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ATDF PROJECT. Anthony Spencer Antonia Gruning Ali Welch. Client. Our client’s name is Mrs. Gibbs. Mrs. Gibbs awhile back went into a surgery to get her stomach stapled. When she came out, she was paralyzed from the waist down. The main problem Mrs. Gibbs faces and has faced is bedsores.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ATDF PROJECT Anthony Spencer Antonia Gruning Ali Welch

  2. Client • Our client’s name is Mrs. Gibbs. • Mrs. Gibbs awhile back went into a surgery to get her stomach stapled. When she came out, she was paralyzed from the waist down. • The main problem Mrs. Gibbs faces and has faced is bedsores. • Our client needs her wheelchair to prevent bedsores instead of causing them.

  3. The Magnetic Ball Plan • The idea behind this design is to increase blood circulation in our client's butt as she is sitting in her wheelchair. • In this design, our client would be sitting on a gel pad, similar to the ones made for bicycles. • There would be metal balls under the gel pad, with electromagnetic walls on either side. • We are going to shift the North and South poles, causing the metal balls to move back and forth underneath the gel pad. • This will then stimulate blood circulation, and stop the blood vians from being blocked up. • This wheelchair seat would therefore have two sections. One, a gel pad on top. And the other, a magnetic field on the bottom. • The Battery would be on a flap that goes over the wheelchair seat and hang on the back.

  4. Magnetic Ball Plan (cont.)

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