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Greek Mythology. Mt. Olympus. In Greek Mythology there were twelve main gods and goddess that ruled over Earth from Mt. Olympus. Zeus Hera Poseidon Hades Athena Ares Demeter Hermes Aphrodite Hephaestus Artemis Apollo. Zeus. Status: king of the gods, god of the
Mt. Olympus In Greek Mythology there were twelve main gods and goddess that ruled over Earth from Mt. Olympus. • Zeus • Hera • Poseidon • Hades • Athena • Ares • Demeter • Hermes • Aphrodite • Hephaestus • Artemis • Apollo
Zeus Status: king of the gods, god of the sky, lightening, & thunder Symbols: thunderbolt, eagle, & oak tree Zeus was the leader of the gods & goddesses, he was usually seen wielding a thunderbolt in which he could strike lightening and start storms. He settled disputes and made the final decisions on Mt. Olympus and was known to have affairs to many women despite being married to Hera.
Hera Status: queen of the gods; goddess of marriage & family Symbols: pomegranate, peacock, & lily Hera was the queen of the gods, she was the wife of Zeus, and the goddess of marriage & family. She is mostly seen as loyal and loving but was also known to be harsh, she once threw her son Hephaestus off of Mt. Olympus because she felt he was ugly.
Poseidon Status: god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, & horses Symbols: trident, fish, dolphin, & horse Poseidon is the brother of Zeus and presides over the sea. He is also known to be able to create storms and earthquakes. He is usually seen holding his trident and also known to have a running competition against Athena, such as over the name of Athens and Medusa.
Hades Status: god of the underworld and riches Symbols: Cerberus and cap of invisibility Hades is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon and he rules over the underworld. He is usually pictured as being very angry or morbid and is usually left out by his two other brothers. Cerberus and the cap of invisibility are his two main symbols. His wife is Persephone, the goddess of spring, whom is very unhappy with their marriage.
Athena Status: goddess of wisdom, warfare, & crafts Symbols: Owl, Olive tree, & armor Athena is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of wisdom. She is also known to be the goddess of warfare, crafts, and architecture and is usually depicted in full-body armor. Her symbols are the owl and olive tree and she is the patron of Athens, for which the city was named after.
Ares Status: god of war Symbols: spear, helmet, dog, vulture Ares is the Greek god of war and is mostly seen with his dogs, spear, and helmet. He is known to have an affair with Aphrodite and always trysto start up a fight with anyone, both gods and humans. Although Athena is the goddess of warfare, Ares and her are constantly getting into arguments, another Ares specialty.
Demeter Status: goddess of the earth, agriculture, & harvest Symbols: torch, cornucopia, & wheat Demeter is the goddess of agriculture and harvest. She was the sister of Zeus and was very important among the people of Ancient Greece, especially for the crops. She was represented by the cornucopia and crops of wheat. Her daughter was Persephone, whom she cared for very much.
Hermes Status: messenger of the gods, god of commerce, thieves, & travelers Symbols: caduceus, lyre, rooster, & shoes with wings Hermes the main messenger of the gods and can be seen holding a caduceus and having shoes with wings. He is also the god of thieves and travelers as well as being the son of Zeus. He is known for his trickery and his feat of stealing Apollo’s cattle when he was just a few days old.
Aphrodite Status: goddess of love & beauty Symbols: Rose, scallop shell, & dove Aphrodite, although the Greek goddess of love & beauty, is said to be the daughter of Ouranos, the father of the titan Cronus (Zeus’ father). She is represented by the rose, dove, & scallop shell. She is the wife to Hephaestus and is considered the most beautiful out of all the others on Mt. Olympus.
Hephaestus Status: god of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, volcanoes, & fire Symbols: hammer & anvil Hephaestus is the god of technology & metalwork, he is also the son of Hera. He is usually represented by the hammer and anvil. His wife is Aphrodite though he is considered the least beautiful out of all the gods. He is also said to be the one who crafts Zeus’ lightening bolts.
Artemis Status: goddess of the hunt, forest, & moon Symbols: bow, arrows, stags, hunting dogs, & moon Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus. She is the goddess of the hunt, forest, & moon and is represented by bows & arrows as well as stags. She is said to be the protector of single women and vowed to never marry. She is usually seen as dressed for hunting and has a group of girls who hunt with her called the Huntress of Artemis.
Apollo Status: god of music, poetry, oracles, sun, medicine, & light. Status: lyre, laurel wreath, bows, & arrows Apollo is the twin brother of Artemis & the god of the arts, medicine, oracles & the sun. He’s the son of Zeus & patron of the Oracles of Delphi. He is represented by the lyre & protector of single men. He drives a chariot that pulls the sun and is usually pictured as being one of the most handsome, young gods on Olympus.
Index of Characters in Greek Mythology • Achilles – hero of the Trojan war; was invincible everywhere except his heel. • Amazonians – a group of warrior women. • Andromeda – princess of Ethiopia; fell in love with Perseus. • Aphrodite – daughter of Ouranos; wife of Hephaestus; goddess of love and beauty. • Apollo – son of Zeus; twin brother of Artemis; god of the sun, medicine, music, poetry, and oracles. • Ares – son of Zeus; god of war. • Argonauts – the name given to the crew that sailed on the Argos with Jason. • Artemis – daughter of Zeus; twin sister of Apollo; goddess of the hunt, forest, and moon.
