellencepart two (of 7)innovate.Or.Die.18 june 2007

  4. NOTE: To appreciate this presentation, you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller” and “Verdana”Master/Excellence. Always./part THREE (of 7)up, up, up,up …the value added ladder(solutions-experiences-dreams-lovemarks)18 June 2007

  5. NOTE: To appreciate this presentation, you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller” and “Verdana”Master/Excellence. Always./part FOUR (of 7)“new” Markets(Stupendous Opportunity)18 June 2007

  6. NOTE: To appreciate this presentation, you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller” and “Verdana”MasterExcellence. Always.part FIVE (of 7)people!(Brand you. Talent. Health. Education. Leadership.)18 june 2007

  7. NOTE: To appreciate this presentation, you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller” and “Verdana”Master*Excellencepart SIX (of 7)excellence.summaries.Lists.18 june 2007

  8. Part sevenExtended Talent & Leadership0618.07

  9. Slides at …tompeters.com

  10. “We all agree your theory is crazy. The question, which divides us, is whether it is crazy enough.”—Niels Bohr, to Wolfgang Pauli

  11. part one

  12. NOTE: In what follows you will find a variety of “openings.” I mix and match from this section depending on the demographics, industry and nationality of the target audience.

  13. Tom Peters’ X25*EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.MASTER/0618.2007/Part ONE*In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

  14. tom peters’“excellence. Always.”1. Excellence! Always!2. context. 3,000,000,000 new capitalists!3. Innovate or die!4. Revenue Matters Most!5. Up+Up+Up+up the “Value-added Ladder”! (commodity to “ gamechanging solution” to “breathtaking experience” to “lovemark”)6. Make . Much. Money. Damn it! (women-Boomers-geezers)7. Action!/Try It!/Execution!8. Best “roster” wins!9. Emotional Leadership!/ Leading for excellence!10. Excellence! Always!

  15. Our Story LineNot your father’s worldBig = Pitiful.Excellence. Always./“only-ones-who-do-what-we-do.”(what else?)Innovate. Or. Die.Up. Up. Up. Up. Up, Up, Up the “Value Added Chain.”(Raw materials. Goods. Services. Implemented-gamechanging Solutions. Scintillating experiences. Dreams come true. Lovemark.)Stupendous-underserved “New” Markets(Women, Boomers & geezers)Talent = Brand. /You = Brand You. /educate-for-creativityLeading with passion & relentlessness(“21st Century Leadership. Ha.)

  16. The StoryNot your father’s worldBig = Pitiful.Excellence. Always. (what else?)Innovate. Or. Die.Up, Up, Up the “Value Added Chain.”“New” Markets (Women, Boomers)Talent = Brand.Leading with passion

  17. *Context/5/42/500/900.*Weeks of Whoops!*Built to Flop: Pitiful Performance!*Innovate. Or. die. *Value-added Ladder/raw materials to “lovemarks.” *BEDROCK: “MODEL PSF.*“New” Markets/women. Boomers-geezers.* “aside”: “Eternal” Basics.*Talent. BRAND YOU. Education.*VIRAL Leadership.

  18. Re-imagine! Speech: Story Line in 100 Words or Less • 1. Wildly altered context (technology, China-India, global terrorism, etc) • Only answer: adaptive skills and bold-breathtaking innovation • (top-line focus rather than cost-cutting focus) • 3. Race way, way up the value-added curve (implemented “game-altering solutions” rather than “services,” “experiences” rather than “transactions,” and much more) • 4. As part of value-added exercise, pursue Ripe & Enormous “new” markets—Women, Boomers & Geezers • 5. Radical (!!!) use of IS-IT • A “Roster” of Weird & Wondrous & Entrepreneurial “Talent” engaged • in “Wow Projects” • “Metabolic Leadership” (Passionate-Radical Leaders who instill a Discipline of Execution, a Quick Tempo-Adaptive Culture and • an appetite to “Eat Radical Change for Breakfast”) • (96 words by my count)

  19. Bias/es:Trained by “Mess-ists”— those with a non-linear view of the world. Hobbies are history & statistics.* Professional life, center of,Silicon Valley, 1970-2000.Axiom2007: The older I get, the less boring the “basics” become.*Favorite book, Nassim Nicholas Taleb—Fooled By Randomness

  20. Tom Peters’ X25*EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.MASTER/0618.2007/Part ONE*In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

  21. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”—Charles Darwin

  22. Game plan: The unvarnished Basics

  23. Hire Great People(Resilient, Passionate)Try a Lot of Stuff(S.A.V./R.F.A.)Enjoy It While It Lasts

  24. Tom’s “Change Rules”Cause. (pissed off.)Try it. (S.A.V.)Fail. Forward. Fast.Quests. Demos. Heroes. Stories. Boonies. (Parallel universe.)<12.Just Say No: Normal.Attitude>Ability.Wow. “Insanely great.”Sell! Sell! Sell!Master politics!

