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Skeletal System

Skeletal System . Skeleton System. The skeletal system is broken into 2 categories Axial Skull Ribs Sternum Vertebral column Appendicular Upper extremity Lower extremity. Skull. Made up 0f 22 bones 8 bones fused together make the cranium Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital

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Skeletal System

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  1. Skeletal System

  2. Skeleton System • The skeletal system is broken into 2 categories • Axial • Skull • Ribs • Sternum • Vertebral column • Appendicular • Upper extremity • Lower extremity

  3. Skull • Made up 0f 22 bones • 8 bones fused together make the cranium • Frontal • Parietal • Temporal • Occipital • 14 bones make up the face • Mandible • Maxilla • Zygomatic • Nasal bones • Only joint that moves in the skull is the temporomandibular joint • mandible forms a hinge with temporal bone

  4. Ribs • Purpose of the ribs are to protect the heart and lungs • There are 12 pairs of ribs • 1-7: True ribs • 8-12: False ribs • 11-12: Floating ribs • Sternum • Also called the “breastbone” • Sometimes used as a painful stimulus • 3 parts • Manubrium • Articulates with clavicle • Body • Articulates with ribs 2-7 • Xiphoid process • Attachment for rectus abdominis • Also a landmark for CPR

  5. Vertebral Column • Spinal Column or vertebral column stretches from the base of skull to coccyx • Composed of bones called vertebrae • Intervertebral disks separate body of each vertebrae • Vertebrae has ligaments in front and back to help keep column together • Each vertebrae has 3 parts • Body • Spinous Process • Vertebral foramen • Holds spinal cord

  6. Sections of the Vertebral Column • There are 5 sections to the vertebral column • 7 Cervical vertebrae • Smallest vertebra • 12 Thoracic vertebrae • Articulate with the ribs • 5 Lumbar vertebrae • Supports most of the body’s weight • Sacrum • Composed of 5 fused vertebrae • Coccyx • Composed 4 fused bones • Also called the “tail bone”

  7. Shoulder Girdle • Consists of 2 bones • Scapula • Also called the shoulder blade • Free floating bone between ribs 2 & 7 posteriorly • Clavicle • Also called the collar bone • Attaches to axial skeleton

  8. Arm • Humerus • Long bone located in the upper arm • Forearm (2 bones) • Radius • Lateral long bone in the forearm • Ulna • Medial long bone in the forearm

  9. Hand • There are 27 bones that make up the hand • Carpals • 8 small bones that make up the wrist • Metacarpals • 5 long bones that make up the palm • Named according to their position in the hand • Ex. 1st metacarpal is thumb, 5th is little finger • Phalanges • 14 bones that make up the fingers • Also called digits • Each finger has 3 bones • Each thumb has 2

  10. Pelvic Girdle • Consists of 3 bones • Attaches lower limb to axial skeleton • Transmits weight of upper body to lower limb • Supports pelvic bones • 3 main bones • Ilium • Largest part of pelvic girdle • Ischium • Located posteriorly • Called “sit bones” • Pubis • Located anteriorly • Come together to form pelvis

  11. Leg • Consists of 4 bones • Femur • Longest and strongest bone in the body • Built for stability, not flexibility • Patella • Also called knee cap • Tibia • Long bone on the medial aspect of leg • 90% weight bearing • Fibula • Long bone on the lateral aspect of leg • 10% weight bearing

  12. Foot • Consists of 26 bones • Tarsals • 7 bones that make up the ankle • Metatarsals • 5 long bones of the foot • Name according to their position in the foot • Phalanges • 14 bones that make up phalanges • Each toe contains 3 • Each toe contains 2

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