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How to stop non stop classroom problems Presented by Hiwa Arif Near east university Nicosia 2014. content Management introduction. Classroom problem introduction. steps can be followed to resolve a students misbehavior. How to react to Misbehavior.
How to stop non stop classroom problems Presented by HiwaArif Near east university Nicosia 2014
content • Management introduction. • Classroom problem introduction. • steps can be followed to resolve a students misbehavior. • How to react to Misbehavior. • How To Become an Effective Problem Solver. • What Are the Causes of Classroom Discipline Problems? • How to reduce Problem Behaviors. • Classroom Problems.
MacDonald and Healy (1999 )stated that “management behaviors of the teacher are generally those things a teacher does in addition to instructional behaviors and are intended to keep students on task. • Classroom management is a term that is used to describe various practices employed by teachers to make sure that the behavior of the students does not disrupt or interfere with lesson plans.
What is the classroom problem ? • Disruptive behavior in the classroom is defined as repeated, continuous, or multiple student behaviors that prevent an instructor from teaching and/or prevent students from learning. (brown , 1997) • who is a difficult student? A difficult student is anyone whose attitude or behavior prevents that student and others from learning.
What steps can be followed to resolve a students constant misbehavior? 1. If possible, meet with the student and describe in exact terms the behavior you find unacceptable in the classroom. 2. During the discussion, explain the reason (s) why you find the behavior unacceptable. 3. Be sure the student understands that it is not he/she who is unacceptable, but rather the behavior.
4. Let the student know exactly what will happen if the problem continues. 5. Throughout the process, keep the parents and the principal informed of the progress or lack of progress. 6. If the student continues to misbehave and you feel that you have utilized all of your options and resources, send the child to the principal's office. Explain to the student that he/she is welcome to return when he/she is ready to follow the classroom rules.
How to react to Misbehavior • Extinction: the process of eliminating or reducing a conditioned by not reinforcing it. • reducing misbehavior the first time it happens, as long as it is not dangerous or distracting to other students. • Mild Desists: Also is a soft reprimand in which the teacher uses to correct the student for misbehaving. Mild desists are used to help the student who is off task to get back on task.
Reprimands: is a verbal technique that is used to reduce inappropriate behavior. • Time – out • It reduces misbehavior by removing the offending student from the situation. • Punishment : Punishment is sometimes necessary to enforce rules and regulation Guide line for using Punishment: • Learn what type of punishment school authority allow. • Don’t assign extra homework as punishment. • Be sure the punishment fits the misbehavior.
How To Become an Effective Problem Solver • There are a few key requirements to solve problems effectively. In and out of the classroom, we're often confronted with problems and effective problem solvers often employ a few key remedies. Here are the steps to becoming an more effective problem solver.
Understand 'why' the problem exists. What is the actual root cause for the problem. • Know what the obstacles are related to the problem. • Determine what you have control over and what you don't. • Make sure you have ALL the information you need. • Don't jump to conclusions. • determine your options for solutions.
What Are the Causes of Classroom Discipline Problems? 1. The teacher factor:The teacher can be a potent factor in causing disciplinary problems. the teacher's personal characteristics and his scholastic qualifications. 2. Problems at Home: Issues and stresses at home are a major reason for students to act out in class. 3. Peers: Students who are bullied by their peers are also prone to discipline issues in the classroom. 4. Perception: If your student feels you don't like him, you're not protecting him or supportive of him, he could become a discipline problem in the classroom.
5. Disabilities:Children with learning disabilities can also sometimes be disruptive in class 6. Personal issues:students may also be disruptive for personal reasons, relating partly or mainly to their own personal problems - for example: • anxiety • depression • eating disorders • learning difficulties • other emotional and behavioral problems.
Reducing Problem Behaviors Through Good Academic Management: 7 Strategies • Be sure that assigned work is not too easy and not too difficult. • Offer frequent opportunities for choice. • Select high-interest or functional learning activities
Instruct students at a brisk pace. • Give frequent teacher feedback and encouragement. • Incorporate cooperative-learning opportunity into instruction.
Problems Students don’t finish their homework. Cheating. Bullying. Leave classroom repeatedly. Monopolizing discussion. Sleeping in class. Refusal to Participate or Speak. Inattentive. Speaking out.
problems Students don’t Finish their homework one of the problem that teachers face during the process of teaching and learning is students don’t finish their work and their assignment. What is solution ?
Solution • Have a discussion with the student as to why they are not turning in homework. • Threaten grades. • Call the parent or guardian at home to discuss the situation. • Check with other teachers to see how the student is doing. Is this a pattern in other classes? If so, talk to student and parent to find out why.
