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企业商业秘密保护战略与策略 Protective Strategies and Policies of Enterprise Business Secrets. 闫文军 Yan Wenjun 中国科学院研究生院 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 北京市信睿律师事务所 Beijing Xinrui Law firm 2008-11. 主要内容 Main Contents. 商业秘密保护特点 Features of Business secrets protection 商业秘密自我保护
企业商业秘密保护战略与策略Protective Strategies and Policies of Enterprise Business Secrets 闫文军 Yan Wenjun 中国科学院研究生院 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 北京市信睿律师事务所 Beijing Xinrui Law firm 2008-11
主要内容Main Contents • 商业秘密保护特点 • Features of Business secrets protection • 商业秘密自我保护 • Self-protection of business secrets • 商业秘密司法和行政保护 • judicial and administrative protection of business secrets • 防止侵犯他人商业秘密和应对侵权指控 • Prevention of infringement upon other’s business secrets and countermeasures to the infringement accusations • 竞业禁止与商业秘密保护 • Competition prohibition and business secrets protection
一、商业秘密保护的特点I. Features of business secrets protection • 1、商业秘密具有普遍性 • 1. Business secrets is featured of generality • 绝大多数企业都有商业秘密 • Most of the enterprises have business secrets. • “保护商业秘密应放到所有公司高层管理者的优先考虑地位,因为公司的生存紧紧维系于本公司的商业秘密。”([美]丹尼斯·昴科维尔) • “Business secrets protection shall be placed in the priority consideration status for all the company senior management since the company existence tightly depends on the business secrets.” ([USA] Dennis · Ankvie)
一、商业秘密保护的特点I. Features of business secrets protection • 2、自我保护是商业秘密保护的基础 • 2. Self-protection is the basis of business secrets protection • 采取保密措施是商业秘密成立的条件。 • Confidential measures are the prerequisite of business secrets. • 《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》第10条第2款:“本条所称的秘密,是指不为公众所知悉、能为权利人带来经济利益、具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。” • Article X Provision 2 of Anti-unfair Competition Law of P. R. China: “Secret as described in the provision shall refer to the technological and business information not known to the public, able to bring economic benefits to the right owner, with practical nature and with confidential measures adopted by the right owner.”
一、商业秘密保护的特点I. Features of business secrets protection • 3、商业秘密有多种保护渠道 • 3. Business secrets have numerous protection channels • 民事保护:反不正当竞争法第10条 • Civil protection: Article X of Anti-unfair Competition Law • 行政保护:反不正当竞争法第25条 • Administrative protection: Article XXV of Anti-unfair Competition Law 《关于禁止侵犯商业秘密行为的若干规定》 Several Stipulations on the Prohibition of Business Secrets Infringement • 刑事保护:刑法第219、220条 • Criminal protection: Article 219 and 220 of the Criminal Code.
一、商业秘密保护的特点I. Features of business secrets protective • 4、商业秘密案件有自身的特点 • 4. Business secret cases have their own features • 商业秘密案件是反不正当竞争纠纷案件中最重要的案件; • Business secret cases are the most important cases in the anti-unfair competition disputes; • 90%以上的商业秘密案件都跟人才流动有关; • Above 90% business secret cases are related to the talent fluidity; • 民事案件原告胜诉率低; • The plaintiffs in the civil cases have a low chance of winning; • 刑事案件呈上升趋势,跟人才跳槽有关的商业秘密案件从民事案转化成刑事案以每年100%的速度在上升。 • The criminal cases are showing a rising tendency. Business secret cases related to talent job hopping are rising at an annual speed rate of 100% from civil to criminal cases.
二、商业秘密的自我保护II. Business secrets self-protection • 1、弄清哪些属于商业秘密的范围 • 1. Scope of business secrets • 技术信息:包括产品配方、工艺流程、设计图纸、产品模型、计算机源程序、计算机程序文档、关键数据等信息。 • Technological information: including product ingredients, technical flow, design figures, product mould, computer source programs, computer program files and key data. • 经营信息:包括经营者的客户名单、经营计划、财务资料、货源渠道、标底、标书等信息。 • Business information: including business operator’s customers name list, business plan, financial materials, goods source channels, base bidding and bidding document.
