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Preparing for Hajj

06 June 2014. Preparing for Hajj. Key Q: How do Muslims prepare for Hajj?. Starter: You have crash landed in a dessert:. You can carry upto ten items which do you take:. Not Important. Crucial. Important. LO:. Know: What Muslims do to prepare for Hajj

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Preparing for Hajj

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  1. 06 June 2014 Preparing for Hajj Key Q: How do Muslims prepare for Hajj?

  2. Starter: You have crash landed in a dessert: You can carry upto ten items which do you take:

  3. Not Important Crucial Important

  4. LO: • Know: What Muslims do to prepare for Hajj • Understand: Why Muslims prepare for Hajj • Think about the difference between need and want

  5. Write the definitions in your book: Pilgrimage A religious journey. Holiday A trip or visit with the purpose of having fun, or seeing new places. Hajj Journey with a special purpose.

  6. Hajj Hajj is a journey with a special purpose. The pligrimage to Makkah, which almost every Muslim will do is called Hajj. Evey Muslim who is fit and can afford it is expected to go on Hajj at least once in their lifetime. Before going on Hajj they make special preparations including making sure that their family is taken care of whilst they are away and preparing themselves spiritually. Packing for Hajj is very different from packing to go on holiday. One important thing they will take is a ihram for men this is two white, unsewn pieces of cloth. One is tied around the waist, the other is put over the shoulder. For women it is a long white dress and head covering. Everyone wears the same clothing to show that everyone is equal.

  7. What to bring? Not allowed: Sex Cutting hair or nails Killing any living creature Jewellery Anything unnecessary Hajj is about concentrating on Allah and not material things. Task Sort the items in front of you into allowed and not allowed. EXTENSION: Explain why some items are not allowed on Hajj.

  8. pilgrimage Makkah healthy Hajj is the _________ to ______ which every Muslim who is ______ and can afford it goes to once in their lifetime. During Hajj pilgrims show they are equal by wearing the ____ . ihram Use these words: ihram, pilgrimage Makkah, healthy. • Why do you think the pilgrims wear white • Muslims travel from all over the world to visit Makkah, Describe how this makes them feel. • Many Muslims keep their Hajj clothes so they can be buried in them. Why do you think they do this.

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