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Energy Honours Library Training February 2011. Pavlinka Kovatcheva Sciences Librarian pkovatcheva@uj.ac.za. Library Support to Honours Students. Sciences Librarian Portal & Geography Subject Portal Subject Librarian Help with Training, Queries & Searches
Energy Honours Library TrainingFebruary 2011 Pavlinka Kovatcheva Sciences Librarian pkovatcheva@uj.ac.za
Library Support to Honours Students • Sciences Librarian Portal & Geography Subject Portal • Subject Librarian Help with Training, Queries & Searches • Course Reserves (books/articles on reserve) • MyUJLink (your library account) • Inter Campus Loan & Inter Library Loan (via Pavlinka) • Getting started with your Research Assignment - Managing your Literature References (RefWorks) - Plagiarism: How to avoid it? - Citing and Referencing (Harvard method) • Accessing Information Resources (Library Databases- REMOTE ACCESS) • Accessing Information Resources requires a library PIN
Engaged in Research • Direct access to Engaged in Research (Research web for Biosciences) (http://www.engageinresearch.ac.uk) • Where to look for information Sciences Librarian Portal (http://ujsciencelibrarian.pbworks.com) or • Energy Subject Portal (http://ujsciencelibrarian.pbworks.com/Energy)
UJ Sciences Librarian Portalhttp://ujsciencelibrarian.pbworks.com/
Energy Subject Portalhttp://ujsciencelibrarian.pbwiki.com/Energy
New Classification System for Books: Dewey http://bpeck.com/references/DDC/ddc_mine500.htm
RefWorksAn online research management, writing and collaboration tool -- to help researchers easily gather, manage, store and share all types of information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies
SEARCHING TECHNIQUES • SEARCH STRATEGY • Understand what is required • Identify the concepts • Translate the concepts into keywords • BOOLEAN OPERATORS ( AND, OR , NOT) • TRUNCATION ( * ) • WILDCARD CHARACTER ( ? ) • PHRASE SEARCH ( “ “ ) • USE OF PARENTHESIS ( )
BOOLEAN OPERATOR: AND Using AND tells the database to look for all the words on either side of the AND. Thus, a search for "success AND adult learners AND distance education" would retrieve only records in which every one of the terms appears. The more words you connect with AND, the fewer records the database will retrieve. AND means "I want only documents that contain both words."
BOOLEAN OPERATOR: OR • OR The more terms or concepts we combine in a search with OR logic, the more records we will retrieve. • Using OR tells the database to look for any one of the words on either side of the OR. • Thus, a search for "success OR achievement OR progress OR goals" would retrieve records in which any one of the terms appears. • OR means "I want documents that contain either word; I don't care which word."
REFERENCE TECHNIQUES To access full Reference Techniques document, go to the Library main page: http://www.uj.ac.za/library Click on: Reference Techniques OR Consult the reference techniques from “South African Geographical Journal” Shelf number: AA6 SUID – Level 2 Online full-text access: SA E-Publications, 2003+
Basic in-text referencing (citing) In-text reference where the author of the source is known Simply use whatever you used as author in the reference, as well as the year of publication. Always insert the page number where possible. Examples: …the result of this is a “technical super identity” (Erikson, 1967:20). Azar and Martin (1999) found that… (As part of the sentence) …thus Cox (1966:52) refers to the modern urbanite as… In-text reference to more than one source: In-text reference to more than one author should be ordered alphabetically. Examples: More recent studies (Bartlett, 1992; James, 1998) show that… The researchers (Bartlett, 1992:54; Brown, 1876:56; James, 1998:45) refer to…
GENERAL FORMS FOR REFERENCE LISTS Non-periodical Author, A.A. (1994). Title of work. Location: Publisher. Non-periodicals include items published separately: books, reports,brochures, certain monographs, manuals, and audiovisual media. Part of a Non-periodical Author, A.A. & Author, B.B. (1994). Title of chapter. In Title of book. Edited by Editor, A., Editor, B. & Editor, C. Location: Publisher. Periodical Author, A.A., Author, B.B. & Author, C.C. (1994). Title of article. Title of periodical, xx:xxx-xxxx. (Volume/Issue number/Pages) Periodicals include items published on a regular basis: journals, magazines, scholarly newsletters, etc. Online periodical Author, A.A., Author, B.B. & Author, C.C. (2000). Title of article. Title of periodical, xx:xxx-xxxx. (Volume/Issue number/Pages) Available from: web address (Accessed day Month year). Online document Author, A.A. (2000). Title of work. Available from: web address (Accessed day Month year).