二、商业秘密的自我保护II. Business secrets self-protection • 2、选择是作为商业秘密还是取得其他知识产权 • 2. Selection between business secrets and other intellectual property right • 对于可以申请专利的技术信息,应根据实际情况选择是申请专利还是作为商业秘密。 • As for the technological information that can apply for patent right, a selection shall be made between patent application and business secrets according to the actual conditions.
二、商业秘密的自我保护II. Business secrets self-protection • 3、把握商业秘密的构成要件 • 3. Elements of business secrets • 不为公众所知悉 • Not known to the public • 能为权利人带来经济利益、具有实用性 • Able to bring economic benefits to the right owner and enjoy practical nature • 采取保密措施 • Confidential measures
二、商业秘密的自我保护II. Business secrets self-protection • 4、采取切实的保密措施 • 4. Practical confidential measures • 保密措施的双重意义:商业秘密成立的条件,保护商业秘密的手段 • Double significance of confidential measures: prerequisite of business secrets and measures in protecting business secrets. • 作为保护商业秘密的手段意义更重要 • The measures in protecting business secrets are more important.
二、商业秘密的自我保护II. Business secrets self-protection • 5、保存书面证据 • 5. Written evidence storage • 书面证据对于商业秘密诉讼具有非常重要的意义; • Written evidence is of great significance to the business secret lawsuits; • 对于商业秘密形成的证据、记载商业秘密的证据、其他人接触商业秘密的证据都要尽可能保存下来。 • The evidence of business secrets formation, evidence with business secrets and evidence of others contacting business secrets shall be stored to the maximum extent.
三、商业秘密的司法和行政保护III. Business secrets judicial and administrative protection • 1、选择适当的保护渠道 • 1. Select proper protective channels • 向法院提起民事诉讼; • Appeal a civil lawsuit to the people’s court; • 向县级以上工商行政管理部门举报,要求工商行政管理机关查处; • Report to the industrial & commercial administrative department above county level and ask it to investigate the case; • 依据刑法向法院提起刑事自诉,或向公安机关报案,再由检察院对犯罪行为提起公诉。 • Appeal a criminal self-lawsuit to the people’s court according to relevant stipulations of the Criminal Law, or report to the public security institution and then the procuratorate shall bring a public prosecution to the criminal conduct.
三、商业秘密的司法和行政保护III. Business secrets judicial and administrative protection • 2、确定责任主体和侵害行为 • 2. Confirmation of responsible main body and infringement conduct • (1)以盗窃、利诱、胁迫或者其他不正当手段获取权利人的商业秘密; • Business secrets of the right owner obtained through theft, luring, threatening or other unjust measures; • (2)使用或者允许他人使用以前项手段获取权利人的商业秘密; • Business secrets of the right owner obtained by utilizing or permitting others to utilize the above measures; • (3)违反约定或者违反权利人有关保守商业秘密的要求,披露、使用或者允许他人使用其所掌握的商业秘密。 • Business secrets exposed, utilized or by asking others to utilize by violating the agreement or right owner’s confidentiality requirements; • (4)第三人明知或者应知前款所列违法行为,获取、使用或者披露他人的商业秘密,视为侵犯商业秘密。 • Once the third party has known or shall know the above mentioned illegal conducts but has obtained, utilized or exposed other’s business secrets, it shall be taken as business secrets infringement.
三、商业秘密的司法和行政保护III. Business secrets judicial and administrative protection • 3、准备相应的证据 • 3. Preparation of relevant evidence • 《最高人民法院关于审理不正当竞争民事案件应用法律若干问题的解释》第十四条 当事人指称他人侵犯其商业秘密的,应当对其拥有的商业秘密符合法定条件、对方当事人的信息与其商业秘密相同或者实质相同以及对方当事人采取不正当手段的事实负举证责任。其中,商业秘密符合法定条件的证据,包括商业秘密的载体、具体内容、商业价值和对该项商业秘密所采取的具体保密措施等。 • Article XIV of Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court concerning Several Problems in the Legal Application on Judging Unjust Competitive Civil Cases: Once the party has mentioned other’s infringement upon its business secrets, it shall be responsible for proving the accordance with legal conditions of business secrets, same nature or essentially same nature between party’s information and business secrets and unjust measures adopted by the people. And the evidence of accordance with legal conditions of business secrets shall include the carrier of business secrets, concrete content, business value and concrete confidential measures adopted to the business secrets.
