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Internet Usage Policy. Yusuf İslam ŞEFLEK 11 TM/A 85. DEFINITION. An acceptable use policy is a set of rules applied by the owner/manager of a network, website or large computer system that restrict the ways in which the network site or system may be used.
Internet UsagePolicy Yusuf İslam ŞEFLEK 11 TM/A 85
DEFINITION An acceptable use policy is a set of rules applied by the owner/manager of a network, website or large computer system that restrict the ways in which the network site or system may be used.
AUP documents arealso named as Internet and E-mail policy, Internet AUP, or Network AUP andAcceptable IT Use Policy.
Forwhom AUP documentsarewritten? for corporations,businesses, universities, schools, internet service providers, and website owners
Why? often to reduce the potential for legal action that may be taken by a user, and often with little prospect of enforcement.
Acceptable Use Policies are an integral part of the framework of information security policies
Common Elements of AUP statements oftenbeginwith a statement of thephilosophy of sponsoringorganisation.
Theuseracceptsthefactshe/he is goingto be personallyresponsibleforactionstakenwhenconnectedtothe network or Internet.
Code of Conduct items of conduct as usingappropriate/politelanguagewhile online, avoiding illegal activities,
ensuringthatactivitiestheusermayembark on should not disturbordisruptanyotheruser on thesystem.
Thecompanyidentifiessixlevels of responsetoviolations: • issuewarnings: writtenorverbal • suspendtheMember'snewsgrouppostingprivileges • suspendtheMember'saccount
terminatetheMember'saccount • billtheMemberforadministrativecostsand/orreactivationcharges • bring legal actiontoenjoinviolationsand/ortocollectdamages, ifany, causedbyviolations.
Thebasicprinciplesthatanimatethe Internet AcceptableUsePolicythatfollows is to: makepowerful Internet resources, especiallybroadbandaccess, widelyandequitablyavailableandaffordableforalllearners
providecontinuousandrelevanttrainingandsupportforeducatorsandadministrators (especially in schools)
build a newresearchframework of howpeoplelearn in the Internet age
develophighquality online educationalcontentthatmeetsthehigheststandards of educationalexcellence (againschools)
Conclusion It is intendedthat Internet accesswillimprovetheprocesses of teachingandlearning as well as facilitateimprovements in communicationbetweenallmembers of thelearningcommunity, especiallybetweenparentsandteachers
Summary Defined AUP Discussedwhoareneeded? Why? Code of conduct Sixlevels of respond of violations.
Summary Basicprinciples Conclusion