Cheating • Cheating is defined as obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding another to obtain credit for work, or any improvement in evaluation of performance, by any dishonest or deceptive means. Cheating includes: • copying from another's test or examination. • discussion at any time of answers or questions on an examination or test. • taking or receiving copies of an exam without the permission of the instructor. • allowing someone other than the officially enrolled student to represent same.
cheating 1 2
Ways to Prevent Cheating • Make the exam difficult to cheat: • Frequently change test format and questions. • ban cell phones or other communication technology from the classroom. • and separate desks so students can't see each other's exams. • Establish and enforce serious consequences, such as suspension from school. • If they do it again put a sign on his/her papers exam.
bullying • Bullying” is aggression, harassment, threats or intimidation when one person has greater status, control, power than the other.” Usually Bullying begins at home when respect, tolerance, inclusiveness, and kindness are not taught in home.
What is the solution? • Teachers policy. • Treat Students and Others with Warmth and Respect • Find A Friend • Speak to the bully’s parents. • Speak to victim’s parents.
leaves class repeatedly to talk on the phone or any other reason • one of the problem that teachers face in classroom is the frequent interruptive by student that take brake a lot, so in this case teacher can do something to stop it. • What is the solution?
solution • Take one break during the class. • You might privately ask the student if everything is OK so that they know that you are concerned by their behavior. • Don’t assume disrespect – it might be a medical issue or other personal problem.
Monopolizing discussions • This is common in most classroom but it is manageable. Many students are excited and talkative in Classroom.
Interrupt them through using some expressions such as: (That is an interested point, lets see what others think). • Avoid making eye contact with the talkative. • If one student has been dominating the discussion, ask other students whether they agree or disagree with that student. • • If the monopolize is a serious problem, speak to him or her after class or during office hours.
Sleeping in class • Some times you see student is sleeping and he/she doesn't pay attention. A student falling asleep during class may not seem like a big deal, but it can cause other problems, such as talking and laughing from classmates. • What will you do ?
Raise your voice or try to knock the table. • Teachers have to think about the reasons behind his sleeping. • You might simply choose to wake the student and ask them if they are feeling alright.
Refusal to Participate or Speak • (Name) comes to class, sits in the back of the class near the door, rarely speaks to classmates, And he doesn’t participate and speak in class discussion. How would you handle this situation?
Tell the whole class about the importance of student participation in the learning process. • Teacher should ask the student to see after class and they can discuss the problem one-on-one. • break students into small groups to discuss the answer, then bring them back to the whole group • Use Think-Pair-Share and Write-Pair-Share
Inattentive • Inattention can be simply put as a lack of attention ,a reduced attention span and trouble keeping focused during class lesson . Attention can be defined as the concentration of mental powers upon an object .How would you handle this situation?
Discuss your policy the first day • Try using small groups (increases engagement) • Make eye contact with inattentive students. • Let students know in advance that everyone will be called on to answer questions and participate in discussions. • Move around the classroom for proximity to inattentive students. • Rotate class seating or re-group students. • Confer with student (s) privately
Speaking Out • Students often speak out, sometimes overriding others who are talking. This habit is as disruptive as an elementary classroom of chattering students. How would you handle this situation?
To prevent this, set the stage before asking the class a question. For instance, make the statement that questions are about to be asked of the entire class. Tell the students that everyone's answers are important, only those who raise their hands without speaking will be called upon.
What will you do if you see two students talk and they don’t pay attention ?
Give them a verbal warming. • Don’t stop your lesson and shout or yell at them, saying their names is enough for them to pay attention. • Another solution is to ask them questions to keep them with you all the time. • Establish eye contact with the talkers. • Move close to where the talkers are speaking. • Remind students that only one person speaks at a time in the classroom
A student came late frequently. When students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, impede learning, and generally erode class environment. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread throughout the class. What will you do ?
First, talk generally to the class about coming late. • Second time, give him/her verbal warming and if he/she came late again, put a sign beside his/her name that he/she is absent in order to stop this habit. • encourage students to come to class on time. And make them understand that good attendance is easy to achieve.
Last thought Being an effective class manager is not a talent which some people just have and the others do not-it is a set of skills and an attitude learned through patience and practice
References Belvel, P., and Jordan, M. (2003). Rethinking Classroom Management: Strategies for Prevention, Intervention, and Problem Solving. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press. Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the classroom. Oxford: Oxford University press. McCabe, D., & Pavela, G. (2005). New honor codes for a new generation. Inside Higher Education, 11, March 2005. MacDonald, R. and Healy, S. (1999), A Handbook for Beginning Teachers. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.