三、商业秘密的司法和行政保护III. Business secrets judicial and administrative protection • 3、准备相应的证据(续) • 3. Preparation of relevant evidence (continued) • 必要时申请证据保全或申请法院调查取证; • If necessary, apply for evidence conservation or apply to the people’s court for investigation and evidence collection; • 法院对侵权事实的推定: • People’s court’s presumption to the infringement facts: “接触+实质相同-合理来源” “Contact +essentially same-reasonable source”
北京一得阁墨业有限责任公司诉北京传人文化艺术有限公司、高辛茂 侵犯商业秘密纠纷案 Beijing Yidege Ink Industry Co., Ltd. has brought a lawsuit against Gao Xinmao andBeijing Chuanren Cultural and Artistics Co., Ltd. for business secrets infringement • 一得阁墨汁厂开发的“一得阁墨汁”等的配方属商业秘密。高辛茂曾长期担任一得阁墨汁厂主管技术的副厂长,且在1997年后还担任了一得阁工贸集团保密委员会的副组长 。 • Ingredients of “Yidege ink” developed by Beijing Yidege Ink Industry Co., Ltd. belongs to business secrets. Gao Xinmao has once assumed the post of deputy head of Yidege ink plant in charge of technologies for a long time. In 1997, he has assumed the post of deputy group head of trade group confidentiality committee. • 高辛茂作为主要股东成立了传人公司,生产的墨汁在品质、效果一得阁的产品相同或非常近似。 • Gao Xinmao has established Chuanren company as the main shareholder. The produced ink is same or very similar to that of Yidege in the quality and effect. • 综合分析本案事实,并结合日常生活经验,法院确认高辛茂将其掌握的一得阁公司的“一得阁墨汁”、“中华墨汁”和“北京墨汁”的配方披露给了传人公司,传人公司利用上述商业秘密生产了“国画墨汁”、“书法墨汁”和“习作墨汁”,高辛茂和传人公司共同侵犯了一得阁公司的商业秘密,应当承担相应的法律责任。 • According to the comprehensive analysis of the case and by integrating the daily life experience, the court has confirmed that Gao Xinmao has exposed the mastered Yidege “Yidege ink”, “China ink” and “Beijing ink” ingredients to Chuanren company which has produced “national painting ink”. “calligraphy ink” and “practice ink”. Gao Xinmao and Chuanren company have both infringed upon Yidege business secrets. And they shall bear relevant legal responsibilities.
三、商业秘密的司法和行政保护III. Business secrets judicial and administrative protection • 4、防止在诉讼过程中“二度泄密” • 4. Prevention of “Second exposure” during the lawsuit • 诉讼过程中需要向法院、律师、鉴定机构等披露商业秘密; • The business secrets shall be exposed to the people’s court, lawyers and appraisal institutions during the lawsuit; • 当事人应当采取防止“二度泄密”的措施; • The party shall adopt relevant measures to prevent “second exposure”; • 法院应当采取相应的措施。 • The people’s court shall adopt relevant measures.
四、防止侵犯他人商业秘密和应对侵权指控IV. Prevention of infringement upon other’s business secrets and countermeasures to the infringement accusations • 1、防止侵犯他人商业秘密与保护自己的商业秘密同样重要 • 1. Prevention of infringement upon other’s business secrets and protection of its own business secrets are of equal importance • 不使用非法手段获取他人商业秘密 • It is forbidden to adopt illegal measures to obtain other’s business secrets. • 接受从竞争者那里跳槽的员工时特别注意,不以从竞争者那里带来商业秘密为目的。 • Special attention shall be paid during the acceptance of staffs who have hopped from the competitors. The purpose of obtaining the business secrets from competitors through these staffs shall be abandoned.
