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Mirroring Linux and Network Installation Server

Mirroring Linux and Network Installation Server. Oleh: Idris Winarno idris@eepis-its.edu. Tools. Web Server: apache FTP Server: proftpd DHCP Server: dhcp3 Rsync server: rsync TFTP server: tftpd-hpa. Installasi Web Server, FTP Server dan TFTP Server.

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Mirroring Linux and Network Installation Server

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  1. Mirroring Linux and Network Installation Server Oleh: Idris Winarno idris@eepis-its.edu

  2. Tools • Web Server: apache • FTP Server: proftpd • DHCP Server: dhcp3 • Rsync server: rsync • TFTP server: tftpd-hpa

  3. Installasi Web Server, FTP Server dan TFTP Server • # apt-get install apache2 proftpd tfptd-hpa rsync dhcp3-server

  4. Persiapan Mirror files • Untuk melihat mirror/subdirectory yang available # rsync kebo.vlsm.org:: • Untuk mendownload # rsync –avz kebo.vlsm.org:: bse/ /home/ftp/bse/ Buat shell programming untuk rsync kemudian masukkan dalam cron untuk di jadwalkan setiap hari melakukan rsync!!!!

  5. Membuat Rsync Server • Edit /etc/default/rsync rubah nilai RSYNC_ENABLE=false menjadi RSYNC_ENABLE=true • Edit /etc/rsyncd.conf [debian] comment = Debian GNU Linux path = /home/ftp/debian/ use chroot = yes lock file = /var/lock/rsyncd read only = yes list = yes uid = nobody gid = nogroup strict modes = yes ignore errors = no ignore nonreadable = yes transfer logging = no timeout = 600 refuse options = checksum dry-run dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz • Restart rsync # /etc/init.d/rsync restart

  6. Uji coba rsync • Cek apakah port 873 untuk rsync pada posisi LISTEN # netstat -npltu|grep 873 # rsync localhost::

  7. Mempersiapkan TFTPBOOT • # cd /var/lib/tftpboot • # rsync -avz kebo.vlsm.org::debian/dists/stable/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot ./

  8. Mempersiapkan DHCP3 • Edit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf next-server 10.252.108.xxx; filename "pxelinux.0"; subnet netmask { range; option domain-name-servers; option routers; option broadcast-address; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; }

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