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Ageing in Rural Places

Ageing in Rural Places. Completed and Ongoing Projects 2006-2009 & Future Directions ICERTS Workshop February 2009. Introduction. Centre establishment and funding Significant funding – enabled substantial growth 2006: (Staff of 5); 2009: (Staff of 13)

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Ageing in Rural Places

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  1. Ageing in Rural Places Completed and Ongoing Projects 2006-2009 & Future Directions ICERTS Workshop February 2009

  2. Introduction • Centre establishment and funding • Significant funding – enabled substantial growth • 2006: (Staff of 5); 2009: (Staff of 13) • One of three core themes: Rural Ageing • Funding in this area is limited • Strong component in ICSG projects ICERTS Workshop February 2009

  3. Some Relevant Projects Responses to Rural Social Care Needs • Assessment of Older Adult Community Organisation • Evolved in response to lack of services and opportunities • Representative of national issues - but accentuated by rural areas • Isolating geographies & reduced social and support networks • Necessity to building capacity in rural ageing communities • Illustrates form of ‘double jeopardy’ • Issues affecting older population further compounded by rurality ICERTS Workshop February 2009

  4. Technology and Older People • Social Audit of Assistive Technology for Older People • Review application, use and potential of AT to impact on older people • Findings underlined importance of place • Particularly for those in receding rural communities • Increased urbanised perspective – social, industry and identity • Rural decline; industry, core services, reduced population • Ultimately impacted on social and support networks • Emphasised many services go beyond simple provision • Postman, milk delivery and waste disposal ICERTS Workshop February 2009

  5. Other Projects and Policy Reports • Quality of Life in Long-Stay Care • Quality of Life of Older People with a Disability • End of Life Care for Older People • Volunteerism and the Care of Older People • Bealtaine – Ageing and the Arts • Common findings; • Fragmented and disjointed service provision in rural areas • Characterised by transportation, coordination and funding issues ICERTS Workshop February 2009

  6. Ongoing Projects Neighbourhood Context and Disability Onset • Associations bet. neighbourhood, disability and later life (LIS) • Neigh. problems (env. issues, anti-social behaviour) and social capital • Continuing investigation into rural and urban differences Technology Research for Independent Living • Focuses on existing P-E fit and potential of technology to help • Urban and rural lives of older people • Cognitive, social and falls dimensions ICERTS Workshop February 2009

  7. Other Projects • Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) • Urban-rural identifiers • The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) • Rural components ICERTS Workshop February 2009

  8. Future Directions • Capacity for rural research established in ICSG • Building intra and inter-institutional networks • Cross-border Network in Rural Ageing • Interdisciplinary and cross institutional collaboration • Areas of interest • Social contact and inclusion • Infrastructures of care • Age segregated communities in rural areas • Intergenerational relationships ICERTS Workshop February 2009

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