四、防止侵犯他人商业秘密和应对侵权指控IV. Prevention of infringement upon other’s business secrets and countermeasures to the infringement accusations • 2、应对侵权指控的对策 • 2. Countermeasures to infringement accusation • 对有关信息是否构成商业秘密提出质疑; • Raise questions to the business secret constitution in relevant information; • 有关信息并非采用非法手段获得时,积极提供合法来源,例如,自行研发、从正常渠道购买或得到许可、反向工程,原告客户名单中的客户主动进行交易等; • Once relevant information is not obtained through illegal measures, legal sources shall be provided positively such as self-research and development, purchasing through normal channels, permission obtaining, reverse project, positive transaction of customers in the plaintiff’s customers name list; • 有关信息确是采用非法手段获得时,尽早停止使用该信息。 • Once relevant information is obtained through illegal measures, they shall be stopped from utilization as soon as possible.
五、竞业禁止与商业秘密保护V. Competition prohibition and business secrets protection • 1、竞业禁止的含义 • 1. Definition of competition prohibition • 也称竞业避止,是企事业单位员工在任职期间及离职后一定时间内不得到与本企、事业单位相竞争的其他企、事业单位中就职的一种法律制度。 • It is also called competition stop. It is a legal system which means that the employees from SOE or enterprises shall not work in other SOE or enterprises with competitive relationship against the former SOE or enterprises during the work and for a certain period of time after resignation.
五、竞业禁止与商业秘密保护V. Competition prohibition and business secrets protection • 2、劳动合同法关于竞业禁止条款的限制 • 2. Limitation of competition prohibition stipulated in the Labor Contract Law • 第二十三条 用人单位与劳动者可以在劳动合同中约定保守用人单位的商业秘密和与知识产权相关的保密事项。 • Article XXIII The employment unit and laborer can reach an agreement in the labor contract to keep the business secrets and confidential content related to intellectual property right of the employment unit. • 对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中与劳动者约定竞业限制条款,并约定在解除或者终止劳动合同后,在竞业限制期限内按月给予劳动者经济补偿。劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。 • As for the laborers with confidential obligations, the employment unit can reach an agreement of competition limitations in the labor contract or confidential agreement and reach an agreement concerning economic compensation to the laborer by the month within the competition limitation period after termination or ending of labor contract. Any violators shall pay the breach penalty to the employment unit according to the agreement.
五、竞业禁止与商业秘密保护V. Competition prohibition and business secrets protection • 第二十四条 竞业限制的人员限于用人单位的高级管理人员、高级技术人员和其他负有保密义务的人员。竞业限制的范围、地域、期限由用人单位与劳动者约定,竞业限制的约定不得违反法律、法规的规定。 • Article XXIV Relevant personnel of competition limitations shall be only limited to senior management l, senior technical personnel and other confidential personnel in the employment unit. The scope, area and period of competition limitation shall be reached by the employment unit and laborer. The competition limitation agreement shall not violate relevant laws and stipulations. • 在解除或者终止劳动合同后,前款规定的人员到与本单位生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的有竞争关系的其他用人单位,或者自己开业生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的竞业限制期限,不得超过二年。 • After termination or ending of the labor contract, once the above mentioned personnel have worked in other employment units with competitive relationship against the original unit concerning production or business operation of same products and businesses or have started production or business operation of same products by themselves or have engaged in same business, the competition limitation period shall not exceed two years.
五、竞业禁止与商业秘密保护V. Competition prohibition and business secrets protection • 3、竞业禁止协议对商业秘密保护的意义 • Significance of competition prohibition agreement to the business secrets protection • 一份有效的竞业禁止协议对于单位商业秘密的保护具有重要意义。 • An effective competition prohibition agreement is of great significance to the protection of business secrets. • 竞业禁止协议有效的条件:用人单位一方必须具有可保护的利益;竞业禁止的范围、地域、期限符合法律规定;用人单位必须支付合理的补偿金 。 • Validation conditions of competition prohibition agreement: Any party of employment unit must have certain interests that can be protected. The scope, area and period of competition prohibition shall accord with relevant laws and stipulations. The employment unit must pay reasonable compensation money.
