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2. . Welcome General Chair: R. Bharat RaoSigKDD Chair: Usama FayyadAwards PresentationResearch Track awards - Andrew Tomkins
1. 1 KDD 2010 Opening CeremonyR. Bharat Rao & Balaji KrishnapuramGeneral Chairs
2. 2 Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Awards Presentation
Research Track awards - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
3. Welcome to KDD-2010
4. 4 Gold Sponsor:Silver Sponsors:Bronze Sponsor:2010 SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Awards:KDD-2010 Industrial / Government Best Paper Awards:KDD-2010 Best Student Paper Awards:KDD-2010 Student Travel Awards:KDD-2010 Google Female Student Grants:
5. What sets KDD apart? High-quality research program
4 parallel Research Tracks
12 workshops
12 tutorials
1 panel
6. What sets KDD apart (contd.) Top international forum for learning how to leverage leading-edge technology for practical applications.
Demos, Exhibits
Industrial / Government Track
7. KDD highlights continued Plenary Invited Talks: 9am-10am
Monday: Qi Lu (Microsoft), “Online Services Division Strategy Overview”
Tuesday: David Jensen (Univ of Mass), “Computational Social Science”
Wednesday: Konrad Feldman (Quantcast), “The quantification of advertising and lessons from building a business based on large scale data mining”
Data Mining Case Studies session (Mon: 10:30am, 2pm)
7 invited talks: challenges/success in real-world deployment
Gabor Melli & Brendan Kitts
8. 8 Big Thanks to… Industrial / Government Track Co-Chairs
Ying Li (Microsoft)
Ted Senator (SAIC)
Sponsorships Chair:
Karl Rexer (Rexer Analytics)
Publicity Co-Chairs:
Prem Melville (IBM)
Mikhail Bilenko (Microsoft)
Nitesh Chawla (University of Notre Dame)
Proceedings Chair:
Jieping Ye (ASU)
Web Co-Chairs:
Brendan Kitts (Lucid Commerce)
Panos Ipeirotis (Stern/NYU)
Tutorials Co-Chairs:
Tina Eliassi-Rad (Lawrence Livermore),
Francoise Soulie Fogelman (KXEN)
Workshops Co-Chairs:
Gabor Melli (PredictionWorks)
Irwin King (Chinese Univ of Hong Kong) Local Arrangements Chair:
Ramani Duraiswami (UMD)
Registrations Chair:
Claudia Perlich (Media6Degrees)
Posters Co-Chairs:
Diane J. Cook (WSU)
Evgeniy Gabrilovich (Yahoo)
Panels Co-Chairs:
Wei Fan (IBM)
Joao Gama (University of Porto)
Student Awards Chair:
Murat Dundar (IUPUI)
Exhibits and Demos Chairs:
Jennifer Dy (Northeastern)
Parthasarathy Srinivasan (OSU)
KDD Cup Chairs:
Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil (IBM)
John Stamper (CMU)
Best Paper Awards Co-Chairs:
Charles Elkan (UCSD)
Yehuda Koren (Yahoo)
9. And most of all, thanks to… SIGKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad (Open Insights)
Program Chairs:
Andrew Tomkins (Google Inc.)
Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Associate General Chair:
Balaji Krishnapuram (Siemens Healthcare)
Special thanks to..
Francisco Miguel Trigueiros (Siemens Healthcare)
10. Data Mining Trends Today pervasive in
Social Networks
Plus many niche apps
11. Data Mining Trends Over the next 10 years
Industrial Automation
12. 12 Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Awards Presentation
Research Track awards - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
14. Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Program Overview
Research Track Overview - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
15. ACM KDD 2010 PC Chairs’ Summary Andrew Tomkins and Qiang Yang
16. Overview Two Tracks
Research Track:
Submitted: 578
Accepted: 101
I/G Track
Submitted: 101
Accepted: 20 Research track:
283 main PC members
45 senior PC members
1832 reviews
577 meta-reviews
Industrial track:
49 PC members
304 reviews
In all, CMT sent 8530 emails!
17. Industry and Government Track I/G Track
Submitted: 101
Accepted: 20
18. Research Track Statistics
19. Research Track Review Process Initial bidding took into account
PC and SPC subject area keywords
Expertise profiles built from DBLP paper titles
Manual inspection
A new author-feedback phase introduced this year
to give authors a voice on review quality
Final decision took into account
author feedback, and
paper rankings
to remove bias
101 papers accepted
20. Research Track Submissions by Country and Regions
21. Research Track: # of Accepts by Countries and Regions
22. Research Track Acceptance rates by countries and regions
23. Research Track: 2009/2010 Submission Comparison
24. Industry and Government Track
25. I/G Track: Paper Submission Statistics Top I/G submissions by countries & regions
26. I/G Acceptance Rates (aggr. Rate = 20/101=19.8%) I/G Acceptance Rates by Countries & Regions
27. Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Awards Presentation
Research Track awards - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
28. Best paper committee
29. Selection process A set of 13 candidate papers assembled by KDD PCs
SPC nomination for best paper candidacy
High reviewer ranking
9 papers were “student papers”
Best paper committee conducted an extensive review of the candidates
Original reviews/scores were withheld
30. Finalists Best paper committee reached a short list of seven finalists
Each finalist was voted as suitable to be “best paper” by at least one committee member
Six (out of seven) finalists were student papers!
