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Financial Update: Budget Discussion & University Performance Metrics

Explore the 2012 and 2013 budget challenges, state support, expense management, tuition constraints, research funding, alumni philanthropy, and strategic aspirations for a university. Review financial metrics, revenue, and expense trends, focusing on funding sources, staffing, and operational efficiency.

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Financial Update: Budget Discussion & University Performance Metrics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Financial Update 2012 and 2013 Budget

  2. Budget Discussion Background • Challenges • State Support • Expense Increases • Tuition Ceiling • Competitive Comp. • NIH, NSF Funding • Facilities – Labs • Philanthropy - Alumni • Aspirations • Bankable Bal. Sht. • Healthy Reserves • Competitive Comp. • Affordable Tuition • 3X Funded Research • Approach • UG Enrollment • Reputation - Mktg • Facilities/Progs. • Selective Hiring • Capital Campaign • Expense Management

  3. Net Revenues and Expenses All Funds (in millions) *Net Revenues = Gross revenues less scholarships ** Expenses = Total expenditures including transfers

  4. Revenues All Funds (in millions)

  5. State Appropriation, Total Expenses and Compensation All Funds (in millions) *Compensation = Salaries, Wages and Benefits **Expenses = Total expenditures including transfers

  6. Net Revenues and Expenses Operating Fund (in millions) *Net Revenues = Gross revenues less scholarships **Expenses = Total expenditures including transfers

  7. FY12 Budget vs. FY12 ActualOperating Fund(in millions)

  8. FY12 Proforma vs. FY12 Actual Operating Fund Only(in millions)

  9. FY13 Budget vs. FY12 ActualOperating Fund Only(in millions)

  10. FY13 Budget vs. FY13 ProformaOperating Fund Only(in millions)

  11. Student Credit Hours (Total 311,109 hours) (Total 7,069 hours)

  12. Mix of Student Credit Hours Percentage by unit Includes credit hours from calendar year 2008 Includes credit hours from calendar year 2011

  13. Expenses(Operating Fund)

  14. UMKC Expense Trends Compensation (Operating Fund)

  15. Average Full Time Equivalent EmployeesFY10 vs. FY12

  16. Change in Average Full Time Equivalent EmployeesFY10 vs. FY12

  17. Salaries and WagesFY10 vs. FY12(in millions)

  18. Change in Salaries and WagesFY10 vs. FY12(in millions)

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