南通大江化学有限公司诉朱慧忠竞业禁止合同纠纷案Nantong Dajiang Chemical Co., Ltd. has brought a lawsuit against Zhu Huizhong for competition prohibition contract dispute. ((2008)苏民三终字第0076号 )((2008) Su Min San Zhong Zi No. 0076) • 一审法院认为:朱慧忠原收入是每月2200余元,但竞业禁止补偿金只有每月730余元,基本属于最低水平的收入(当地最低工资标准为每月700元)。如果朱慧忠承担竞业禁止的义务将大大降低其原有生活水平。所以对于朱慧忠而言,这一补偿金是不合理的,朱慧忠不负有竞业禁止的义务。 • The court in the first judgment held that: the original income of Zhu Huizhong is about 2200 Yuan/month. But the competition prohibition compensation is only about 730 Yuan/month. He has basically a rather low income (the local minimum salary standard is 700 Yuan/month). Zhu Huizhong’s original living standard will greatly reduce once bearing the competition prohibition obligations. Therefore, this compensation is unreasonable. And Zhu Huizhong shall not bear any competition prohibition obligations. • 二审法院认为:本案中双方当事人约定的补偿金并不违反《江苏省劳动合同条例》规定,故一审判决以双方当事人约定的补偿金不合理为由认定朱慧忠不负有竞业禁止义务不当;但大江公司并未举证证明该公司拥有商业秘密及朱慧忠属于对该商业秘密负有保密义务的人,故本案竞业限制条款对朱慧忠没有约束力。 • The court in the second judgment held that: The compensation as agreed by both parties does not violate relevant stipulations in the Jiangsu Labor Contract Regulations. Therefore, the first judgment that has determined through unreasonable compensation that Zhu Huizhong shall not bear any competition prohibition obligations is not proper; but Dajiang company has not provided any evidence to prove that it owns any business secrets and Zhu Huizhong shall bear confidential obligations to the business secrets. Therefore, the competition prohibition provisions in this case are not legally binding to Zhu Huizhong.
《最高人民法院关于审理不正当竞争民事案件应用法律若干问题的解释》Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court concerning Several Problems in the Legal Application on Judging Unjust Competitive Civil Cases • 第十一条 权利人为防止信息泄漏所采取的与其商业价值等具体情况相适应的合理保护措施,应当认定为反不正当竞争法第十条第三款规定的“保密措施”。Article XI The reasonable protective measures adopted by the right owner for the purpose of preventing the information leakage and suitable to the concrete conditions such as business value shall be taken as “confidential measures” as stipulated in Article X Provision 3 of Anti-unfair Competition Law. • 人民法院应当根据所涉信息载体的特性、权利人保密的意愿、保密措施的可识别程度、他人通过正当方式获得的难易程度等因素,认定权利人是否采取了保密措施。The people’s court shall determine any confidential measures adopted by the right owner according to the features of concerned information carrier, intention of confidentiality, identification degree of confidential measures and difficulty of others in obtaining through just measures. • 具有下列情形之一,在正常情况下足以防止涉密信息泄漏的,应当认定权利人采取了保密措施:In case of any of the following conditions, the business information can be adequately prevented from leakage under normal conditions. It shall be taken that the right owner has adopted confidential measures: • .