Let’s give a honorable mention to the runner-ups!
36. Honorable mentions Discriminative Topic Modeling based on Manifold Learning. Seungil Huh, and Stephen E. Fienberg
Online Multiscale Dynamic Topic Models. Tomoharu Iwata, Takeshi Yamada, Yasushi Sakurai, and Naonori Ueda
Inferring Networks of Diffusion and Influence. Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez, Jure Leskovec, and Andreas Krause
A Scalable Two-Stage Approach for a Class of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques. Liang Sun, Betul Ceran, and Jieping Ye
Learning Incoherent Sparse and Low-Rank Patterns from Multiple Tasks. Jianhui Chen, Ji Liu, and Jieping Ye
37. Final selection Extensive discussions to rank the finalists and select the award winners
Both top two places taken by student papers? No separate “best student paper” award this year!
But this committee was elected to give two prizes, so two prizes we give...
Let’s recognize our sponsor
38. Best Research Paper: Technical Contribution
39. Best Research Paper: Technical Contribution
40. Best Research Paper: Innovative Contribution
41. Best Research Paper: Innovative Contribution
42. Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Program Overview
Research Track Overview - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
43. Honorable Mention for Best Industry/Government Track Paper
44. Best Industry/Government Track Paper
45. Changes in the Industrial / Government Track Emphasizes real deployed KDD applications
Discovery of externally validated useful knowledge
Emerging applications of KDD
Discussed at Business lunch (Tue)
Details in foreword to the I/G track
46. 46 Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Awards Presentation
Research Track awards - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
47. Background The 3nd annual doctoral dissertation award for SIGKDD
To recognize excellent research contributions by a doctoral candidate in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery
Nominations limited to one doctoral dissertation per academic unit
So initial vetting done by departments
14 nominees after the initial selection process
4 selected as finalists by the committee 47
48. 48 Review Criteria Relevance to KDD
Significance of contributions
Broader impact to community
Technical quality
Presentation quality
49. Co-Sponsor: Machine Learning Journal This year, the Dissertation Award was co-sponsored by MLJ, Published by Springer
Machine Learning is an international forum for research on computational approaches to learning. The journal publishes articles reporting substantive results on a wide range of learning methods applied to a variety of learning problems. “
Peter Flach – Editor in Chief
50. 50 Award Committee Bamshad Mobasher, Chair, DePaul University, USA
Tanya Berger-Wolf, University of Illinois, Chicago
Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan University
C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dimitrios Gunopulos, UC Riverside, USA
Ee-Peng Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jennifer Neville, Purdue University
Myra Spiliopoulou, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Hannu Toivonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Shusaku Tsumoto, Shimane University, Japan
Jaideep Vaidya, Rutgers University
Xiaoxin Yin, Microsoft
51. Winner of the 2010 Award 51
52. 2010 Runner Up 52
53. Honorable Mentions Qiaozhu Mei
“Contextual Text Mining”
Advisors: Cheng Xiang Zhai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pauli Miettinen
“Matrix Decomposition Methods for Data Mining: Computational Complexity and Algorithms”
Advisor: Heikki Mannila, University of Helsinki 53
54. 54 Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Awards Presentation
Research Track awards - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
55. 2010 ACM SIGKDD Awards Committee Ramasamy Uthurusamy, Chair
Robert Grossman, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jiawei Han, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University
Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, KDnuggets
Raghu Ramakrishnan, Yahoo! Research
Sunita Sarawagi, Indian Institute of Technology
Padhraic Smyth, University of California at Irvine
Ramakrishnan Srikant, Google Research
Xindong Wu, University of Vermont
Mohammed J. Zaki, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 55
56. ACM SIGKDD Service Award ACM SIGKDD Service Award is the highest service award in the field of knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD). It is conferred on one individual or one group for their outstanding professional services and contributions to the KDD field.
Services recognized include significant contributions to the activities of professional KDD societies and conferences, leading organizations or projects that contribute technically to the field as a whole, furthering education of students, researchers and practitioners of KDD, funding R&D activities of the KDD community, professional volunteer services in disseminating technical information to the field, and contributions to society at large through applications of KDD concepts to improve global medical care, education, disaster/crisis management, environment, etc.
