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How Do YOU Learn

Our Agenda. briefly review last class's objectivesexplore your personal learning style by completing several inventories:What's My Style (sensory learning preference)Thinking Styles (right/left brain preference)Multiple Pathways to Learning (Gardner's MI)Personality Spectrum (personality theory

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How Do YOU Learn

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    1. How Do YOU Learn? An exploration of Learning & Personality Styles & Academic Preparedness

    2. Our Agenda briefly review last class’s objectives explore your personal learning style by completing several inventories: What’s My Style (sensory learning preference) Thinking Styles (right/left brain preference) Multiple Pathways to Learning (Gardner’s MI) Personality Spectrum (personality theory) Learning and Study Strategies Inventory These tools will become the foundation of your personal Learning Profile

    3. Today’s Major Concepts you have personal preferences as a learner you have varying skills & abilities as a learner creating your personal learning profile may help you choose appropriate learning strategies identify areas of strength and weakness  focus your learning energies more effectively

    4. Last week, we explored… What is learning?/How do WE learn? Theories of learning – reviewed 12 theories Constructivism – learning is making meaning Attitude & opening our minds to learning The Brain - our primary learning tool a bit about how it functions, automatically a bit about how it helps us learn Memory and how it works one memory system (of many) one memory technique (of many)

    5. Role of Attitude & opening our minds to learning Your mind is like a parachute -- it only works when it’s open. Anonymous

    7. A Simple Model of Learning & Information Processing Sensory Input Decoding Processing May include Storage and/or Retrieval processes Encoding Physical Output

    8. What is Memory? chemical connections between neurons caused by strong associations created by action, sensory or emotional event sustained by repetition Memory: neural traces in your brain

    9. How do we forget?

    10. …now, How YOU Learn Back to today’s lesson…

    12. Three Basic Learning Modalities Sensory Preferences and Learning Style

    13. Learning Style We take in and begin to process information through our senses. Our preferences in the way we take in information influences our ability to learn in different environments. Sensory Modalities Auditory Visual Kinesthetic/Tactile

    14. Auditory Learner enjoys oral discussion studies by talking aloud requires oral explanations has trouble with written direction reinforces a task by talking him/herself through it

    15. More Auditory Traits from USD* sit where they can hear but needn't pay attention to what is happening in front may not coordinate colors or clothes, but can explain why they are wearing what they are wearing and why hum or talk to themselves or others when bored acquire knowledge by reading aloud remember by verbalizing lessons to themselves (if they don't they may have difficulty reading maps or diagrams or handling conceptual assignments like mathematics).

    16. Visual Learner remembers visual details follows along when others read prefers to see what’s to be learned needs written instruction has trouble following lectures

    17. More Visual Traits from USD* take numerous detailed notes tend to sit in the front are usually neat and clean often close their eyes to visualize or remember something find something to watch if they are bored like to see what they are learning benefit from illustrations and presentations that use color are attracted to written or spoken language rich in imagery prefer stimuli to be isolated from auditory and kinesthetic distraction find passive surroundings ideal

    18. Kinesthetic Learner has to do it to know it prefers activity-based learning studies by writing over and over may be restless in class

    19. More Kinesthetic Traits from USD* need to be active and take frequent breaks speak with their hands and with gestures remember what was done, but have difficulty recalling what was said or seen find reasons to tinker or move when bored rely on what they can directly experience or perform activities such as cooking, construction, engineering and art help them perceive and learn enjoy field trips and tasks that involve manipulating materials sit near the door or someplace else where they can easily get up and move around are uncomfortable in classrooms where they lack opportunities for hands-on experience communicate by touching and appreciate physically expressed encouragement, such as a pat on the back

    21. Two Sides to the Brain Brain Orientation - Thinking Preference & Learning Style

    22. Analytic Learner Global Learner Left Brain Characteristics Right Brain Characteristics looking at details focusing on one thing giving direct answers organization individual competition establishing routines working through ideas following schedules seeing the “big” picture cooperating in groups giving and receiving praise reading body language going with the flow doing several things at once focusing on ideas/themes listening sincerely to others reading between the lines