(一)限定涉密信息的知悉范围,只对必须知悉的相关人员告知其内容; (二)对于涉密信息载体采取加锁等防范措施; (三)在涉密信息的载体上标有保密标志; (四)对于涉密信息采用密码或者代码等; (五)签订保密协议; (六)对于涉密的机器、厂房、车间等场所限制来访者或者提出保密要求; (七)确保信息秘密的其他合理措施。(一)限定涉密信息的知悉范围,只对必须知悉的相关人员告知其内容; (二)对于涉密信息载体采取加锁等防范措施; (三)在涉密信息的载体上标有保密标志; (四)对于涉密信息采用密码或者代码等; (五)签订保密协议; (六)对于涉密的机器、厂房、车间等场所限制来访者或者提出保密要求; (七)确保信息秘密的其他合理措施。 • (I) Limit the scope of leakage information and only notify the content to relevant personnel that must know; • (II) Adopt lockup measures for the information carrier; • (III) Label confidential signs on the information carrier; • (IV) Adopt password or code for leakage information; • (V) Sign the confidentiality agreement; • (VI) Limit visitors or raise confidential requirements in the machines, workshops and plants concerning confidentiality; • (VII) Adopt other reasonable measures to ensure information confidentiality
反不正当竞争法第10条第2款Article X Provision 2 of Anti-unfair Competition Law • 第十条 经营者不得采用下列手段侵犯商业秘密:Article X The business operator shall adopt the following measures to infringe upon business secrets: • (一)以盗窃、利诱、胁迫或者其他不正当手段获取权利人的商业秘密;(I) Business secrets of the right owner obtained through theft, luring, threatening or other unjust measures; • (二)披露、使用或者允许他人使用以前项手段获取权利人的商业秘密;(II) Business secrets of the right owner obtained by exposing, utilizing or permitting others to utilize the above measures; • (三)违反约定或者违反权利人有关保守商业秘密的要求,披露、使用或者允许他人使用其所掌握的商业秘密。第三人明知或者应知前款所列违法行为,获取、使用或者披露他人的商业秘密,视为侵犯商业秘密。 • (III) Business secrets exposed, utilized or by asking others to utilize by violating the agreement or right owner’s confidentiality requirements; Once the third party has known or shall know the above mentioned illegal conducts but has obtained, utilized or exposed other’s business secrets, it shall be taken as business secrets infringement.
反不正当竞争法第25条Article XXV of Anti-unfair Competition Law • 第二十五条 • Article XXV • 违反本法第十条规定侵犯商业秘密的,监督检查部门应当责令停止违法行为,可以 根据情节处以一万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。 • In case of any conducts in violation of business secrets infringement stipulations in Article X, the supervision & inspection department shall ask to stop the illegal conduct and impose a penalty of 10,000-200,000 Yuan according to the actual conditions.
刑法第二百一十九条第一款Article 219 Provision I of Criminal Law • 第二百一十九条 有下列侵犯商业秘密行为之一,给商业秘密的权利人造成重大损失的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金;造成特别严重后果的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金:Article 219 In case of any of the following business secrets infringement which has brought about serious losses in the right owner, relevant party shall be imposed a jail term of below three years or detention. And the penalty shall be jointly or independently imposed; in case of extremely serious consequences, relevant party shall be imposed a jail term of 3-7 years and penalty shall be jointly imposed: • (一)以盗窃、利诱、胁迫或者其他不正当手段获取权利人的商业秘密的;(I) Business secrets of the right owner obtained through theft, luring, threatening or other unjust measures; • (二)披露、使用或者允许他人使用以前项手段获取的权利人的商业秘密的;(II) Business secrets of the right owner obtained by utilizing or permitting others to utilize the above measures; • (三)违反约定或者违反权利人有关保守商业秘密的要求,披露、使用或者允许他人使用其所掌握的商业秘密的。(III) Business secrets exposed, utilized or by asking others to utilize by violating the agreement or right owner’s confidentiality requirements;
客户名单作为商业秘密Customers’ name list shall constitute the business secret • <最高人民法院关于审理不正当竞争民事案件应用法律若干问题的解释>第十三条 • Article XIII of Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court concerning Several Problems in the Legal Application on Judging Unjust Competitive Civil Cases • 商业秘密中的客户名单,一般是指客户的名称、地址、联系方式以及交易的习惯、意向、内容等构成的区别于相关公知信息的特殊客户信息,包括汇集众多客户的客户名册,以及保持长期稳定交易关系的特定客户。Customers’ name list in the business secret shall generally refer to the customer’s special information composed of name, address, contact method and transaction customs, intention and content and different from relevant known information. It shall include the customers’ name list with numerous customers and special customers with long-term and stable transaction relationship. • 客户基于对职工个人的信赖而与职工所在单位进行市场交易,该职工离职后,能够证明客户自愿选择与自己或者其新单位进行市场交易的,应当认定没有采用不正当手段,但职工与原单位另有约定的除外。 • The customers shall engage in market transaction with the employee’s work unit based on the trust on employees. After their resignation, once relevant evidence can prove that the customer is willing to select its own or new unit for market transaction, it shall be taken as no unjust measures. But any agreements between the employee and original unit shall be excluded.
