Expected Outcomes And Significance The results of this experiment can create an entirely new production of candy and various other foods made gluten-free. If the samples prove to be acceptable overall, more gluten-free products would be encouraged to be produced and those diagnosed with Celiac Disease can eat foods that they previously could not. Summary It has become more common that people are diagnosed with Celiac Disease and are unable to consume gluten containing products. To create gluten-free substitutes of as many wheat products as possible would be of great help to those who like to eat them. This study tests the overall acceptability of substituting all purpose wheat flour with gluten-free brown rice flour, buckwheat flour, and sorghum flour in a “Twix” bar. By completing this experiment it will be determined if gluten-free flour is an acceptable substitute when making candy bars. The Acceptability of a “Twix” bar with a Gluten-Free Flour Cookie Base SubstituteCecilie Braadt, Bridget McHugh, Janelle Gros, Rosemary SquiresDepartment of Human EcologyState University of New York, College at Oneonta Methods This study tests the acceptability of substituting buckwheat, sorghum, and brown rice gluten-free flours in the cookie base of Twix bars usually made from all-purpose wheat flour. A Twix bar is a popular candy bar that can not be consumed by those with Celiac Disease, in which one cannot consume gluten containing products, because of its wheat ingredient found in all purpose flour. In this study, a Twix bar made from all purpose flour from a recipe found in a popular candy making website, will serve as the control sample. Brown rice flour, buckwheat flour, and sorghum flour will serve as three separate samples to compare to the control recipe. Instrument Design and Survey Procedures A five question survey will be developed in order to rate each sample based on taste, texture, appearance, color, and overall acceptability. About 25 participants will rate each finished product. Data Analysis Data will be collected based off the means of each survey’s results of each of the four samples. Once compared to the control sample, it will be determined whether or not the gluten free samples were acceptable. References http://www.ehow.com/about_5040962_history-twix-candy-bar.html#ixzz2DeMhfyK0http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001280/ http://yourlife.usatoday.com/fitness-food/safety/story/2011/08/Celiac-disease-on-the-rise-in-the-US/50060416/1 http://shop.snackdispatch.com/images/twix.jpg (1) Torbica, A, Hadnadev, M, DapcevicHadnadev, C. Rice and buckwheat flour characterization and its relation to cookie quality. Food Research International. (2012). 48: 277-83. (2) Hager, A. S., & Et al. (2012). Nutritional Properties of Commercial Gluten Free Flours. Journal of Cereal Science, 239-247. (3) Gujral, H. S. (2012). Effects of incorporating germinated brown rice on the antioxidant properties of wheat flour chapatti. Food Science and Technology International, 18(1), 47-54