Atalanta – became a great huntress after being abandoned because being a girl; killed the Calydonian boar; would only marry a man who could outrun her in a race. • Athena – daughter of Zeus; goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts. • Chaos – the nothingness before anything. • Cronus – Titan son of Gaia & Ouranos; overthrew Ouranos; father of the gods & goddess; god of time. • Daedalus – inventor; created the labyrinth for the Minotaur; had a son, Icarus. • Demeter – daughter of Cronus; sister of Zeus; goddess of agriculture and earth. • Epimetheus – Titan brother of Prometheus. • Gaia – daughter of Chaos; wife of Ouranos; mother of Titans; goddess of the Earth. • Hades – son of Cronus; brother of Zeus; husband of Persephone; god of the underworld. • Hector – prince of Sparta; hero in the Trojan war; died by the hand of Achilles. • Helen – princess of Sparta; wife of Menelaus but was a gift to Paris from Aphrodite and started the Trojan war; was said to be the most beautiful mortal woman. • Hephaestus – son of Hera; husband of Aphrodite; god of technology and metalwork.
Hera – daughter of Cronus; wife of Zeus; goddess of marriage and family. • Hercules – son of Zeus; was hated by Hera; completed the Twelve Labors; helped with the war against the Titans; freed Prometheus; sailed on the Argos. • Hermes – son of Zeus; messenger of the gods; god of thieves and travelers. • Hestia – goddess of the hearth; sister of Zeus; gave up seat at council to watch over the hearth. • Hippolyta – queen of the Amazonians. • Icarus – son of Daedalus; died when he flew to close to the sun. • Jason – prince of Iolcus; got the golden fleece of Clochis; leader of the Argonauts. • Medusa – was a beautiful but vain mortal; girlfriend to Poseidon; got cursed with hair turning into snakes; no one can look at her or be turned into stone. • Midas – king of Mushki; wished for the golden touch. • Muses – seven goddesses of the arts; proclaimer of heroes; tellers of stories; gave inspiration for myths. • Orion – was a great hunter. • Ouranos – son of Chaos; husband of Gaia; father of Titans; god of the skies.
Pandora – wife of Epimetheus; released all of the bad things in the world along with hope. • Paris – prince of Troy; judge of the golden apple between the goddesses; loved Helen; started the Trojan war; was said to be the most handsome mortal man. • Pegasus – winged horse; created out of Medusa’s blood & water; rode with Perseus; later carried Zeus’ lightening bolts. • Persephone – daughter of Demeter; wife of Hades; goddess of spring. • Perseus – son of Zeus; captured Medusa’s head; saved Andromeda; saved his mother; King of Mycenea. • Pleiades – the Seven Sisters; daughters of Atlas; protectors of the tree with golden apples. • Poseidon – son of Cronus; brother of Zeus; god of sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses. • Prometheus – titan of forethought; brother of Epimetheus; sided with Zeus his revolt; stole fire from Zeus and gave it to man; was sentenced to a punishment of getting his livers eaten out every day by a giant bird. • Rhea – Titan daughter of Gais & Ouranos; wife of Cronus; mother of the gods & goddesses. • Titans – children of Gaia & Ouranos, grandchildren of Chaos, predecessors of the gods and goddess; ex.: Chronos, Oceanus, etc. • Zeus – son of Cronus; husband of Hera; god of sky, thunder, and lightening.
Resources • Images 1) Aphrodite [JPG]. (2005). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://historylink102.com/greece2/venus.jpg 2) Apollo [JPG]. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dd_gallery/dd2/Apollo_p106.jpg 3) Ares [JPG]. (2010). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2p9zwczo01qbz35lo1_500.jpg 4) Artemis [JPG]. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://www.glogster.com/media/2/5/73/18/5731895.jpg 5) Athena [JPG]. (2010). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://images.elfwood.com/art/e/v/everose/athena.jpg 6) Demeter [JPG]. (2010). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://www.blindloop.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Demeter-greek-god.jpg 7) Hades [JPG]. (2010). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/T/TH/THI/ThinkToSurvive/1147632269_bigPLOUTON.jpg 8) Hephaestus [JPG]. (2009). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xYFL6g6Qsbk/SWKXoFV0YzI/AAAAAAAABx0/zMlkYChndTk/s400/HephaestusWallpaper.jpg 9) Hera [JPG]. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://www.testriffic.com/resultfiles/9137HERA.jpg 10) Hermes [JPG]. (2009). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://mysticmedusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/hermes.jpg 11) Mt. Olympus [JPG]. (2008). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://www.cecilkim.com/portfolio_images/olympus_hc6.jpg 12) Poseidon [JPG]. (2010). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://www.freewebs.com/tritonsoap/Poseidon.jpg 13) Zeus [JPG]. (2008). Retrieved November 26, 2010, from: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0QvH0wyB37g/S-goMIKkQ4I/AAAAAAAAAKI/K3V6xogCe_8/s1600/greekgod.jpg • Information 1) All information came from http://www.wikipedia.org