    23. Left Brain Cognitive Processing Linear - Processing information from part to whole; in a straight forward logical progression. Sequential - Processing information in order from first to last. Symbolic - Processes symbols; likes to use letters, words and mathematical symbols. Logical - Processes information piece by piece using logic to solve a problem. Verbal - Processes thoughts and ideas with words. Reality-Based - Processes information based on reality; focuses on rules and regulations

    24. Right Brain Cognitive Processing Holistic - Processing information from whole to part; sees the big picture first, not the details. Random - Processing information with out priority, jumps form one task to another. Concrete - Processes things that can be seen, or touched - real objects. Intuitive - Processes information based on whether or not it feels right know answer but not sure how it was derived. Nonverbal - Processes thought as illustrations. Fantasy-Oriented - Processes information with creativity; less focuses on rules and regulations

    25. You Almost Always Left Brain (Analytic)Traits do things the same way like a neat environment are self-motivated value facts over feelings ask “how do I do it?” Right Brain (Global)Traits visualize the future think fast on your feet have good rapport with others see many solutions accept many types of people try to avoid conflict

    26. These Frustrate You Left Brain Traits Right Brain Traits not knowing the purpose not understanding how a teacher grades dealing with generalities having an opinion expressed as fact having to find personal meaning in what you learn working in groups questions with no right answer having to explain things step by step not getting a chance to explain accept criticism without taking it personally people who are insensitive not knowing the meaning for doing something keeping detailed records re-doing anything once it is done having to chose one answer

    27. Questions You Ask: Left Brain Traits Right Brain Traits What facts do I need to know? What should it look like? When is it due? What does this have to do with me? How can I make a difference? How much of this is really necessary?

    29. Eight Intelligences Multiple Intelligences & Learning Style “It’s not about how smart you are, but how you are smart!”

    30. Gardner’s Intelligence “. . . an ability to solve problems or fashion products that are useful in a particular cultural setting or community.” image source: http://www.essentialschools.org/ images/ff_pics/ff2000/speakers/howard.jpg

    31. Multiple Intelligence Theory -The Seven Eight Intelligences Howard Gardner Verbal/Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Visual/Spatial Bodily/Kinesthetic Musical/Rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist +Existential Interest may = Aptitude, Strength & Preference vs Disinterest may = Ineptitude, Weakness & Prejudice

    32. Verbal – Linguistic Word/Book Smart Strength reading, writing, telling stories, memorizing dates, thinking in words Best Learning Style reading, hearing and seeing words speaking, writing, discussing, and debating

    33. Logical – Mathematical Number/Logic Smart Strength math, reasoning, logic, problem solving, patterns Best Learning Style working with patterns and relationships, classifying, categorizing, working with the abstract

    34. Visual – Spatial Art/Picture Smart Strength reading, maps, charts, drawing, mazes, puzzles, imaging things, visualization Best Learning Style working with pictures and colors, visualizing, using the "mind’s eye", drawing

    35. Bodily – Kinesthetic Body/Movement Smart Strength athletics, dancing, acting, crafts, using tools Best Learning Style touching, moving, processing knowledge though body sensations

    36. Musical – Rhythmic Music/Sound Smart Strength singing, picking up sounds, remembering melodies, rhythms Best Learning Style rhythm, melody, singing, listening to music and melodies

    37. Interpersonal People/Group Smart Strength understanding people, leading, organizing, communicating, resolving conflicts, selling Best Learning Style sharing, comparing, relating, interviewing, cooperating

    38. Intrapersonal Self/Introspection Smart Strength understanding self, recognizing strengths and weaknesses, setting goals Best Learning Style working alone, doing self-paced projects, having space, reflecting

    39. Naturalist Nature/Environment Smart Strength categorizing, organizing a living area, planning a trip, preservation, and conservation Best Learning Style sharing, comparing, relating, cooperating and interviewing

    40. . . . Over Four Dimensions The Personality Spectrum Dr. Joyce Bishop based on Keirsey, MBTI & Jung

    41. Personality analysis How do you respond to the world around you? Externally Internally From where do you get your esteem? What motivates you? What satisfies or completes you?

