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State of the District 2007-08. The State of the Santa Cruz City School District is sound and moving forward . Need to continue to address significant current and future challenges in three principal arenas. Current and Future Challenges. Three Arenas: Student Learning and Achievement
State of the District 2007-08 The State of the Santa Cruz City School District is sound and moving forward. Need to continue to address significant current and future challenges in three principal arenas.
Current and Future Challenges Three Arenas: • Student Learning and Achievement • Administrative governance, team building, and communication • Financial Stability
Student Learning and Achievement Multiple Measures • Federal (NCLB/AYP) • State (STAR/API, CAHSEE, CELDT) • Local Performance Assessments (formative, portfolio)
Student Learning and Achievement Access & Equity Equity - The purposeful unequal distribution of resources in support of proportional and equal outcomes for all students. Access - Systemic access to the following: • Core Content Curriculum • Academies • Honors/Advanced Placement • A-G Requirements
Administrative Governance,Team Building and Communication Professional Learning Communities Administrative Leadership Team Board of Trustees GSCFT & Classified Bargaining Units Community/Parents
Financial Stability • Board/District Budget and Finance Committee • Parcel Tax Measures Oversight Committee • B1 Elementary Parcel Tax Renewal • Health and Welfare Benefits Committee
Characteristics of High Performing Districts/Schools Vision: • Clear and shared purpose • Collaborative activity around a stated purpose • Collective community for the success of all students
Context: Strategic Plan Strategies 1 & 2 • We will design, communicate and implement performance standards within core disciplines, assess student progress and provide support to ensure continued success for all students. • We will utilize continuous improvement strategies at all levels of the District.
Goal 1: • To foster academic achievement as the District’s highest priority.
Objectives: • To provide all students with a rigorous standards-based, and high quality education program. • To increase student achievement and learning for all students. • To close the “achievement” gap. • To articulate and support a well-defined and rigorous academic pathway (K-12). • To utilize assessment results and data to inform and to improve instructional practices.
Activities: • Present to the Board, staff and community an assessment of student achievement, data and results based on Federal (NCLB),State (STAR, CAHSEEE), and local district measures.
ActivitiesCont’d. • Review student achievement data with Principals and direct Principals to set, support and monitor improvement goals as part of the administrative evaluation process. • Alignment: Board goals, Superintendent’s goals and objectives, District Assessment Survey, District LEA plan, and Single School Plans.
ActivitiesCont’d. 2007-08 Committees/Task Forces • District Facilities Task Force • Board/District Budget & Finance Committee • Academic Excellence Task Force • Pre-Kindergarten Committee • Dual Language Immersion Program Task Force
Context: Strategic PlanStrategy 3 • We will develop and implement a plan, involving community leaders, to meet the challenges of: • Declining Enrollment • Staff Recruitment, Retention and Development • Housing and Facilities
Goal 2: • To promote a positive and supportive view of Santa Cruz City Schools within our district and in our community which maintains trust, confidence and credibility. • To utilize formal and informal communication methods to keep Board members, district staff, parents and community members informed and up-to-date on District and site issues and concerns.
Objective: • To operate and communicate in an effective and efficient manner within clearly defined and expressed roles and responsibilities.
Activities: • Respond promptly to issues and requests raised by the Board, staff and community. • Utilize School Site Councils as vehicles through which to receive and to disseminate information. • Communicate to all stakeholders frequently and purposefully through various vehicles including the SC Sentinel and other diverse media.
Activities Cont’d. • Involve the District with public and private agencies in initiatives and partnerships that support our mission and goals • Represent and promote the District throughout the community. • 150th District Anniversary Blue Ribbon Committee
Context: Decline in enrollment, reduction in revenues, increase in costs Goal 3: • To effectively manage and oversee the District’s budget to best reflect the District’s mission and goals.
Objective: • To maintain financial accountability and budget integrity. • To develop and recommend budgets in support of and in response to District teaching and learning objectives.
Activities: • Establish a budget process that is timely and clear. • Bring accurate and current information and recommendations to the Board. • Establish and meet regularly with Board/District Budget and Finance Committee.
Context: Strategic PlanStrategy 4 • The Superintendent and School Board will organize the Santa Cruz City Schools to best achieve the mission and objectives of the Strategic Plan.
Goal 4: • To further implement the District’s mission, Board objectives, and Superintendent’s goals through professional development activities that enhance my knowledge, skills and expertise.
Objective: • To effectively lead and support the District’s vision, mission, and goals. • To utilize partnerships with ACSA and CSBA consultants to improve administrative team governance, Board and District operations and relationships. • To increase effective communication, and to more visibly lead and support District team goals, objectives, identity and status.
Activities: • Identify and attend appropriate conferences and workshops. • Maintain membership in professional organizations. • Serve on and participate in various local and state committees.
Context:Legal, contractual and collective bargaining agreements and records Goal 5: • To improve relationships with all employee groups.
Objective: • To bring to the Board for ratification, contracts and agreements that are fair and feasible, reflecting current and predicted federal, state and local budget scenarios.
Activities: • Represent the district in negotiations with all employee groups. • Meet with employee organization representatives regularly to resolve issues of mutual concern. (Calendar scheduled meetings with GSCFT, SCCCE.)
Context: • School structures, patterns and processes that support student learning and achievement as the primary expression of District’s mission.
Goal 6: • Align goals with administrators that support the District and Board’s vision, mission and objectives.