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THE MIND-BODY CONNECT CONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™. THE MIND-BODY CONNECT CONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™. The Ancient Greeks such as Plato and Aristotle recognized the connections between mind and body and believed that they were not separate but existed as a unit working together.
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • The Ancient Greeks such as Plato and Aristotle recognized the connections between mind and body and believed that they were not separate but existed as a unit working together. • The Greeks believed physical activity helped not just the body but the development and growth of the mind. Therefore exercise was highly encouraged and described as “bodily exercise”. Plato felt human perfection could be attained by way of understanding and putting to use the mind-body connection. • Western Medicine traditionally, separated the physical body from the non-physical mind, believing in their independent existence. Today, western medicine accepts a possible link between the mind and body, supporting alternative methods • Eastern Medicine has always understood the link between the mind and the body and has evolved methods to keep them in balance
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • The body is like a car which cannot move without the mind, which is its key. Once the key is put in the ignition, you are capable of going in almost any direction. The body-mind connection is the most powerful force that affects your health • Establishing a strong mind body connection is important for overall health and emotionalwellness. Being mindful of this connection helps us choose and create health.
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • A mind/body approach suggests that the mind and body work in concert to produce your current state of health. Thus, thoughts and emotions effect your physical state. In turn, your physical state effects your mental outlook.
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • Our emotions and physical health are inextricably linked. Think of a time when you felt joy. How did your body feel? Light, balanced, healthy, energetic. Now think of a time when you felt great sadness. Your body responded by feeling heavy, slow, achy. This is the mind body connection at work • The mind body connection is extremely powerful and can contribute to serious illness or heal serious illness
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ THE FUNDAMENTALS • All mental functions are controlled by the Nervous System: electrical • e.g. movements, organ functions • All bodily processes are controlled by the Endocrine System: chemical (hormones) • e.g. metabolism, cellular processes
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ THE NERVOUS SYSTEM • The Central Nervous System consists of the Brain and Spinal Cord. It contains millions of neurones (nerve cells). • The Peripheral Nervous System consists of all the sensory nerves (these feed information into the spinal cord and brain) and the motor nerves (these carry messages from the brain to all the muscles organs etc
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • NEUROTRANSMITTERS are the brain chemicals that communicate information throughout our brain and body. Major transmitters are manufactured inside neurons (brain cells) and then used as needed. Neurons specifically use two key amino acids as precursors, or building blocks, to make transmitters from • They relay signals between nerve cells, called “neurons.” The brain uses neurotransmitters to tell your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, and your stomach to digest. They can also affect mood, sleep, concentration, weight, and can cause adverse symptoms when they are out of balance.
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ CAUSES OF NTs DEFICIENCIES · GENETIC: A person's genetic make up is responsible for low, high or balanced levels of transmitters from birth. · STRESS: Stress depletes neurotransmitters! Any type of stress . . . lack of sleep, everyday mental and emotional battles or poor health, will deplete "feel good" transmitters. This results in a reduction of transmitters needed for sleep, as well as pain blocking transmitters. · DIET: The specific amino acids that our brains manufacture transmitters from are frequently not supplied by our modern diet or in the way our brain best utilizes them. As stress further depletes supplies it is difficult, if not impossible, for the brain to restore necessary amounts to proper levels. . TOXIC CHEMICALS . INFECTIONS
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ NEUROTRANSMITTER DEFICIENCIES • Depression • Lifelessness • Moods • Irritability • Sleeplessness • Anxiety/Panic • Brain Fog • Stress Damage • When any of your neurotransmitters are either too high or too low for optimal balance, you tend to experience life through the lens of the imbalance.
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • Breakthroughs by neuroscientists over the last 30 years indicate that when an emotion is triggered, your physiology shifts even though you are not consciously aware of this. This shift sends a message back to the brain affecting virtually everything the brain does. So your performance, your ability to act with confidence, is inextricably linked with your physiology. Mantras, prayers, yoga, and spiritual practices can have a beneficial effect on well beingBy practising disciplines such as yoga, Lotus meditation, Tai Chi, and martial arts, you can develop the discipline to calm your mind and centre your body for effective action.
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • Happiness and meditation have been long been linked together and now western science understands why. • Lotus Meditation stimulates the release of neurotransmitters, including opiates, serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. So, we now know that happiness isn’t some elusive emotion, it’s a physiological state which can be studied and measured. The effects of Lotus meditation on all the neurotransmitters change the brains set point for happiness in a way that no single drug can.
Positive Effects Lotus Meditation Has on Your Body‘s Natural Chemistry SEROTONINLotus Meditation also increases the production of serotonin within our brains. GABA People who regularly practice lotus meditation have considerably increased levels of GABA. DHEA Lotus Meditation provides a dramatic boost in DHEA hormone levels. MELATONIN People who practice Lotus meditation are able to maintain healthy levels of melatonin by reducing stress and restoring balance. As a result, they sleep more soundly and wake up feeling refreshed each morning.
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ EndorphinsThese same pleasant feelings are also experienced by people who meditate, and studies show this is due to the higher levels endorphins that meditation elicits.HGHDeep Lotus Meditation dramatically boosts levels of human growth hormone (HGH), which your body naturally producesCortisolCortisol is the one hormone you want less amounts of and Lotus meditation is proven to significantly decrease this harmful hormone
THE MIND-BODY CONNECTCONSCIOUS NUTRACEUTICALS™ • “It’s never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
Don't be… “Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small steps” - The Book of Courage