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Tactics in Christian Apologetics: Part I: Moral Apologetics

Tactics in Christian Apologetics: Part I: Moral Apologetics. HOW TO BE USED BY GOD TO BREAK THROUGH THE MASK OF SELF-DECEPTION: ~ Adapted from J. Budziszewski’s What You Can’t Not Know: A Guide (Dallas: Spence Publishing, 2003) &

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Tactics in Christian Apologetics: Part I: Moral Apologetics

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  1. Tactics in Christian Apologetics:Part I: Moral Apologetics HOW TO BE USED BY GOD TO BREAK THROUGH THE MASK OF SELF-DECEPTION: ~ Adapted from J. Budziszewski’s What You Can’t Not Know: A Guide (Dallas: Spence Publishing, 2003) & Lecture material presented by Dr. Budzszewski at the October 2002 Southern Evangelical Seminary Apologetic Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  2. Five Constant Witnesses: Romans 1 1. The Witness of God-ward longings. 2. The Witness of the Conscience. 3. The Witness of Creation. 4. The Witness of Human Design. 5. The Witness of Consequence.

  3. The Psychology of Romans 1: The following material is adopted from chapter 4, “The Biblical Evidence Confirming Natural Theology” from Classical Apologetics by R. C. Sproul, John Gerstner, & Arthur Lindsley (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984), 58-63. I. Natural man’s reaction to God, truth, and morality is supported by three biblical stages in Romans 1: Trauma, repression,& substitution. A. Trauma

  4. Breaking through the Mask of Self-Deception: Tactic # 1: Dissipate the Smoke: • If I answer every one of your questions, would you then change your mind? • If I reasonably answer every one of your questions, are you willing to believe?

  5. Breaking through the Mask of Self-Deception: Tactic # 2: Connecting the Dots: • People don’t want to connect certain dots why they do what they do. In fact, they may try hard not to connect the dots; sometimes they’ve connected them subconsciously, but don’t want to admit it to themselves. Sometimes they suspect that there is a dot to be connected here, but they just won’t look at that part of the picture.  • By attentively listening, you may be able to ask the right question that points them to the “dot” they are trying to ignore or repress.

  6. Breaking through the Mask of Self-Deception: Tactic # 3: Release the Catch: • It is giving permission to the person to reveal his or her thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about something that they have kept hidden or have refused to discuss in view of various reasons. -

  7. Breaking through the Mask of Self-Deception: Tactic # 4: Play Back the Tape: • Mildly confrontational, you ask the person “Do you notice what you’ve been doing here?” Then you replay what they have done (e.g., interrupt you as you are about to give a reason for believing in the Bible) and then you ask them, “Why do you think you do that?”

  8. Breaking through the Mask of Self-Deception: Tactic # 5: Call Attention to the Obvious: • There are some things that people plainly know, but persist in overlooking. In a disarming way, ask them questions that will direct their attention to notice what they already know to be true. No information is added beyond what they already know. • Example: “I just can’t have a baby right now.” Response, “Well, what do you call what’s inside of you?” Reply is, “I call it a baby.” That gives the permission to say, “In that case, it seems the question before you isn’t whether you can have a baby right now, but what to do with the one that you’ve already got.” Call Attention to the Obvious!

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