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The Christian Bible, Part I,. RP 2250 The Bible as Literature Craig Ho. The Old Testament. Why is the Bible studied in the universities?. A. Academic reasons: 1. The Bible is great and interesting literature in its own right.
The Christian Bible, Part I, RP 2250 The Bible as Literature Craig Ho Intro_OT
The Old Testament Intro_OT
Why is the Bible studied in the universities? A. Academic reasons: 1. The Bible is great and interesting literature in its own right. 2. The literature of the West has been and is being influenced by the Bible, both in world-view and language. B. Historical reasons: 1. Universities were originated from monasteries (修道院) in the Middle-Age. Monks and nuns studied the Bible. 2. It is one of the first subjects in the most ancient universities in the western (Christian) world. Intro_OT
Different canons of the Old Testament(OT) • A canon is a standard list of books which are regarded as authoritative. • The Hebrew Bible of the Jews. • The OT of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches (=texts of the Hebrew Bible + 15 / 18 apocryphal texts.) • The OT of the Protestant Churches (=texts of the Hebrew Bible) Intro_OT
The Prophets (4+4) Joshua約書亞記 Judges士師記 1&2 Samuel撒母耳記 1&2 Kings列王紀上下 Isaiah以賽亞書 Jeremiah耶利米書 Ezekiel以西結書 the twelve +二先知書(Hosea, Joel, Amos阿摩司, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) The Writings (11) Psalms詩篇 Job約伯記 Proverbs箴言 Ruth路得記 Song of Solomon雅歌 Ecclesiastes傳道書 Lamentations耶利米哀歌 Esther以斯帖記 Daniel但以理書 Ezra-Nehemiah以斯拉記, 尼希米記 1&2 Chronicles歷代志上下 The Hebrew canon • The Law (5) • Genesis創世記 • Exodus出埃及記 • Leviticus利未記 • Numbers民數記 • Deuteronomy申命記 The five scrolls are read at five main Jewish feasts: 1. Songs for Passover, 2. Ruth for the Feast of Weeks or Harvest, 3. Lamentations for the fast in remembrance of the destruction of Jerusalem, 4. Ecclesiastes for Booths 5. Esther for Purim }Five scrolls }Former Prophets }LatterProphets NB. Ezra and Nehemiah are one book in the Hebrew canon. Intro_OT
The Christian OT Canons 15 Apocryphal books common to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches 39 Canonical books common to all Christian Churches (Note 1) The Poetic and Wisdom Books (5) Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon The Law (5) Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Tobit Judith Additions to Esther Wisdom of Solomon Ecclesiastcus, or the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirah Baruch Letter of Jeremiah Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Young Men Susanna Bel and the Dragon Prayer of Manasseh 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees The Historical Books (12) Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Easther The Prophets (5+12) Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi 3 extra apocryphal books in the OT canon of the Eastern Orthodox Churchers 3 Maccabees 4 Maccabees Psalm 151 Note 1: Protestant Churches accept only these 39 books as their OT canon Intro_OT
The Divisions of the Three Canons of the Old Testament • Protestant • Pentateuch (5) • History Books (12) • Poetry and Wisdom Books(5) • Prophetic Books (17) • Catholic / Orthodox • Pentateuch • History Books • Poetry and Wisdom Books • Prophetic Books • Apocrypha • Jewish • The Law (5) • The Prophets • Former Prophets (4) • Latter Prophets (4) • The Writings(11) 24 39 39 + 15/18 Intro_OT
What is the Old Testament all about? The Law (5) - consists of the books of - Genesis - Exodus - Leviticus - Numbers - Deuteronomy Intro_OT
The Historical Books consists of • the Book of Joshua, (Joshua was Moses' successor) • the Book of Judges, (Judges were civil and military leaders) • the Book of Ruth, (Ruth was a Moabite widow) • 1 and 2 Samuel, (Samuel was the last judge and first prophet) • 1 and 2 Kings, (Story of the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah) • 1 and 2 Chronicles, (Story of the kingdom of Judah) • the Book of Ezra, (Ezra was an expert of the Law) • the Book of Nehemiah, (Nehemiah was a high official at the court of the Persian emperor) Intro_OT
Major Historical Events: • the Exodus, political liberation from Egyptian oppression, about 1290 BC • the beginning of Monarchy, 1050 BC • Solomon built the Jerusalem Temple, 966-959 BC • the division of the united kingdom, 933 BC • the fall of Israel, the northern kingdom, 721/2 BC • Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem, 701 BC • Josiah's religious reformation, 621 BC • the fall of Judah, the southern kingdom, 586/7 BC • the exile of people of Judah, 605, 597, 586 BC • the return of the Jewish exile, 538 BC • building of the Second Temple, founded 536, 520-515 BC }Egyptian period }Assyrian period }Babylonian period }Persian period Intro_OT
The Prophetic Books consists of }Assyrian period • Amos (760), Hosea (760-722), Micah (742-687) • Isaiah (ch. 1-39) of Jerusalem (740-700) • Zephaniah (640 -586), Jeremiah (627-587) • Nahum (612), Habakkauk (605, see Jer. 25.1-11) • Ezekiel (597-530) • Obadiah (after 586), Lamentation • Haggai (520), Zechariah (520), Malachi (440) • Other prophets: • Daniel (story of the Jews in exile) • Isaiah of Babylon (message to encourage the Jews exile) • Joel (call for repentance) • Jonah (call Nineveh to repent) }Babylonian period }Persian period Intro_OT
The Poetic and Wisdom Books consists of • Job, (a philosophical and religious dialogue on God’s justice) • Psalms, (hymn books for worship in the temple) • Proverbs, (wise sayings of the Jewish people) • Ecclesiastes, (a wise old man's inquiry into the meaning of life) • Song of Solomon, (erotic love poetries) Intro_OT
The meaning of the Old Testament 1. Salvation History: (i.e. history as understood by God’s people, unified meaning) As a whole it tells the story of Yahweh’s dealing with his people Israel: election, blessing (land/nation and people), saving them when they were in trouble (exodus, return to the promised land from exile). 2. National literature (diversified meaning)Its different parts tell us about the Hebrew people’s life experience – religion (divine love), human relationship (love poems, love stories), philosophical dialogue (Job), stories of national heroes (Moses, David, Esther etc.) Intro_OT
The Basic Concerns of the OT • The Torah (Law and early history) • Concerned with the SACRED: origin of the world, divine calling of the patriarchs, suffering in Egypt, miraculous delivery from Egypt, receiving of the Law • The Prophets (History and social concern) • Concerned with the ETHICAL: history as stories of human failure, criticizing society from an ethical point of view • The Writings (Miscellaneous) • Concerned with the HUMAN: human response to God (Psalms), human love (Ruth, Song), human suffering (Job), meaning of life (Ecclesiastes), human wisdom (Proverbs) Intro_OT
Overview of today’s lecture • The Structures of the Three Canons of the Old Testament • What is the Old Testament all about? • The Historical Books • Major Historical Events • The Prophetic Books • The Poetic and Wisdom Books • Three basic concerns of the OT Intro_OT