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Recap of Williamsburg Library building assessment and proposal for a jointly funded new library. Findings show dated systems and design issues, proposing options for renovation or new construction. Considerations include benefits of joint funding for design and construction costs. Challenges include site identification and budget negotiations. Consultant engaged for site study, involving citizen feedback through surveys and focus groups. Survey aimed to gather public feedback on existing library facilities and future needs.
Highlights of Williamsburg Regional Library System Building Survey
Recap • On September 27, 2017 the WRL board of trustees (BOT) recommended that JCC build a new 50,000 SF library to respond to existing library needs and future population projections. The project was submitted as part of the Williamsburg Regional Library CIP request. • Before spending allocated capital funds to renovate the existing Williamsburg Library facility, the Williamsburg City Manager recommended an architectural assessment of the building to determine if renovation would meet the long-term regional library needs of the community. • On September 27, 2017 the BOT commissioned an independent assessment of the existing Williamsburg Library facility on Scotland Street. RRMM Lukmire Architects was engaged. The findings of the consultant were presented in a public presentation in March 2018. A final report was issued May 18, 2018. • The assessment was predicated on the premise that the Williamsburg building would be evaluated on its ability to serve the existing and projected regional service area population for the next 25 years.
Assessment Findings • The RRMM Lukmire Williamsburg Library Assessment found that the structure is sound, but the systems are dated and the design is problematic. • The study identified significant handicapped access issues and security issues. The original library and subsequent additions do not offer sufficient open, flexible public spaces to accommodate 21st century library functions. • The available on-site parking is half of the recommended spaces for a public facility of this size. Additional parking is recommended for facilities like the Williamsburg Library that include a 265-seat theater. • The report noted that a renovated building (option 1) would still have major limitations inherent in a library that has been built and added to over a fifty year span. Options 2 & 3 were to construct a new library on the existing site or on a new site that would offer a functional and flexible design, modern energy efficient systems, be fully accessible, and offer expanded parking.
Proposal to Explore Joint Library • James City County incorporated the BOT request for a new 50,000 SF library in the 2018 CIP budget. However, funding was not assigned because the County expressed an interest in first exploring the possibility of a jointly funded new library with the City of Williamsburg, to serve residents of all three jurisdictions. • Williamsburg indicated a willingness to explore the possibility of a jointly funded new library. • Currently, the contract specifies that James City County and the City of Williamsburg are responsible for the capital costs associated with constructing and maintaining (over $50,000) the libraries located in their respective jurisdictions.
Jointly Funded Library Considerations Benefits • Shared one-time capital of costs for design and construction of a new library. • Long-term cost savings for operating two facilities vs. three facilities. Challenges • Identifying a mutually agreed upon site. • Negotiating a shared budget for capital costs.
Consultant Engaged for Site Study • Responding to a request from JCC the BOT voted to fund an independent site study on June 27, 2018 to determine the best location(s) for a jointly funded new library building to serve all three participating jurisdictions. • RRMM Lukmire Architects was engaged as the site consultant, the same firm that studied the existing Williamsburg Library site and an adjacent parcel as part of the earlier Williamsburg Library assessment. • In discussions with County and City staff four general locations were identified for evaluation by the consultant including the existing Williamsburg Library site and three areas located near jurisdictional lines. • The scope of the Joint Library Site Study specified that citizen feedback would be sought through a survey and focus groups.
Survey and Focus Groups • The public was kept apprised of the process with press coverage. • The consultant worked closely with library staff to design a citizen survey to gather public feedback on existing library facilities and possible future library facilities. • The online survey was sent out to all library card holders and publicized in partnership with all three participating jurisdictions. • The survey was open August 6 – 22, 2018. • Five focus groups were conducted on August 22 by Greg Lukmire of RRMM Lukmire Architects.
