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A Citation Analysis of Pricing Research in 19 Marketing Journals from 1980 - 2006

A Citation Analysis of Pricing Research in 19 Marketing Journals from 1980 - 2006. Robert P. Leone Neeley School of Business Texas Christian University Larry Robinson Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University 2008 Behavioral Pricing Conference September 19-20, 2008.

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A Citation Analysis of Pricing Research in 19 Marketing Journals from 1980 - 2006

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  1. A Citation Analysis of Pricing Researchin 19 Marketing Journals from 1980 - 2006 Robert P. Leone Neeley School of Business Texas Christian University Larry Robinson Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University 2008 Behavioral Pricing Conference September 19-20, 2008

  2. Research Objectives: Identify the articles within the marketing discipline related to managerial issues in pricing; Identify who (individuals and institutions) is producing these articles; Show where the knowledge created is going to (which journals are citing the pricing articles appearing in the marketing journals); and, Show where the knowledge in the pricing articles is coming from (what journals are being cited by the articles dealing with pricing in the marketing journals).

  3. Pricing Articles Data Base The goal was to do a census to find all articles that dealt with some aspect of pricing. Verification Authors Screen 1627 articles Search on Pricing Keywords 19 SSCI Marketing Journals 2 PhD Students 225 not pricing & 55 articles questioned. 17 of 55 kept Final Database 1364articles Sent to 2 Pricing Researchers

  4. Article (plus complete reference information) Author(s) – noted as primary or secondary Affiliation(s) at time articles was published Journal Complete list of articles referenced (cited) Complete list of articles citing the paper. Keywords Citation count as of December 2006. Database includes

  5. This process yielded 23,142 total citations for the 1364 articles. These articles were authored by 1,550 authors representing 493 different institutions.

  6. Process for identifying “From” & “To” • Used Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) to get references used by 652 articles out of 1,364 articles which were cited six or more times • Captured details about each reference (authors, title, journal/book, date) • Used SSCI to get details for articles which cited each of the 652 articles • Created tables for authors, articles/books, and journals

  7. KB MONROE RC BLATTBERG RS WINER JDC LITTLE RE BUCKLIN VA ZEITHAML GJ TELLIS R THALER PM GUADAGNI JR HAUSER 361 260 164 131 126 118 113 109 108 106 Top 10 Authors Cited by Pricing Articles

  8. Top 10 Articles Cited by Pricing Articles 1. A logit model of brand choice calibrated on scanner data - Guadagni & Little, MS, 1983 2. Mental accounting & consumer choice - Thaler, MS, 1985 3. A reference price model of brand choice for frequently purchased products - Winer, JCR, 1986 4. The impact of sales promotions on when, wheat, & how much to buy - Gupta, JMR, 1988 5. Price elasticity of selective demand: meta analysis of econometric models of sales Tellis, JMR, 1988 6. Prospect theory: an analysis of decision under risk, Kahneman & Tversky, Econometrica, 1979 7. A probabilistic choice model for market segmentation & elasticity - Kamakura & Russell, JMR, 1989 8. Price-induced patterns of competition - Blattberg & Wisniewski, MS, 1989 9. The price knowledge & search of supermarket shoppers - Dickson & Sawyer, JM, 1990 9. Reference effects of price & promotion on brand choice - Lattin & Bucklin, JMR, 1989 9. Buyer’s subjective perceptions of price – Monroe, JMR, 1973

  9. Implications Findings can help researchers, managers, educators, students, and others who are interested in pricing decide journals and which author’s work(s) to search out. The most highly cited articles provide a starting point in identifying high impact research in the pricing area for someone teaching an MBA course on pricing or a PhD seminar with a pricing component. For someone conducting research in a specific pricing subject area, the articles identified in this research provide a starting point for a literature review for research in any of the 83 subject areas identified by the key word indicators found in the titles and abstracts for the 1,364 articles in this study. The “From” and “To” analysis shows a process for determining the articles and authors most highly referenced by current researchers in a subject area.

  10. Thank you!

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