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Planning a Presentation. Preparing a presentation. These slides will help you prepare an oral presentation. For more advice on preparing and delivering a presentation go to ‘Presenting’ in Studywell. Planning a presentation. Planning a presentation. Research. Objective report.
Preparing a presentation These slides will help you prepare an oral presentation. For more advice on preparing and delivering a presentation go to ‘Presenting’ in Studywell
Research Objective report Persuasive speech What kind of presentation do you need to give? Who is your audience? Project proposal Students Comedian Theatre attendees What sort of speaker are you? Politician Professionals Teacher Lawyer
Task Task Researching material for a presentation is similar to researching for an assignment. Visit the library in person or online to research your topic. Go to ‘Research’ on Studywell for more resources.
Task Task YouTube Images Skim readings to pinpoint relevant sections for your presentation. Consider a variety of materials to incorporate. Physical objects
Task Task . Write notes and create a concept map of how ideas tie together. • Use the concept map to consider the relationships between each piece of information.
Audience Consider the audience • How much do they already know? • How much is too much information? Audience
What is your speaking style? Lawyer—enjoys argument and debate • Ask the audience questions Politician—enjoys inspiring people • Highlight the impact of ideas in broader domains. Speaker Comedian—enjoys making jokes? • Allow time to interact with the audience. Teacher—enjoys educating • Use different modalities, e.g. sound, sight, touch to engage the audience
Speaker How much do you already know about the topic? Use information and resources you feel comfortable with. Include small facts that you find fascinating • The audience will be more receptive if they see you enjoying yourself Speaker
Research Once you have a collection of notes, ideas, objects, multi-media content etc..., it is time to write the presentation itself.
Writing Try writing directly into PowerPoint Writing a presentation means putting together a logical sequence of ideas to satisfy the task. Use brief bullet points, concept maps or numbered ideas to show how each part connects to the next.
PowerPoint Tips 50 words is only 2 Tweets Each slide should have less than 50 words Write detailed notes below each slide for reference Use a font size over 20pt
PowerPoint Tips Use a visual marker to structure your talk Avoid Clashing colours, strange angles and wordy descriptions of what you are writing that will be hard to read and distract the audience. Aim for at least one graphic per slide
1 The structure of the talk should be outlined Summarize the main points of the talk. 2 3 The scope (or limits) should be explained
Each section should develop one idea Support claims with evidence Link sections together to create flow.
Structure Summarize the main points of your presentation. Repeat the main point of the presentation Restate your thesis
Practise Practising a presentation is as important as editing an essay. Practise your presentation with a friend. Record an MP3 of yourself talking and learn how to speak more clearly
Practise Time yourself Become familiar with the technology you need to use Be mindful of physical habits like touching hair or pacing up and down
Image References (in order of appearance) PAGES 1-7 KHER, 'Fear of Public Speaking Phobia ', In: http://thepublicspeaking-tips.blogspot.com/2009/06/fear-of-public-speaking-phobia.html, ed, 2009, small scared man speaking to audience of large people (drawing) Herval, 'Wondering...' In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/herval/4100799233/, ed, 2009, A women looks pensively to the side. David Erickson, 'Martin Luther King Jr. - I Have A Dream Speech', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/e-strategycom/1054179588/, ed, 2007, Martin Luther King Jr. In: http://sha3teely.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/barack_obama.jpg, ed, A photograph of Barack Obama giving a speech. Kathleen Conklin, 'The Queen's Christmas Speech', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ktylerconk/2167023439/, ed, 2008, Queen Elizabeth II gives Christmas speech. QUT, 'Gardens Point Library', In: DSC_0063.JPG, ed, 2002, External view of QUT library Gardens Point. Willmed, 'Screen capture of Creative Commons - Get Creative YouTube clip', In: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io3BrAQl3so, ed, 2007, A screen capture of Creative Commons - Get Creative YouTube clip. QUT, 'Reviewing', In: reviewing.jpg, ed, 2009, A graph showing percentage remembered over time with or without review.
Image References (in order of appearance) PAGES 7-10 Andy Hay, 'Skull and jaw bones', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andyhay/396959565/, ed, 2007, A skull and jaw bone. dplastino, 'WU MING - Mind Map', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marea/4035666628/, ed, 2009, A multi-coloured concept map. Colin Mutchler, 'Groupwork in finance', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/activefree/67963542/, ed, 2005, Some students working together with butcher paper, whiteboard, laptops etc. Christoph Michels, 'Text.JPG', In: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Text.JPG, ed, 2006, Close-up of an open book. A Scott, 'Melee', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewscott/3318002255/, ed, 2009, full lecture theatre. Roz Allen, 'IMG_1504', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/therozblog/2624447343/, ed, 2008, A man speaking with arm outstretched Suzy Holm, 'Can't stop laughing at my own joke!' In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bulldogsrule/538788839/, ed, 2007, A horse in a green paddock looks back grinning. Western Sahara, 'Aminatu Haidar en la calle', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sahara/88940167/, ed, 2006, A triumphant woman in crowd raises her arms. Roz Allen, 'ellie_harvie', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/therozblog/2625274024/, ed, 2008, A female debator talks at lecturn holding plastic car horn
Image References (in order of appearance) PAGES 11-19 '304x400_student6', In: 304x400_student6.jpg, ed, student in library with laptop. Wim Mulder, 'Writing to reach you', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wimmulder/15653748/, ed, 2005, holding a pen. Matt Hamm, 'Twitter bird logo icon illustration', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/matthamm/3383916444/, ed, 2009, A blue bird emulating twitter. 'student1', In: http://www.registry.ed.ac.uk/Fees/images/student1.JPG, ed, student using a computer. Evan Leeson, 'Clarity', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ecstaticist/386091626/, ed, 2007, sphere of water on the edge of a blade of grass perfectly reflecting the world. Patrick Medved, 'Structure ', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ppix/2305078608/, ed, 2008, steel frame Sarah Macmillan, 'The fence ', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/essjay/3952434562/, ed, 2009, sunset through a chain link fence Aftab Uzzaman, 'Pink ball saga ', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aftab/4139274434/, ed, 2009, pink golf ball on beach pebbles Eric Lin, 'Support structure for main terrace, park guell', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/phonescoop/98402233/, ed, 2006, Columns supporting a mosaic roof
Image References (in order of appearance) PAGES 19-23 Celeste Goulding, 'Wonderful early victorian hand motif bracelet ', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/perfectjewels/2130677387, ed, 2007, bracelet with ornate links, patterned beads and a hand on the end Elliott Brown, 'Statue of George I outside The Barber Institue of Fine Arts - the horse's tail ', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ell-r-brown/4207405714/, ed, 2009, tail end of statue of horse. Sarietha, 'Repeating Patterns', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sarietha/1794451071/, ed, 2007, A set of lights repeated down a hallway. Z. Smith Reynolds, 'Students Multi-task When Studying for Exams', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsrlibrary/2100508662/, ed, 2007. QUT, In: 081015qut_srp361.jpg, ed, 2008, blonde girl faces camera, boy and girl face towards her. Kevin Collins, 'Stopped Watch', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevincollins/38513145/, ed, 2005, A diving watch. Henriette Cramer, 'Student presentation', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hcramer/2601438883/, ed, 2008, Two students giving a presentation with visual aids (lots of medical chords & equipment). Rachel Cobcroft, 'John Wilbanks', In: http://www.flickr.com/photos/felix42/2278259037/, ed, 2008, A lecturer giving a lecture in MELT classroom.