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Discretion Payments in exceptional circumstances. Discretion • Fast Facts. Discretion • Fast Facts. Why is LAO clarifying the discretion guidelines?. Discretion is requested to enhance the hours allowed under the tariff.
Discretion is requested to enhance the hours allowed under the tariff Discretion may be paid in exceptional circumstances pursuant to Legal Aid Services Act, Note C The Future of Discretion
Lawyers need to know when a discretion request may be made and how much they can expect in discretion payments • The existing guidelines need to be clearer • LAO’s annual survey of lawyers confirms • Lack of clarity, uncertainty • Lawyers don’t understand why requests for discretion are cut back or denied. Some lawyers say that a lack of clarity leaves them uncertain about how to manage a case. • Dissatisfaction • Some lawyers do not expect discretionary accounts to be reduced to the extent they are. • Some lawyers complain that the reasons given for reductions don’t seem to relate to the account, and they think decisions are sometimes contradictory from one account to another. The Future of Discretion
Enable LAO staff to provide quick, consistent discretion decisions • Discretion decisions take 60 days or more to process • Existing guidelines subject to wide interpretation – there is a need for principled consistency The Future of Discretion
Uncertainty in discretion requests andpayments • Discretion is requested on 9% of certificates. Some lawyers exceed the tariff maximums, yet do not request discretion • A lawyer’s rate of previous discretion requests substantially increases the likelihood of a future discretion request • A lawyer’s inexperience increases the likelihood of a discretion request. Tier 1 lawyers request discretion more frequently. • Lawyers with high certificate volumes related to the same type of case request discretion frequently increasing average case costs • Discretionary payments divert funds from the most needy of LAO clients and reduce available funds for complex matters The Future of Discretion
Legal Aid Services ActNote C This Schedule is a legal aid tariff reflecting fees customarily paid by a client of modest means and except in exceptional circumstances the fees provided for shall normally apply for the described legal aid services, but, at the written request of the lawyer, the fees may be increased by the legal accounts officer if in his or her opinion an increase is justified, having regard to all the circumstances, including, the result obtained, the complexity of the matter, the contributions of the applicant or other contributors, the amount of time realistically set aside in anticipation of a lengthy trial which time was not otherwise filled by the lawyer, and any other relevant factor that would warrant an increased fee; and the fees may be decreased by the legal accounts officer if in his or her opinion a decrease is appropriate, under subsection 44 (2) of Ontario Regulation 106/99, or where and to the extent that the fees charged exceed the amount of fees that would be allowed if the fees of the lawyer were assessed under the Solicitors Act. The Future of Discretion
Guidelines for Discretion Requests • Tariff & Billing Handbook
LASA Note C Results Obtained You may be eligible for a discretion payment LASA Note C: a) (i) Results obtained Guidelines include: Successful refugee claim – IRB success rate of 20% or less The Future of Discretion
LASA Note C Complexity of the MatterYou may be eligible for a discretion payment LASA Note C: a) (ii) Complexity Guidelines include: One or more factors Novel claims (eg. Transgender) Ministerial intervention The Future of Discretion
LASA Note C Other Relevant FactorsYou may be eligible for a discretion payment LASA Note C: a) (v) Any other relevant factor that may warrant an increased fee. Guidelines include The relevant factors such as: Minor Domestic violence Mental illness Illiteracy The Future of Discretion
LASA Note CContributions of the ApplicantTime set Aside for TrialNo Change LASA Note C: a) (iii) Contributions of the applicant or other contributors LASA Note C: a) (iv) The amount of time realistically set aside in anticipation of a lengthy trial which time was not otherwise filled by the lawyer. The Future of Discretion
Factors that require existence of other discretion circumstances
DAD Overriding Discretion Authority A discretion request with factors not contained in the guidelines will be assessed in consultation with the District Area Director (DAD) The Future of Discretion