  25. Excellence! Always! Soft is hard. Hard is soft. (People, customers “hard,” #s “soft”)25(“Blinding flash of the obvious”)Wow! (Passion! Enthusiasm! Hot language! “Insanely great”—Steve Jobs)Wow EVERYWHERE (Jim’s Group, Basement Systems Inc)Innovate. Or die.Top line obsession!!! (CRO/Chief Revenue Officer; Sales>Marketing; “cost cutting = death spiral”—VH)Innovation = Mess(“What makes God laugh?” “People making plans.”)1/100 (Big over-rated/Mega-mergers destroy value/“Built to last” chimera“Built to last” v “Built to rock the world” (TP’s love affair with Netscape) “Last word” = There is no last word!0/800 (We are who we hang out with/Weird for weird times)Lead the customer!Whacky Wild WikiWorld!(Electronic planetary scrum.)Try stuff!!!!!!!!!(R.F.A., S.A.V.) (Ready. Fire. Aim. Screw Around Vigorously.)Fail. Forward. Fast. (“Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.)Try MORE stuff!!!(“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”)Parallel Universe(Jill Ker Conway, Starbucks’ 1%, Intel V.C. fund, China!)4/40 (4 “learnings” in 40 years: Decentralization, Execution, Accountability, 6:15AM)Lord Nelson(“Other admirals more afraid of losing …”)Up, Up, Up the VA Ladder (Solutions/PSF, Experience; Dreamketing; Lovemark)Women rule! (Buy all ! Control all wealth! Better leaders!)$15,000,000,000,000/7 of 13 (Boomers. Geezers. Wealth. Half of life still to go)Brand You (Or else!)PSF!!! (All)Talent = Brand(“Leaders do people,” “connoisseur of talent,” Send ’em on bold Quests, HR rules! <CapEx$$, >PeopleX$$$ ) (Think: Wegmans)195,000 (Healthcare: Quality-Safety/EMR/DSS, Prevention-Wellness, Public Health #1!)“Teach to test” = Evil! (The Creative Age is a wide-open game.” —Richard Florida) Leadership/12Ps (Purpose. Passion. Potential. Presence. Personal. Pissed off.Playful. Persistence. People. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.)“Do one thing every day that scares you.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)Basics! (Decency. Flowers. Grace. Respect. Servant. Host. Etc.)

  26. This I Believe: Tom’s Super-TIB251. TECHNICOLOR Times.2. Passion! Enthusiasm! Energy!3. Action/R.F.A./O.O.D.A. Speed.4. Screw-ups. BIG SCREW-Ups!5. Mess! Improv!6. Revolution! Re-imagine!7. INNOVATE OR DIE! 8.Decentralize!9.Bulk is BULL! (Mergers don’t work. FOCUS Does!)10 “Different” > “Better”11. eALL/Power Tools for Power Strategies!12. Forgetting/Destruction.13. Hot Language Matters!14. WOW!/WOW Projects.15. VA Bedrock: The “PSF.” (Professional Service Firm.)16. Daring.17. Talent Time! Leaders “Do” People!18. Talent+/Diversity.19. Talent++/Women Rule!20. “Brand You” Universe.21. Design!22. Gasp-worthy Experiences/Lovemarks.23. New Market Demographics/Women/Boomers & Geezers/Green/Wellness.24.Grace.25.EXCELLENCE!

  27. Sir Richard’s RulesFollow your passions.Keep it simple.Get the best people to help you.Re-create yourself.Play.Source: Fortune/10.03

  28. All you need to know …

  29. 25

  30. You = Your calendar**Calendars neverlie

  31. “You must bethe change you wish to see in the world.”Gandhi

  32. “20-minute rule”—Craig Johnson/30 yrs

  33. >70**Hank Paulson, China visits, Fortune 1127.06

  34. “I called 60 CEOs in the first week of the year] to wish them happy New Year. …”—Hank Paulson, former CEO, Goldman SachsSource: Fortune, “Secrets of Greatness,” 0320.05

  35. MBWA, Grameen Style!“Conventional banks ask their clients to come to their office. It’s a terrifying place for the poor and illiterate. … The entire Grameen Bank system runs on the principle that people should not come to the bank, the bank should go to the people. … If any staff member is seen in the office, it should be taken as a violation of the rules of the Grameen Bank. … It is essential that [those setting up a new village Branch] have no office and no place to stay. The reason is to make us as different as possible from government officials.” Source: Muhammad Yunus, Banker to the Poor

  36. “… a blinding flash of the obvious”—Manny Garcia

  37. The older I get the less boring the “basics” become!

  38. “The onething you need to know about sustained individual success: Discover what you don’t like doing and stopdoing it.”—Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know

  39. All you need to know …except for …

  40. Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life, was asked, “What was the most important lesson you’ve learned in you long and distinguished career?” His immediate answer: “remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the bathtub”

  41. This is it:All you need to know …

  42. Thank you!!!

  43. Thank you Ann!!!


  45. The …Jim Jeffords oversight!

  46. “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.”—Henry Clay


  48. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.”—Philo of Alexandria

  49. The Manager’s Book of Decencies: How Small /gestures Build Great Companies.—Steve Harrison, Adecco

  50. The Manager’s Book of Decencies: How Small gestures Build Great Companies.—Steve Harrison, Adecco Servant Leadership —Robert Greenleaf One: The Art and Practice of Conscious Leadership—Lance Secretan, founder of Manpower, Inc. (“What would happen if we looked at a customer and saw the face of God in them?”)

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