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Tobacco Project

By: Amra Cerim Marissa Ciardi. Tobacco Project. Bidis. Bidis is pronounced ‘bee- dees ’ Contains 5 times as much tar as regular cigarettes Greater risk of heart disease and lung cancer About 70 % of products sold in the United States don’t have warnings about health risks

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Tobacco Project

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  1. By: AmraCerim Marissa Ciardi Tobacco Project

  2. Bidis • Bidis is pronounced ‘bee-dees’ • Contains 5 times as much tar as regular cigarettes • Greater risk of heart disease and lung cancer • About 70% of products sold in the United States don’t have warnings about health risks • Comes in a variety of different flavors

  3. Dissolvable Tobacco • Small, mint-flavored lozenges • Smokeless tobacco • Dissolves completely in the users mouth • You can’t tell if someone is using them • Can cause oral cancers or gum disease • A.K.A “Tobacco Candy” • More children are using it than of adults (more appealing)

  4. E-Cigarettes • Electronic cigarettes • Contains a cartridge, a battery, and an atomizing device • They have carrying cases which look like wallets • Comes in different flavors

  5. Hookah • Goes back to the 1500’s • Looks similar to a bong • People use it for cultural purposes • Used all around the world • Made up of about several different components • Sessions last about 40 minutes or longer • Some studies show that hookah smoke is potentially safer than tobacco cigarette smoke

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