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VDPAM 445 Swine Topics Part 2: Identification of sick pigs

VDPAM 445 Swine Topics Part 2: Identification of sick pigs. Dr. Alex Ramirez Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Iowa State University. Identification of sick pigs. Abnormal Postures. Normal: sternal or lateral recumbency Dog sitting Pneumonia, pleuritis Head extended

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VDPAM 445 Swine Topics Part 2: Identification of sick pigs

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  1. VDPAM 445Swine TopicsPart 2: Identification of sick pigs Dr. Alex Ramirez Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Iowa State University

  2. Identification of sick pigs

  3. Abnormal Postures • Normal: sternal or lateral recumbency • Dog sitting • Pneumonia, pleuritis • Head extended • Respiratory distress • Arched back • Pain: lameness, polyserositis • Favor limb • Head tilt

  4. General behavior • Normal: curious, avoid confrontation • Will squeal when held or in pain • Rarely bite BUT will if hand is placed in mouth (reflex action) • Hyperkinetic:nutritional deficiencies, genetics, CNS disease • Listless/lethargic/slow • Systemic illness • Drooping ears • Reluctant or fail to move when menaced

  5. Specific Pig/Human Interactions • Flight distance • 8-10 feet, remember that pigs avoid confrontation in most situations • Boars • Be careful, can be aggressive, tusks can be dangerous, always respect, strangers • Sows with pigs • Show mildly aggressive maternal behavior • Moving forward • Pigs will often try to backup or turn around and escape

  6. Flight Zone Elanco Hog-Handling Update Issue 5

  7. Body condition/thriftiness • Normal • Growing pigs: “Bloom”: muscle/fat cover skeleton, full belly • Unthrifty • Skeleton exposed • Hair coat often longer and more dense (dehydration and cachexia) • Off-feed • Empty belly: 36-48 hours after quit eating

  8. Conformation • Main emphasis is on muscle/skeleton • Proper angulation of limbs • Humerus is parallel to ground • Uneven toe size contributes to lameness • Meat quality related characteristics: increased muscling and decreased back fat • Reproductive • Abnormal vulva/hermaphrodites • Abnormal underline

  9. Physical exam

  10. Rectal Temperature • Pigs are marginally homeothermic • Increase with stress in little pigs • Increase with high ambient temperatures (all ages) • Normal ranges • Suckling and nursery pigs: 101 to 103-104 F • Finishing pigs: 100 to 102-103 F • Sows: 99 to 101-102 F • Use electronic devices if possible to avoid measuring stress induced fever

  11. Skin/Eyes • Skin • Hair coat: length and density • Rough/excoriations: mange mites • Lice • Rub marks: poor access to underline, feeders • Eyes • Superficial conjunctival congestion: insects • Tearing: plugged lacrimal ducts or excessive production from irritation

  12. Ears/Nose/Tails • Ears: Hematomas, cannibalism, necrosis • Nose • Deviation: lateral/dorsal from atrophic rhinitis • Swellings: Bull nose, improper teeth clipping • Discharges: Blood with AR, mucus/pus with inclusion body rhinitis • Tail • Too short (prone to prolapse), too long (promotes tail biting?) • Cannibalism

  13. GI system • Normal stool • Sows and young pigs: well formed, dark gray/green color • Older pigs: formed but softer, green to yellow • Abnormal stool • Form: Loose = diarrhea, Hard = constipation • Color: red = lower bowel hemorrhage, black = upper bowel hemorrhage, white = malabsorption, orange-red = PPE? • Other: odor (foul with TGE), mucus (B. hyo.) • Other: prolapse, vomit (TGE)

  14. Respiratory System • Normal: can’t discern • Abnormal: Rate > 30-40 breaths per minute • “Thumps” pronounced/abdominal/labored pattern suggests pneumonia • Tachypnea, no labored pattern: hyperthermia • Not always pneumonia: polyserositis • Dependant on environmental temperature • Hot  increased respiratory rate

  15. Respiratory Rate Temperature Pig Comfort 25-35 /min 65-75o F Very comfortable 36-45 /min 75-85o F Comfortable 46-60 /min 85-90o F Uncomfortable 61-90 /min 90-95o F Very uncomfortable 90 + /min 100+o F Heat Stressed

  16. Respiratory System • Cough: suggests air way disease/lesions • Yes: M. hyo., SIV • Productive: SIV • Non-productive: M. hyo. • No: PRRSV, PCV2, App • Hemoptosis: App

  17. Musculoskeletal System • Lameness: favor one limb, alter posture if multiple limbs involved • Foot lesions: bruises, cracks, overgrown • Splay leg: usually rear legs • Arthritis: most common in young pigs, navel ill • OCD signs: Splay leg in sows due to fracture of tuber ischium, unilateral rear leg lameness due to fracture of femoral cap and joint mice in stifle (palpate crepitus) • Pain: grind teeth, squeal when moved

  18. Reproductive/Urinary Systems • Discharges from reproductive tract • Post-farrowing: • Normal = small amount of clear fluid, no odor • Abnormal = increased volume, red-brown color, foul odor • Post-breeding: discharge usually indicates not pregnant • Late gestation: often pregnant (from vagina?) • Urinary tract: red-brown fluid indicates cystitis/nephritis

  19. CNS • Most diseases cause irritative response • Typically infections • Convulsions • Hyper extension • Rigidity • Head tilt • Circling • Extension of head in ratcheting pattern with water deprivation

  20. Physical Exam Summary • Pigs are not easy to examine up close • Learn to evaluate from a distance • Many clinical signs not specific to a certain disease • Be aware of environment including feed and water availability • Need to develop a “feel” for group health • Post-mortems are often done to reach a specific diagnosis

  21. Anesthesia

  22. Anesthetic Considerations Dosage in mg/kg • Young pigs (<20#): IV’s more difficult • Sows for C-sections • Ketamine (3 ml) and Acepromzaine (2 ml) to make them lay down • Local with lidocaine

  23. Intravenous Injections • Ear vein is most common • Jugular vein with non-irritating solutions and if 100% success is not critical • Procedure • Use butterfly indwelling catheter • Hold veins off by hand or with rubber band • Place needle in best vein available, will vary by pig • Release hand or cut rubber band • Inject slowly • If irritating solution, inject saline before and after injecting solution

  24. Acknowledgements • I would like to recognize others for their significant contributions to this presentation: • Dr. Brad Thacker • Dr. Locke Karriker

  25. Questions ?

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