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(Group 6) Vocabulary Words. Zach Myers Block 6. ACADEMIC WORDS!!. ALTERCATION (noun). S: Dispute A: Agreement D: A noisy dispute.
(Group 6) Vocabulary Words Zach Myers Block 6
ALTERCATION (noun) • S: Dispute • A: Agreement • D: A noisy dispute. • Josie and Anna wished they could be friends, but a single angry dispute about getting a cookie was enough for them to be archnemesises. And who would have an ALTERCATION over a cookie?!
APEX (noun) • S: Summit • A: Beginning • D: Highest point; summit. • If you climb Mount Everest (don’t ask me to, please!!) you may stomp on its snow-capped peak. Then you are allowed to boast that you have reached the APEX of the tallest natural structure starting at sea level on Earth.
BALLYHOO (noun) • S: Jazz (as in all this jazz about the big JB is gettin’ me nervous) • A: Ordinary items • D: Talk or writing that is designed to get people excited or interested in something. • Don’t read tabloids. They may look interesting, but all this BALLYHOO about Justin Bieber—jeez. You’d think people didn’t know him, but the tabloids promote him anyway.
BONA FIDE (adjective) • S: Genuine • A: Knockoff • D: Made in good faith, without fraud or deceit; genuine. • “Beats™ Headphones are made with BONA FIDE snakeskin, can you believe?!” said Zobee to nobody in particular—after all, he was in his own room. “They actually had to kill a snake and skin it! Wow! That’s no fake skin!”
CAUCUS (noun) • S: Committee • A: Mob • D: A closed meeting of members of a group united to promote a cause, issue, or idea. • A CAUCUS of Martians gathered at the area Swag Sauce to campaign their ideas on the TV channel MRF. The committee really set their hearts on crushing those puny Earthlings, and spread the word around Planet Mars.
DISDAIN (noun and verb) NOUN • S: Scorn • A: Admiration • D: A feeling that someone/something is bad, worthless, or low; scorn or contempt. • Joni hated when people showed DISDAIN unto her, so she felt DISDAIN in response to that. Why shouldn’t she feel scornful when someone was treating her like she was easily dispensible? VERB • S: Show scorn • A: Admire • D: To have or show a feeling of scorn or contempt. • Joni DISDAINED Percy so forcefully that even Frank (who is very naïve at emotions) could sense the disdain being showed.
DULCET (adjective) • S: Soothing • A: Jarring • D: Sweet; melodious; soothing. • DULCET tones rang from the auditorium of the John Champe Auditorium. “Wow!” says one parent. “I can’t believe how great the 7th Grade Band was on stage, producing such melodious and harmonious notes, and how attentive and quiet they were when the 6th Grade Band was playing.”
EXPUNGE (verb) • S: Abolish • A: Strengthen • D: To strike out; to erase; to remove. • Jason Grace EXPUNGED Enceladus’s plot to murder Tristan McLean. He abolished his opponentbydestroying Enceladus himself (with a little help from Zeus).
FLAMBOYANT (adjective) • S: Showy • A: Timid • D: Ornate, showy, or flowery. • The flamingos are so FLAMBOYANT. They almost show off more than peacocks.
MALLEABLE (adjective) • S: Shapable • A: Unmovable • D: Capable of being moved or shaped. • The Play-Doh™ was MALLEABLE. William Robert Josephson (a.k.a. Billy Bob Joe) could turn it into all kinds of different shapes.
MEANDER (verb) • S: Take a turn • A: Straighten • D: To follow a winding and turning course or path. • The Mississippi River is very MEANDERing. It has many twists and turns, and if you decided to straighten them out, it would be the length from NYC to London.
METICULOUS (adjective) • S: Precise • A: Sloppy • D: Show great concern for detail; extremely careful or precise. • In mathematics, you must be very METICULOUS. If you make one mistake, months of hard work goes down the drain, so be very careful.
SWARM (noun) • S: Horde • A: Fly • D: A large group of insects or small creatures in motion. • I hate SWARMs of bees. There are so many bees in one small area, I could be stung at any moment.
TRANSLUCENT (adjective) • S: Blurry-fier-ish • A: Opaque • D: Allows light to pass through • Milk gallons and tissue paper are TRANSLUCENT—light passes through them but you can’t see through them clearly.
ABRIDGE (verb) • S: Shorten • A: Lengthen • D: Shorten. • Nugega’s ABRIDGED version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was approximately five hundred billion (500,000,000,000) pages shorter than the original—that is to say, it was one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) pages long.
ANTIDOTE (noun) • S: Cure • A: Poison • D: Something that relieves or prevents; a remedy that counteracts the effects of a poison. • Jake was so glad when he received the cyanide ANTIDOTE at CVS®. He might have been a goner if he didn’t get that cure. http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-70348546/stock-vector-pill-bottles.html
AUTONOMOUS (adjective) • S: Independent • A: Dependent • D: Independent. • Mrs. Yogobachadaager was so pleased that her class was so AUTONOMOUS—now she could complete her lesson plans in class! On the other hand, it would be really yucky if her class was reliant on her. Then she could never get anything done.
BOLSTER (verb) • S: Support • A: Hinder • D: To support; to strengthen. • “Some kids, though,” thought Mrs. Yogobachadaager, “are not so independent. If I don’t BOLSTER their speed by working at their side, they’ll never progress with the others,” she sighed.
CANDOR (noun) • S: Honesty • A: Deception • D: Honesty; sincerity. • I appreciated Joey’s CANDOR. This sincerity of his will take him far.