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Welcome to Fourth Grade Curriculum Night!. Mrs. Erica Handell. Class Schedule. 7:20-7:55 Morning Work 7:55-8:15 Announcements/Attendance 8:15-9:15 Math workshop 9:15-9:45 Skills- Grammar/Spelling/Writing 9:45-10:25 Specials 10:25-11:24 Literacy Block 11:24-11:54 Lunch
Welcome to Fourth Grade Curriculum Night! Mrs. Erica Handell
Class Schedule • 7:20-7:55 Morning Work • 7:55-8:15 Announcements/Attendance • 8:15-9:15 Math workshop • 9:15-9:45 Skills- Grammar/Spelling/Writing • 9:45-10:25 Specials • 10:25-11:24 Literacy Block • 11:24-11:54 Lunch • 11:55-12:25 Outside Free Play • 12:30-1:15 Science • 1:15-2:00 Social Studies • 2:00-2:15 Pack Up/Read Aloud • 2:20-2:50 Dismissal
4th Grade Curriculumwww.glc.k12.ga.us/ • Math • Know your facts!!! • We will be studying place value, rounding, multiplication of 2-3 digit numbers by 1-2 digit numbers and division. • Reading • Guided reading groups and novel studies • Language Arts • Conventions (parts of speech, subject/predicates) and 4 types of sentences • Science • Water, Water Cycle and Weather. • Weather charts/maps • Social Studies • Map and globe skills • Economic Concepts • Native Americans
Assessments • Reading Assessments • DRA • SRI • STAR • Fluency • Formative and Summative Assessments - Tests and Quizzes - Projects - Daily - Independent learning stations
Grades • Grading Scale 90-100% A 80-89% B 74-79% C 70-73% D 0-69% F Please remember that 4th grade is NOT on a standards based report card…students are not allowed to retake tests or quizzes! Once the test or quiz is taken, that is their final grade. There will be several grades each 9 weeks and I will average them all at the end to make up their grades on the report cards.
Our Classroom • Accelerated Reader • Every student must have 20 pts before Winter Holidays • Agendas • Students will write all of their HW down and any other important information. Please sign it every night and make sure that it is at school every day with your child. • Binders • It is crucial that your child’s binder is at school everyday!! The binder will go back and forth daily to and from school. Please DO NOT take anything out of your child’s binder • Blog • I will update my blog at least once a month! If you have not already subscribed to it, please do so.
Our Classroom Cont… • Homework • Your child will have between 20 and 40 minutes of homework a night depending on the needs of your child. This includes an average of 20 minutes of reading per night. They will have math HW every night and Spelling packets due on Fridays. If the HW is not completed, they will have to finish it outside during recess and mark their behavior chart. • Organization • This is very important in the 4th grade. This year the students should be able to organize themselves and their work. I encourage the students to be responsible for their work as well as returning things to school when they are due. Organization is on going and important!!! • Progress Reports • This year progress reports will be sent home every 4 weeks only on a “need to basis.” However, feel free to contact me any time about your child’s progress. • Reading Logs • 120 minutes of reading is due every Monday! Please have your child fill out their reading log nightly and initial each time your child reads.
Volunteers • Room Mom’s • Mrs. Dillehay and Mrs. Tisdale have volunteered to be our co-room mom’s this year THANK YOU!!! • Copy Mom • If you would like to help out…I am looking for volunteers to come in on Fridays from either 9:00-9:40 or 12:00-12:30! Please e-mail me if you can help!! I would love to set up a rotating schedule • Field Trip Chaperones • World of Coca Cola on Friday, October 8th • Huntsville Space Center on Friday, April 22nd • Jr. Achievement • If you would like to teach our class in March…please let me know.
Contact Information The best way to get a hold of me is through e-mail or send a note into school with your child. We cannot take phone calls during the school day! I check my e-mail throughout the day and at night when I get home. My e-mail address is: Erica.Handell@cobbk12.org Mountain View’s Phone # is: 770-578-7265 Thank you VERY much for coming tonight…if you have any questions please let me know and I will be glad to answer them for you