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ARCS Review

ARCS Review. November 2011 HOGA AGM. Patricia Smith Donna Fedorkow Bev Pindar-Donick a nd many others. Objectives. Review current Academic Role Listing to: Determine appropriateness of item inclusion Addition Deletion Establish “relativity” of items

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ARCS Review

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  1. ARCS Review November 2011 HOGA AGM Patricia Smith Donna Fedorkow Bev Pindar-Donick and many others

  2. Objectives • Review current Academic Role Listing to: • Determine appropriateness of item inclusion • Addition • Deletion • Establish “relativity” of items • Equitable points allocation for different roles • (Identify areas to increase HOGA $$)

  3. Too Big a Bite to Chew

  4. ARCS: Biggest Issues • Cumbersome • Bean counting • Lack of “relativity” • “Same” role has different value • Some role “over valued”

  5. Adopt the K.I.S.S. Principle

  6. Premis:As AFP Members there are certain expectations • Teach on a day to day basis • Involve learners in deliveries • Welcome learners into the operating room • L&D - C/Sections • Gyne OR • Teach while on call • Supervise on the wards

  7. Calculations: • Generalists (St. Joes & MUMC) • PGY 1&2 resident months x 20 ÷ # generalists with fudge factors for time away • On call allocation – “don’t you remember, I covered you from 8 ‘till 10 that day” • Subspecialists • # resident months x 20 ÷ # subspecialists with the subspecialty divvying up the pot • On call allocation – same as above

  8. 3-year Average Calculations Per member of group: allocation as per group consensus

  9. Teaching Sessions • What is done during any rotation: practice orals, OSCEs, teaching sessions, chat over coffee etc., is a part of the rotation and covered in the predetermined points • Additional teaching sessions are at the discretion and scheduling of the undergraduate and postgraduate program

  10. Proposal #1: • Generalist receive 600 points per site per year • Subspecialists receive 400 points per year • Ultrasound stays at 100 points per year • Sexual Medicine stays at 150 points per year • PND stays at 49 points per year • To be divided PRN

  11. Lectures/Simulations/Evaluations Does not account for length of session

  12. Proposal #2: • Academic Half Day • MF3 • Clerkship • LMCC Review etc. • All 5 points per session Does not account for length of lecture

  13. EducationUndergraduate Site Coordinator • Minimum of 2 students per rotation • 10 points per year Proposal # 2: That the above definition and points allocation be adopted

  14. Research Proposal #3: Adopt new values for above roles

  15. Research Proposal #4: Adopt new values for above roles

  16. Research Grants Proposal #5: Adopt new values for above roles

  17. MD StipendedRolesFrom MD Supplemental $$ Proposal #6: Adopt new values for above roles

  18. Committee Membership • Ex Officio membership based on a stipended role (eg. undergraduate coordinator) is NOT eligible for additional ARCS $. • Committees eligible for ARCS $ must be educational or research based: Proposal #7: Adopt the above principles

  19. Accountability • Star CV allows for input of university activities at source • Mistakes happen so it is up to the individual to check for accuracy • Corroboration is needed for claims made from outside the university eg: presentations, abstract reviews, grant reviews, committee membership, publications etc. • Random audits will take place

  20. Making the Pie Bigger FHS Program AFP Headcount – HOGA members Repair – Alms from Internal Medicine Academic Contributions – AFP identified roles • UG Clerkship – student headcount • UG MD Supplemental – leadership roles • PG – resident headcount Ccccccccccccc cccccccccc

  21. Make the ARCS Pie Bigger Pie Enhancers Student Advisor MD Admissions MD OSCE Tutor MF Facilitator PC MF3 Clinical skills

  22. Further Work • Research Grants • Multiple Presentations of same work • MD program roles and participation • Postgrad roles and participation • Mentorship: Undergrad & Postgrad • Encourage roles that make the pie bigger Proposal # 8: should we continue?

  23. Proposal # 9 Anyone wanna take over?

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