The award includes a plaque and a check for $2,500 56
57. Previous Service Award Winners 2000: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro
2002: Ramasamy Uthurusamy
2003: Usama M. Fayyad
2004: Xindong Wu
2005: The WEKA Team led by Ian Witten and Eibe Frank
2006: Won Kim
2007: Robert L. Grossman
2009: Sunita Sarawagi 57
58. 2010 Service Award Winner
Osmar R. Zaďane 58
59. For:
His Significant Service and Contributions to the Global KDD Community
His direct involvement with SIGKDD in the last decade
and much more .. 59
60. About Prof. O. R. Zaďane …(1/2) Ph. D. from Simon Fraser University, Canada.
Currently a McCalla and Killam Professor of Computing Science at the University of Alberta , Canada
Scientific Director, Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning
Secretary-Treasurer of SIGKDD
Editor-in-Chief of SIGKDD Explorations since 2007
Associate Editor of SIGKDD Explorations 2004-2007
Treasurer of newly founded SIGHINF (Health Informatics)
Steering Committee of IEEE ICDM
Steering Committee of ADMA
Associate Editor of KAIS
Published over 120 papers 60
61. About Prof. O. R. Zaďane …(2/2) Co-Chair SIGKDD-MDM/KDD 2000-2001-2002
Co-Chair SIGKDD-WebKDD 2002-2003-2004-2009
Proceedings Chair SIGKDD 2002
Publicity Chair SIGKDD 2002-2003
Webmaster SIGKDD 2002-2003
Sponsorship Chair SIAM-SDM 2003
Tutorials Chair PAKDD 2006
Program Co-Chair ADMA 2006
Program Co-Chair IEEE-ICDM 2007
General Co-Chair ADMA 2007
Data Mining Track Co-Chair ACM-SAC 2008-2009-2010
Exhibits and Demos Chair SIGKDD 2009
Vice-Chair IEEE-ICDM 2009-2010
and more … 61
63. ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award is the highest award for technical excellence in the field of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). It is conferred on one individual or one group of collaborators whose outstanding technical innovations in the KDD field have had a lasting impact in advancing the theory and practice of the field. The contributions must have significantly influenced the direction of research and development of the field or transferred to practice in significant and innovative ways and/or enabled the development of commercial systems.
The award includes a plaque and a check for $2,500 63
64. Previous Innovation Award Winners 2000: Rakesh Agrawal
2002: Jerome Friedman
2003: Heikki Mannila
2004: Jiawei Han
2005: Leo Breiman
2006: Ramakrishnan Srikant
2007: Usama M. Fayyad
2008: Raghu Ramakrishnan
2009: Padhraic Smyth 64
65. 2010 Innovation Award Winner
Christos Faloutsos 65
66. For his Seminal Research on … Graph and multimedia mining, fractals, self-similarity and power laws; indexing for multimedia and bioinformatics data, and data base performance evaluation. 66
67. About Prof. C. Faloutsos Ph.D. in CS from University of Toronto, Canada; B.Sc. in EE from NTUA, Athens, Greece.
Professor, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 11 Ph.D. grads
14 Distinguished Lectures
Author of monograph Searching Multimedia Databases by Content (Springer)
Board of Directors, SIGKDD (1999-2005)
PC Chair/Co-Chair for SIGMOD’99 and KDD’03
Associate Editor for ACM-TKDD, IEEE-TKDE
Over 30 Tutorials 67
68. Prof. Faloutsos’ Awards SIGCOMM’10 Test of Time Award (power laws)
Among 5th most cited papers in 1999 (citeseer)
VLDB’97 Test of Time Award (R+ trees)
ICDM’06 Research Contributions Award
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
16 Best Paper Awards
4 Teaching Awards
5 Patents Awarded, +4 pending 68
69. Uthurusamy-KDD-10 69
70. 70 Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Awards Presentation
Research Track awards - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
71. 71 Welcome
General Chair: R. Bharat Rao
SigKDD Chair: Usama Fayyad
Awards Presentation
Research Track awards - Andrew Tomkins & Qiang Yang
Best Research Papers – Yehuda Koren
Industry/Govt track awards – Ted Senator & Ying Li
Dissertation awards presentation - Bamshad Mobasher
Service & Innovation Awards - R. Uthurusamy
Innovation Award Lecture – Prof. Christos Faloutsos
Close of opening ceremony – R. Bharat Rao
73. Mon, Jul 26, 2010 Plenary Invited Talks: 9am-10am
Qi Lu (Microsoft), “Online Services Division Strategy Overview”
Lunch moved to Regency C/D/E/F
Not in Independence as scheduled
Chairs will need to finish sessions on time to allow time for hotel to rearrange the room
Paper sessions from Independence A are in Regency C/D/E/F