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Status of the sc cw LINAC Demonstrator. Florian Dziuba Institut für Angewandte Physik Frankfurt am Main Max school 2013 1st and 2nd October 2013. Content. Content. The cw LINAC Demonstrator 217 MHz CH- cavity Horizontal cryostat Timetable. 1. The cw LINAC Demonstrator.
Status ofthesccw LINAC Demonstrator Florian Dziuba Institut für Angewandte Physik Frankfurt am Main Max school 2013 1st and 2nd October 2013
Content Content The cw LINAC Demonstrator 217 MHz CH-cavity Horizontal cryostat Timetable
1. The cw LINAC Demonstrator The cwLINAC Demonstrator collaborationbetweenthe Helmholtz Institut Mainz (HIM), GSI and IAP A fullperformancetestofthedemonstrator in 2014 isoneimportantmilestone on thewayto a newsccw LINAC at GSI The HLI shouldbeusedas an injector forthecw LINAC demonstrator Dome First layoutofthe horizontal cryostatforthecwdemonstrator (Babcock Noell, GSI, IAP) The cwdemonstratormountedstraightaheadtothe HLI Support frame sc solenoids sc 217 MHz CH-cavity 5500 mm
2. 217 MHz CH-cavity Tuner flange The productionofthecavityhasstarted in June 2012 atRI GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. Estimateddeliveryto IAP forfirstcoldtests: Beginning 2014 Helium out Helium vessel Main parametersofthe 217 MHz CH-structure Dynamic bellow tuner Prepartion flange Statictuner Inclined end stem Pickup flange Couplerflange 3D-model ofthesc 217 MHz cavitywithheliumvesselmadeoftitanium
2. 217 MHz CH-cavity Tuner flange The productionofthecavityhasstarted in June 2012 atRI GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. Estimateddeliveryto IAP forfirstcoldtests: Beginning 2014 Helium out Helium vessel Dynamic bellow tuner Prepartion flange Statictuner Inclined end stem Pickup flange Couplerflange Simulatedvoltagedistribution 3D-model ofthesc 217 MHz cavitywithheliumvesselmadeoftitanium
2. 217 MHz CH-cavity Staticanddynamicfrequencytuners 44 mm 9 statictuners 3 dynamictuners 24 mm 68 mm 44 mm Simulatedfrequencygainofthe different tunertypes 24 mm 56 mm 24 mm
2. 217 MHz CH-cavity Dynamic tunerdriveforsc CH cavities A prototype of the new tuner drive was built at the workshop of the IAP. Currently, it is tested under room temperature conditions. Further tests in the clean room and at 4 K are foreseen during the next months. Tuner drivemountedtotheheliumvesselof a sc CH cavity (left), frequencytuningsystemincludingdynamicbellowtuner (middle), andexplodedviewdrawingof all singlecomponentsofthetunerdrive (right).
2. 217 MHz CH-cavity Status offabrication: Bellow tuner
2. 217 MHz CH-cavity Status offabrication: Stems
2. 217 MHz CH-cavity Status offabrication: Completionofstemsandgirders, end caps after hydroforming
3. Horizontal cryostat Overview horizontal cryostat Fabricationofthevesselandofthesolenoidshasstarted in August 2013 atCryogenic Estimateddelivery: Middleof 2014 • Design criteria of the new cryostat: • modular design, universally useable • various flanges for assembling options, power couplers, tuners, the cryosupply • three part cryostat for easy assembling • all parts with lifting hooks • frame adjustable from outside • dome for electrical supplies with a reservoir for cryogenic liquids • position control with fiducials • transversal tolerance ±0.2 mm • LHe reservoir 100 l / h • estimated losses 2 l / h Dome Sc CH cavity Scsolenoids Support frame Final design ofthe horizontal cryomoduleforthecwdemonstrator. (Cryogenic Limited, London, UK)
4. Outlook Overview horizontal cryostat Estimateddelivery: Middleof 2014 Main parametersofthecryostat Dome Sc CH cavity Scsolenoids Support frame Final design ofthe horizontal cryomoduleforthecwdemonstrator. (Cryogenic Limited, London, UK)
3. Horizontal cryostat Overview horizontal cryostat Estimateddelivery: Middleof 2014 µ-metalshield Thermal shield (aluminum)
3. Horizontal cryostat Design ofthesupportframeandthesolenoid Superconducting217 MHz CH cavityandtwosuperconducting9.3 T solenoidsmounted in thesupportframeofthecryostat (left) and design ofthesolenoids (right). Main coil (NbSn) Compensationcoil (NbTi) 175 mm Copper band for dry cooling
3. Horizontal cryostat Design ofthesupportframe Nuclotron suspension Dry cooling
3. Horizontal cryostat Mountingconceptofthecoldmasses
3. Horizontal cryostat Mountingconceptofthecoldmasses
4. Timetable Timetable August 2013: Productionofthe horizontal cryostatandsolenoidshasstarted November/December 2013: First measurementsofthe 217 MHz cavityat RI (determinationofstatictunerheight, frequencygainofdynamicbellowtuners, determinationofexternalQe, bead pull measurements) Beginning 2014: First coldtestofthe 217 MHz CH cavityat IAP Feburary/March: Deliveryofthe 217 MHz cavity Middle 2014: Deliveryofcryostatwithscsolenoids – fullperforemancetests