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Globalisation & Post-Secularity in the Lutheran North

Globalisation & Post-Secularity in the Lutheran North. Bruce Marshall Faith and Globalisation Seminar Lecture ; Durham University ; 27 January 2011. 0. Background. Roskilde University : Post-68 interdisciplinary research and study programmes

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Globalisation & Post-Secularity in the Lutheran North

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  1. Globalisation & Post-Secularity in the Lutheran North Bruce MarshallFaith and Globalisation Seminar Lecture; Durham University; 27 January 2011 lic@ruc.dk

  2. 0. Background Roskilde University: Post-68 interdisciplinary research and studyprogrammes Professor of law, religion & society Department of society & globalisationwithseveralstudyprogrammes in governance, EU-studies, social studies, international development studies, global studies etc Adjunct professor of ecclesiasticallawwithlaw&religion at the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen lic@ruc.dk

  3. 0.1. Recent publications Religion in the 21st Century – Challenges and Transformations (co-ed), Ashgate 2010 Law & Religion in the 21st Century – Nordic Perspectives, DJØF publishing, Copenhagen 2010 Shari’a as Discourse. Legal Traditions and the EncounterwithEurope(co-edwith Jørgen S. Nielsen), Ashgate 2010 lic@ruc.dk

  4. 0.2. Current research www.religareproject.eu: religious and secularvalues and norms in Europe: • Familylife • Workplace / labourmarket • Religion in the public sphere • State support to religiouscommunities Public private divide; but especially the differences betweentheological norms; religiouscommunities and people’s - faith? lic@ruc.dk

  5. 0.3. Topic of today Globalisation - Post-Secularity - Lutheran North • Case Study: ’faith’; ’Lutheran’; ’North’ • Historical part: track of changes • Explanatory part: Role of Globalisation • Analytical part: Post-secularity & politics • Methodological approach: historical arguments • ImpactonFaith & Globalisation Studies lic@ruc.dk

  6. 1. Case Study. Faith: 82% Lutherans; 8 % muslims; 4 % christian and Jewishdenominations; 8 % non-religious (someeastern religions etc). 1981: maybe 1000 muslims in DK – now 400.000 20 % belongingwithoutevenbelieving in belonging. 50 % traditionalists. 10 % attendingchurchesregularly. 60-80 % konfirmation; 60-80 baptized; 50 % married in church; 90 % buried in church Number of traditionalists attendingchurches over the yearincreasing lic@ruc.dk

  7. 1.2. Lutheran 1536. change of theology; of language; of service (hymn services); of internal organisation and externalloyaltystructure; of law; of ownership; of appointments; cujusregioejusreligio; Twokingdoms – oneking. Priesthood of all believers – Church ministers. Pietist movementswithin the state religion; 1736 Confirmation. 19th Century Grundtvig & Kierkegaard. People’schurch. Political religion? Porvoo? lic@ruc.dk

  8. 1.3 North BalticSea; East vs West; majorityvsminority; German, English, French and Russianinfluences; Small colonies, sold, no real global identity Republicans French style rare. Change of Social democraticchurchpolitics. Equality– gender, classesetc. Change from farmingareastowardscities. Civil Religion. Monarchy. Cathedrals and Walls. CommonSchool; CommonChurch; Common Parliament. Passports. From Iceland 1000: Public Religion – Private Faith lic@ruc.dk

  9. 2. 1. History: Constitution of 1849 § 4: Evangelical-LutheranChurch is the people’sChurch and as suchsupported by the state § 6: The King must be a member of the Ev-LuCh § 66: The ev-luchurch is established by law § 67: all citizensarefree to organisereligiousgroupsaccording to theirownfaithwithinborders of (public order) § 68 nooneshouldpay to other religions than his own § 69 OtherReligion’saffairsaresettled by law § 70 Equalityoutsidereligiouspolitics lic@ruc.dk

  10. 3. 1. HistoryvsGlobalisation:1972 Danish in the EU/Europe • The Folgerø-case, Norwegianteaching of religion in public schools and the Norwegianconstitution (and the ItalianLautsi case) • Roman Law traditions and European Union Law • Human Rights as constitutionallaw, international politicsor binding global law lic@ruc.dk

  11. 3.2. Globalisation – change of religiousidentity In Rome do as the Romans vs Roman Citizens under Roman Law: Jews in Copenhagen after 1813 – citizenship and under danishlaw – the 1943-narratives Muslim groups in Copenhagen under Danish lawor under (european interpretations of) Shari’a? lic@ruc.dk

  12. 3.3. Globalisationalsomeans Travelling and migration – othersare religion, society and lawinspiringdifferently. Out there – also back here? Faith systems as global systems – danishpeople’schurch as a very national idea Global economy, work forces – COP 15 & Vestas China - from closure via tourism to competition WaronTerrorism, waron religions? Cartoons.. lic@ruc.dk

  13. 4. 1. Analytical Approach: Post-Secularity Secularisation (Bruce Steve wise) Secularity (reflecton the numbersabove – but wasthatever new in the scancinaviancontext?) Secularism – orLutheranism? Post-Secularityand my taxi driver reflectingon ’them’, the new muslim groups, takingtheirChristianityserious, that is: makinghimreflectingon his ownbackground as baptised, confirmed, married in his church, havingburials at the church yard of his. lic@ruc.dk

  14. 4.2. Post-Secularity& Politics a Cartoons, freedom of speech, being a victim of cartoons is beingincluded in society (!, the Queen, the Foreign Minister etc); popes and bishops and clerksshould not decide over newspapersetcetc – but on the otherhand: muslim ambassadors; religiousminoritygroups in our country; nomosques so far; internalpolitics in Syria Freedom of religion – bothways? Equality of religions – ourcommitment at all? lic@ruc.dk

  15. 4.2. Post-Secularity & Politics b Asylumseekers and politicalpreaching from church ministers. Muslim asylumseekersseekingpeace in a christianchurch. Police gettingthem out in the middle of the night. The role of the church(es) in hardpolitical cases lic@ruc.dk

  16. 4.2. Post-Secularity & Politics c Waronterrorism, war in Afghanistan, NATO politics IR approach: BalticSea – Russia post 1989 – highprofile in the balticcountriesentering EU – Germany post 1989, the biggest country in Europe – reluctant EU politics – Greenland Rational Choice approach: (individual) power game The discourse is howeverdifferent: democracy, equality of women, schools, protectingour country etcetc lic@ruc.dk

  17. 4.2. Post-Secularity & Politics d Pandora’sbox has beenopened – new wave of politicson religion in DK (and the other Nordic countries) • Change of church-state-relations • Change of monarchy-religion-relations Privatization of all religions? Or public religion private faith model? Republicandiscoursesrenewed lic@ruc.dk

  18. 5. MethodologicalApproaches • HistoricalinstitutionalismVsGlobalisationtheory • Legal approach: monistic legal systems declaring all theologicalorreligious norms outside the lawvs the Rowan Williams model vsMillet-systemvs parallel legal systems • Socio-legal research strategiescombining analyses of data from historicalsources and places in the landscape, qualitativeempirical research, legal norms and policy papers lic@ruc.dk

  19. 6. ImpactonFaith and Globalisation Studies Case of localor global relevance? • Methodologicalchange • From mono to plurel – from internal via comparative to global approach both in topics, studyfields, data collectionand theories • And in the intellectuals’ contributions to society lic@ruc.dk

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