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Assessing General Education

Understand the GE assessment plan at WVSU implemented in 2016-17. Guidelines for evaluating student work across GE components, with detailed logistics and reporting instructions. Utilize provided rubrics to assess Tier I and Tier II components. Collaborate with faculty, deans, and chairs for successful assessment implementation and reporting.

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Assessing General Education

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  1. Assessing General Education West Virginia State University

  2. Key Points to Remember • GE Assessment Plan adopted in 2016-17 calls for a sample of student work to be assessed in ALL sections of ALL PARTS of the GE Curricullum» Not just courses with GED prefix» Assess all sections, but not all students: 10 students per section, unless there are fewer than 10, in which case do assess all students • Tier I components (+ programs currently responsible) include: Written Communication (English), Oral Communication (Communications, English), Mathematics, Scientific Reasoning (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) • Tier II: Arts (Art, English*, Communications, Music), Humanities (Art, English, Communications, Music), International Perspectives (Communications, International Studies, Economics, Education, English, Foreign Languages, Philosophy, Political Science – Social Work), History, Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Social Science (Business Administration, Economics, Education, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Social Work), Wellness (Health and Human Performance)

  3. Assessment Logistics • Rubrics specified for each course have been sent to deans for distribution to chairs and then to faculty assigned to teach GE curriculum courses- This will allow faculty to select the most appropriate assignment and provide the rubric to the students when assigning the work- No new or additional assessments required; instructors are urged to used existing assignments- Rubric will help students respond in ways appropriate to assessment of the GE component • Reporting forms/instructions will be shared with all known instructors (& chairs for TBAs) early in the semester • Reporting forms should be downloaded, renamed in format below, completed, and returned to GE coordinator AND program chair- Simply uploading completed form back to shared Google drive folder is NOT preferred, but if you do, please notify GE coordinator & chair • Naming format: Component.semester.course.section- Example: Arts.202001.ART 101.01

  4. Assessment Forms • Assessment forms and instructions will be in an MS Excel workbook with four (4) worksheets.Worksheet 1: InstructionsWorksheet 2: Assigned rubric, for referenceWorksheet 3: Reporting formWorksheet 4: Discussion page • The reporting worksheet is set up so that all you have to do is enter scores for the ten students; it should automatically compute averages and create bar graphs • The discussion page is as important as the data; members of the GE committee need your guidance in understanding the significance of the data • If you already use LiveText, data from that platform is fine, but please provide discussion of data (questions provided on request) • PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE ABOUT ASSESSMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES AT WVSU

  5. Reporting Form Worksheet

  6. Put full section name/number here, including semester Discussion Worksheet Type over this text; typing in this box will replace this text and automatically expand the box

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