    42. Personality Spectrum

    43. Thinker Personal strengths enjoy solving problems love to develop models and systems abstract and analytical way of thinking love to explore ideas dislike unfairness and wastefulness global by nature, always seeking universal truth

    44. Thinker Learning like quiet time to reflect on new information learn through problems-solving & designing new ways of approaching issues may find it effective to convert material you need to learn into logical charts and graphs

    45. Giver Personal strengths value honesty and authenticity enjoy close relationships strong spirituality in your nature making a difference in the world is important to you enjoy cultivating potential in yourself and others naturally romantic and a peacemaker dislike hypocrisy and deception.

    46. Giver Learning enjoy studying with others and also helping them learn study groups are very effective for you to remember difficult information

    47. Organizer Personal strengths value the traditional family and support social structures never take responsibility lightly strong sense of history, culture, and dignity value order and predictability dislike disobedience or nonconformity value loyalty and obligation.

    48. Organizer Learning must have organization to the material know the overall plan and what will be required of you organizing the material could include any of the following: highlighting key terms in text, rewriting and organizing notes from class or the text, making flash cards

    49. Adventurer Personal strengths adventure is your middle name a hands-on approach to problems solving is important to you take pride in being highly skilled in a variety of fields need variety and hate waiting live in the here and now your impulsiveness that drives everything you do dislike rigid structure and would prefer to be the person in authority.

    50. Adventurer Learning learn exciting and stimulating information easiest so pick classes and instructors carefully study with fun people in a variety of ways and places keep on the move develop games and puzzles to help memorize terminology

    51. Self-Evaluation What kind of student are you? What kind of student do you want to be?

    52. The LASSI Learning & Study Strategies Inventory

    53. LASSI - Learning & Study Strategies Inventory 10 scales – results given in percentiles You should be aiming for the 70th %ile in each area Skill Component of Strategic Learning Information Processing Selecting Main Ideas Test Strategies Will Component of Strategic Learning Attitude Motivation Anxiety Self-Regulation Component of Strategic Learning Concentration Self-Testing Study Aids Time Management

    54. More on Learning Styles…

    55. Resource Sites University of Guelph www.tss.uoguelph.ca/resources/idres/packagels.html University of Toronto www.ldrc.ca/projects/aware/index.php

    56. On-Line Inventories Hemispheric Dominance Inventory (L/R) http://www.mtsu.edu/~studskl/hd/learn.html http://brain.web-us.com/brain/braindominance.htm Sensory Learning Style (Auditory, Visual, Tactile/Kinesthetic) http://www.ulc.arizona.edu/learn_styl_ass.html http://www.metamath.com/lsweb/dvclearn.htm Multiple Intelligences (8 intelligences) http://www.ldrc.ca/projects/miinventory/miinventory.php

    57. more On-Line Inventories Sternberg-Wagner Thinking Styles Inventory www.ldrc.ca/projects/tscale/index.php Index of Learning Styles (ILS) www2.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/ILSdir/ilsweb.html Excellent on-line interactive learning style exercise from James Cook U. Australia (also based on ILS) www.jcu.edu.au/studying/services/studyskills/learningst/ Discovery Wheel Online (Houghton-Mifflin College Site) http://college.hmco.com/masterstudent/series/master_student_canadian/4e/students/index.html

    58. Next Week: Active Learning & your Learning Profile For next Wednesday Be prepared for quizzes Review Chapter 3 & Chapter 6, pp. 181 – 189 Review today’s inventories and be prepared to discuss them in terms of how they relate to YOU – your personal traits; your strengths and weaknesses

    59. Questions? . . . see you next week!

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