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SLOVAKIA & KASSA. By : Szilágyi Mercédesz,Kiss Marco,Juhász Eszter. Slovakia.

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  1. SLOVAKIA & KASSA By: Szilágyi Mercédesz,Kiss Marco,Juhász Eszter

  2. Slovakia • The SlovakRepublic ( Slovakia) is a landlockedstate in Central Europe. She is bordered by a CzehRepublic, and Austriatothewest, Polandtothenorth, Ukrainetotheeast, and Hungary tothesouth. • The largest city, is thecapital, Bratislava, and thesecondlargest is theKosice.

  3. Geography • Tatraswith 29 peakshigherthan 2,500 metresarethehighest mountain range in theCarpathianMountains. • Riversare Dunajec, Danube, Morava,Nitra, Hornad, Ipel, Bodrog, Laborec, Latorica. • Population of  5 411 062

  4. National Parks • Tatra National Park • LowTatras National Park • VelkaFatra National Park • SlovakKarst National Park • Poloniny National Park • MalaFatra National Park • MuranskaPlanina National Park • SlovakParadise National Park • Pieniny National Park

  5. Cultureof Slovakia • Folktradition has rooted strongly in Slovakia and is reflected in literature, music, dance and architecture  • Visual art: painting, drawing, printmaking, illustration, photography • Sports areicehockey, football, basketball, handball, volleyball,tennis, athletics

  6. Kassa • Is thebiggest city, in theeasternSlovakia • Population of 240.000

  7. Culturalheritageof Kassa Sights: • Gothic St. ElisabethCathedral, • St. Urban Tower, • EastSlovak Museum, • EastSlovakGalery, • The StateTheatre.

  8. HotelovaAkademiaKosice • Is located in themidtownarea , about 200 metres of thehistoric city centre. • Category A: Roomwithprivatebathroom • Category B: Cellularsystemrooms-tworoomssharecommontoilets

  9. Cateringservices • Breakfast from 6.30 to 9.30 a.m. It’sincluded in the hotel fee. • Other food services are providedonly in the context of group activities (eg.balls, weddings, anniversaries, graduations)

  10. Additionalservices • Free: Internet Access (reception hall) and parking • Paying: Washing and ironing, saunawithpool, copyingservices, rentservices(hall, sport area and meeting rooms)

  11. Capacity of the Hotel • 20 singlerooms • 14 doublerooms • 6 doubleroomswithextra bed • 6 apartments • 12 doublerooms in thecells • 10 doubleroomswith extra bed in thecells

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