Survey & Focus Groups • The purpose of the survey was to gather public feedback on the Williamsburg Library facility and it was also an opportunity to gather information on how successfully both library buildings meet public needs. • The online survey contained 31 questions including queries on user demographics, residences, patterns of library use, how people travel to library facilities, frequency and length of library visits, economic impact of visits, parking, and preferred attributes of possible new facilities. • 3130 respondents with an 88% completion rate. • Responses were remarkably consistent throughout the survey period. • Ability to include comments in five questions. Almost 7,500 comments. • 125 focus group attendees (including staff).
Survey Respondents • Respondents self-selected, not random • 97.66% of respondents were library card holders • Demographics largely representative of community with the exception of higher responses in the 66-75 bracket • 71.2 % of respondents have no children residing in the house • 68.75% of respondents were female
Respondents by Jurisdiction • City of Williamsburg 19.84% (621) • James City County 69.01% (2160) • York County 10.00% (313) Williamsburg Library Checkouts by Jurisdiction (FY2018) • City of Williamsburg 18.3% • James City County 67.5% • York County 13.8%
Neighborhood locations of James City County residents who prefer to use the Williamsburg Library
Please rate your satisfaction with these aspects of the Williamsburg Library building (515 Scotland St.)? Check all that apply.
Comments on Location • 321 comments stated a strong preference for keeping the library in the current locationfrom residents of all three jurisdictions. • Several comments suggested a new library could be in Newtown or off 199 or near Centerville or Route 5. • Many comments mentioned the importance of the proximity to Merchant’s Square, CW, and W&M. • Senior focus group with 50 attendees overwhelmingly favored the existing location of the Williamsburg Library and the importance of the existing location was also mentioned in other focus group sessions.
Survey Comments on Location "Please, please do not abandon the present Scotland Street location, it’s perfect." "Proximity to center of Williamsburg/CW." "Love the downtown location.." "It is the central venue of the city, where everyone can live and learn together." "An important part of the City downtown. Would be empty without it." "Please don’t move the library!"
"The downtown library has a certain kind of energy from the diversity of its users and the location in the heart of Williamsburg…" "I love and visit Library nearly daily because it is surrounded by the other places I need to and or love to visit!! Downtown Williamsburg for me includes our wonderful library!!! The site is all!!!" "The proximity to CW is a HUGE perk, I love being near restaurants and events..." "20 years ago we got laid off from CW. We had job offers in NJ and Maine but couldn’t bear to leave the Willliamsburg Library. Please stay in your current location if at all possible. I love being able to walk there from church and CW and art fairs."
"I am so grateful to have our library in the Colonial Williamsburg area." "I love the current location of the downtown library!" "I enjoy the Williamsburg Library simply because it is in the heart of Williamsburg." "Having the WRL right near downtown and the Historic Area is a great asset. Please don’t move it from town..." "Location downtown is the most important factor for us." "Please keep the library downtown. Having a vibrant downtown is critically important."
Williamsburg Library Location Downtown Vibrancy Economic Impact
Why do many of the survey respondents value the existing Williamsburg Library location? Respondents provided more detailed information in a series of economic impact questions.
Please share where you went before and after you visited the Williamsburg Library on your most recent visit.
4341 comments sharing what people did before and after their most recent library visit. • The volume of comments helped us understand how people use the library in conjunction with other errands and visits. • We gained an understanding of the symbiotic relationship of the Williamsburg Library to other downtown anchors and local businesses. • Most people combine library visits with other activities.
Primary Destinations Identified • Merchant’s Square • Post Office • Colonial Williamsburg • Lunch or dinner nearby or downtown • Prince George Street • Triangle Area • Municipal buildings • William & Mary • Shopping • Churches • Grocery shopping at stores throughout region
Parking Comments • 912 comments on parking situation at the Williamsburg Library • 328 people commented that the parking situation has prevented them from visiting the library or they have come and left because of the lack of parking or decreased their library use because of parking. • 137 more say that have had to adjust their visits due to a lack of parking. • 237 said that the parking is a problem or a problem at certain times. • 82 said parking was not a problem, but acknowledged it could be for others. • Parking can be particularly be a problem for seniors, people with mobility issues, and caretakers with young children. • Many people expressed anxiety about exceeding the two hour posted time limit.
