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Family Guy is an American animated series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Network. The show centers around the Griffin family, this consists of Peter, Louis, Meg, Chris, S tewie and their dog Brian. It is set in a made up city called Quahog in Rhode Island.
Family Guy is an American animated series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Network. The show centers around the Griffin family, this consists of Peter, Louis, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their dog Brian. It is set in a made up city called Quahog in Rhode Island. The Show uses cutaway gags so many of the jokes are nothing to do with the story line.
Primary Research we carried out a piece of research to establish whether people in my class like family guy. My results showed that 100% of the people I asked liked family guy all 14 people I asked liked family guy. No one in the audience I asked did not like family guy. my samples were male and females aged 16 to 19. I do not think my results are reliable because I did not ask enough people and I only asked a limited age range.
Secondary research Family Guy was first aired in the UK in 2000 on channel four it was then moved to sky in 2001. The first time that family guy was broadcasted on the BBC was on the 21st of January 2008 which was a Friday, it was aired twice once at 11.30pm with 427000 viewers and a bit later at 11.57pm with 481000 viewers. on the week ending on the third of February it was aired again on the Friday at 11.03pm with 429000 viewers. on the week ending on the 10th of Febuarythere were 541000 viewers which is quite a lot more than the last 3 episodes. it is 6th in the top ten of the week. it was aired at 11.56pm on the week ending on the 17th it was not in the top 10 so i kept looking and it was not in the top ten untill the week ending on the 9th of march with 496000 viewers. it was aired at 11.56pm