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HW. “The creation stories in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are not useful to know”. Discuss. AGREE : Explain with PEE 2 reasons why you agree DISAGREE: explain with PEE 2 reasons why you disagree CONCLUSION – comment on what you said for agree and disagree. Give your final conclusion. .
HW • “The creation stories in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are not useful to know”. Discuss. • AGREE : Explain with PEE 2 reasons why you agree • DISAGREE: explain with PEE 2 reasons why you disagree • CONCLUSION – comment on what you said for agree and disagree. Give your final conclusion. TARGET grades
Theological Truths in Genesis Star the statements that you think are the most important to know... Mark with S, the statements that are SCIENTIFIC. Mark with T statements that are theological - not scientific but true about God. • To explain what theological truths the Genesis accounts are teaching us • To define theological truth • To evaluate the impact of theological truths on the way we live
How many both S and star statements do you have? • How many both T and star statements do you have? • Did you star more S or more T statements? • Why did you star more of those? Why do you care more about knowing them? • That the world started off from an explosion called the Big Bang • That God loves us, and made the world with us in mind. • That the sun emits radiation which travels to the earth as light and heat. • That God wants us to love and obey Him. • That we are mammals, like many others species on earth, and quite similar genetically to some of them. • That God wants us to help Him care for the earth. • That creatures evolved slowly over time, to become more sophisticated. • That God created everything that exists. • That we can use and control many things on earth through science. • That God wants us to enjoy the good things of the earth
Match the quote to what it is telling us • Explain which is the most important one to know and why
For each number, write if it is scientific S or theological T • Which statements are the most important to know? • That the world started off from an explosion called the Big Bang • That God loves us, and made the world with us in mind. • That the sun emits radiation which travels to the earth as light and heat. • That God wants us to love and obey Him. • That we are mammals, like many others species on earth, and quite similar genetically to some of them. • That God wants us to help Him care for the earth. • That creatures evolved slowly over time, to become more sophisticated. • That God created everything that exists. • That we can use and control many things on earth through science. • That God wants us to enjoy the good things of the earth
the way you live “Theo” is Greek for “God”. Theological truths are truths about __________ , and about man’s __________ to God. Knowing them can make a difference to __________and how you __________ the purpose of life. God understand relationship • Complete the gap fill. • Choose & write out 2 theological truths. Explain each one could make a difference to the way you, or a Christian, live their life. **Which theological truth would make the most difference to how people treat each other? Why? • God loves us, and made the world with us in mind. • God wants us to have a relationship with Him. • God made man and woman for each other • God wants us to help Him care for the earth. • God created everything that exists. • God wants us to enjoy the good things of the earth
Give evidence for the theological truths in Gen 2 Match up the message Genesis 2 is teaching us with the quote that shows this (the evidence). Explain 2 of the messages Gen 2 teaches us with PEE, using the evidence you matched from Q1 and explaining it. **Can something be true, even if it can’t be proved by science ? 1. Man is special. Evidence? God himself breathed life into him “God breathed into man the breath of life” 2. God gave man responsibility to care for the earth. Evidence? God took the man and put him in the garden to till it and to keep it. Gen 2:15 3. God expects man and woman to obey His rules. Evidence? “of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat” Gen 2:16 4. Man and woman were made for each other Evidence? The man said “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”
Why are we here? What's life all about? Is God really real, or is there some doubt? Well, tonight, we're going to sort it all out,For, tonight, it's 'The Meaning of Life'.What's the point of all this hoax? Is it the chicken and the egg time? Are we just yolks? Or, perhaps, we're just one of God's little jokes. Well, çac'est 'The Meaning of Life'. Is life just a game where we make up the rules While we're searching for something to say, Or are we just simply spiralling coils Of self-replicating DNA.... What is life? What is our fate? Is there a Heaven and Hell? Do we reincarnate? Is mankind evolving, or is it too late?Well, tonight, here's 'The Meaning of Life'. For millions, this 'life' is a sad vale of tears,Sitting 'round with really nothing to sayWhile the scientists say we're just simply spiralling coilsOf self-replicating DNA. So, just why-- why are we here,And just what-- what-- what-- what do we fear?Well, cesoir, for a change, it will all be made clear,For this is 'The Meaning of Life'. C'est le sens de la vie.This is 'The Meaning of Life'. The Meaning of Life As you listen/ read the song lyrics, what theological questions can you find??? (questions about God & man’s relationship to God.)
“I believe..” My Theological truths Write your own theological truths… • About who God is and what He is like • About how humans should behave towards God • About what our task & responsibility is in life