Parking Comments "I am unwilling to utilize the city library until the parking situation is improved." "The dread of dealing with the parking lot has kept me from obtaining a library card or even contemplating it." "The lack of parking has caused us not to stop at Scotland Street as I have 3 kids and didn’t feel comfortable parking down the street then trying to walk to library through busy streets." "Mobility issues make it difficult to walk from behind the community building to the library, as often must be done." "At times it is difficult to secure a parking space due to an event on site or in immediate area. Have had to leave without visiting."
"If there is no parking in lot or nearby, I probably won’t go to the library." "Frustration." "No parking – no visit." "I have left because I could not find a space." "Age, handicapped husband." "Hate the parking there." "Limits frequency of visits." "Have skipped events due to lack of parking.'
What is important in a new or renovated library? • Onsite Parking 94% • Accessibility 89% • Large windows and natural lighting 82% • Sustainable, energy-efficient design 79%
Comments on Facilities "A larger, more modern facility is badly needed. The library feels crowded and claustrophobic. Very little comfortable seating and the book stacks feel narrow and oppressive." "I would definitely use the library more frequently if there were more suitable places for work/reading (quiet, less crowded, more natural light, electrical outlets). Possibly even outdoor space within proximity to wifi?" "I really do no want Williamsburg Library moved, but it could use improved parking. Also adding enlarged area for teens to hang out…" "Please keep the library the way it is now." "Will continue to use the library on weekly basis regardless of location." "Current building has claustrophobic feeling. Ceiling on first floor is too low…"
"Expand, modify, tear down part and rebuild a multi story expanded library downtown…" "Would love to see a new green certified building in the same location or near to historic historic area/downtown." "I would like to see another library built to alleviate some of the traffic and volume at the Scotland Street branch." "The present building on Scotland Street has enough major problems that it needs to go!" "Please have a larger children’s section at the Williamsburg location! My family uses it weekly and have a bigger space would benefit our family." "The current facility is adequate for my needs"
"The library needs more flexible space and space better designed to needs not only of today but those we can imagine for the next several decades. The downtown location is a major plus. It makes an important statement about what this community is about and what it values…" "I love the library, just wish it was larger. Love the location, staff, programs, and options. Would love a larger space for more books, people, and programs." "I love the library and I am am happy as it is." "We use it frequently. DON‘T mess with it please!" "It‘s amazing to me what the library accomplishes given the physical limitations of the building and the parking and I really want us to get a library that is acessible to everyone and not a hassle to use so that it can become a really gathering place for the community." "Love the libraries as they are...please don’t move or change!"
"I like the current library, but it is hard to see how major improvements could be made at its current location." "Please keep the current facility and build expand by building another branch." "The central location is more important to us than the new spaces you are proposing…" "Wonderful facility, meets my needs." "Navigating the various spaces and finding my way around can be confusing." "The library is perfect as it is." "Excited for the next chapter!"
Conclusions • Current location is very important to many of the regular library users across the service area. • Proximity to Merchant’s Square and downtown Williamsburg is very important. • People love the library and the library location. The success of the Williamsburg Library is closely intertwined with its downtown location. • The Williamsburg Library facility serves an important role to keep the downtown vital. The library is both an anchor and a driver. • Library users have an established pattern of visiting the library, shopping, eating, walking, attending events, and doing errands downtown.
If a new library is built in James City County in addition to the Williamsburg Library it should be located in close proximity to shopping and restaurants to maximize library use. • A lack of on-site parking for the Williamsburg Library is having a major impact on library use and must be addressed. • The existing Williamsburg Library facility works for many users who have an established pattern of use including browsing the new books, picking up holds, and attending events. • The Williamsburg Library does not work for many people who struggle to access and navigate the building. • Many Williamsburg Library users are frustrated with the lack of adequate comfortable seating, quiet space, meeting space for tutors, teen space, and the size of the children’s room.