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Developing the Penn State University Libraries Application for Facebook

Developing the Penn State University Libraries Application for Facebook. Video. Overview. Why Facebook? Why the Penn State University Libraries? The Facebook App What it does How it works Distribution and Usage Survey and Results Lessons Learned and Future Directions

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Developing the Penn State University Libraries Application for Facebook

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing the Penn State University Libraries Application for Facebook

  2. Video

  3. Overview Why Facebook? Why the Penn State University Libraries? The Facebook App What it does How it works Distribution and Usage Survey and Results Lessons Learned and Future Directions Is Facebook For You?

  4. Why Facebook? 65 million active users 6th most trafficked site in the US College students are the original community

  5. At Penn State… 93% of students using Facebook 70%on Facebook daily or more Facebook not specific to Penn State Something students can take after they leave PSU

  6. Why does it matter? Building connections Viral information spread Community Another opportunity to reach students PSUL already in Facebook

  7. Why the University Libraries? Updating the Libraries Image

  8. Why the University Libraries? Updating the Libraries’ Image Making libraries more approachable Making students more comfortable Keeping the library relevant to students Deliver information and research services directly to the students Be where the students are Marketing the Libraries Building community

  9. Our Goals… Student Outreach Library Image Relevance

  10. How We Got Started ETS and PSUL Hot team White paper 6 weeks ..but really just a few daysof development

  11. The Libraries Facebook App

  12. The App: What it does Find books (the CAT) Find research articles (Proquest) Quick links to library resources

  13. The App: How It Works Basic Php with Facebook markup iFrame the CAT New window for Proquest Take a look...

  14. Getting Started with Apps ASP.NET ASP (VBScript) ColdFusion C++ C# D Emacs Lisp Java JavaScript Lisp Perl PHP Python Ruby on Rails VB.NET

  15. Getting Started With Apps cont... Content stored on your servers Approval required Basic tracking tools provided

  16. Promotion Open House Penn State Newswire Plasma screen ads at all Libraries entrances Library Faculty used in classes Promoting Faculty awareness Libraries Newsletter Email lists

  17. Promotion Facebook Flyers Student video Viral nature of Facebook application

  18. Usage 1800+ users 900 users from the Open House 5-20 average uses a day

  19. The Survey Open House participants contacted via email Online Survey 125 responses

  20. The Survey 68% underclassmen 66% female 74% spend < 1 hour a day on FB 22% spend between 1-3 hours a day

  21. Survey Says 70% Application helped people find resources they need 66% Used application monthly or more 10% Used application daily

  22. Survey Says 40% Appreciate Libraries efforts to engage students in Facebook 8% Disapprove of Libraries presence in Facebook

  23. Lessons Learned More social = better Some students just don’t use apps Some students don’t want us in Facebook Spring board for other "speaking student language" Web 2.0 tools

  24. Next Steps…

  25. Future Directions Ability to share records with friends and groups Map my book New book lists Interactive map Holds and overdue reminders Games Student intern working on future directions and ideas

  26. Is a Facebook App for you? Engage students in a way they want to be engaged Encourage natural participation Make personal connections

  27. Other Ways Facebook Can Help Applications Groups Events Flyers and ads Viral spread of ideas Build connections.  Build community.

  28. Communications Video Jaclyn Mssino

  29. Be Ye Warned Authentication, privacy, and identity Danger of academic content within Facebook - backlash Being “part of the flood” of Facebook apps Facebook won’t last forever - there is always something new

  30. Summary: Why Facebook Relevance/ image Non intrusive presence Personal connection Adding convenience Its easy to get started... ... but its not always a good idea

  31. Questions…

  32. Resources Facebook White Paper http://ets.tlt.psu.edu/wp-content/uploads/facebook_applications.pdf Facebook API Developers Guide http://apress.com/book/view/1430209690 Facebook Developers Wiki http://wiki.developers.facebook.com Chris Stubbs http://www.ChrisStubbs.com Binky Lush http://www.personal.psu.edu/ful105/blogs/binkys_blog/binky-lush/2008/04/

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