客户名单作为商业秘密的案例Case by taking customers’ name list as the business secret • 上海威华塑胶有限公司诉谢勇光等侵害商业秘密纠纷案((2005)沪高民三(知)终字第15号) • Shanghai Weihua Plastic Rubber Co., Ltd. has brought a lawsuit to Xie Yongguang for business secrets infringement dispute ((2005) Hu Gao Min San (Zhi) Zhong Zi No. 15) • 一审认为,威华公司的客户名单又不具有受法律保护的客户名单所要求的最低程度的信息量 ,不构成商业秘密。 • The first judgment held that customers’ name list of Weihua does not have the minimum degree of information volume as required by the customers’ name list protected by law. And it shall not constitute the business secrets. • 二审法院认定客户名单是商业秘密,但与被告交易的3家单位主动与被告进行交易,被告不构成侵犯商业秘密。 • The second judgment has determined that the customers’ name list is the business secrets. But three work units with transactions with the defendant have engaged in positive transactions, so the plaintiff does not engage in business secrets infringement.
《最高人民法院关于审理不正当竞争民事案件应用法律若干问题的解释》Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court concerning Several Problems in the Legal Application on Judging Unjust Competitive Civil Cases • 第九条 有关信息不为其所属领域的相关人员普遍知悉和容易获得,应当认定为反不正当竞争法第十条第三款规定的“不为公众所知悉”。Article IX Once relevant information is not generally known and easily obtained by relevant personnel in the fields, it shall be taken as “not known to the public” as stipulated in Article X Provision 3 of Anti-unfair Competition Law: • 具有下列情形之一的,可以认定有关信息不构成不为公众所知悉:In case of any of the following conditions, it can be taken that relevant information does not constitute the stipulation of “not known to the public”: • (一)该信息为其所属技术或者经济领域的人的一般常识或者行业惯例; (二)该信息仅涉及产品的尺寸、结构、材料、部件的简单组合等内容,进入市场后相关公众通过观察产品即可直接获得; (三)该信息已经在公开出版物或者其他媒体上公开披露; (四)该信息已通过公开的报告会、展览等方式公开; (五)该信息从其他公开渠道可以获得; (六)该信息无需付出一定的代价而容易获得。 • (I) The information refers to general knowledge or industrial routine by the personnel in the belonging technological or economic fields; • (II) The information has only concerned about the simple integration of product dimension, structure, materials and parts. After market entry, relevant people can directly gain through observation; • (III) The information has been exposed in the public editions or other media; • (IV) The information has been released through public report conference and exhibition; • (V) The information can be obtained through other public channels; • (VI) The information can be easily obtained without any price.
《最高人民法院关于审理不正当竞争民事案件应用法律若干问题的解释》Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court concerning Several Problems in the Legal Application on Judging Unjust Competitive Civil Cases • 第十条 有关信息具有现实的或者潜在的商业价值,能为权利人带来竞争优势的,应当认定为反不正当竞争法第十条第三款规定的“能为权利人带来经济利益、具有实用性”。Article X Once relevant information has realistic or potential business value and can bring about competitive advantages to the right owner, it shall be taken as accordance with “able to bring economic benefits to the right owner and enjoy practical nature” as stipulated in Article X Provision 3 of Anti-unfair Competition Law.
《最高人民法院关于审理不正当竞争民事案件应用法律若干问题的解释》Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court concerning Several Problems in the Legal Application on Judging Unjust Competitive Civil Cases • 第十二条 通过自行开发研制或者反向工程等方式获得的商业秘密,不认定为反不正当竞争法第十条第(一)、(二)项规定的侵犯商业秘密行为。Article XII Business secrets obtained through self-research and development or reverse project shall not refer to business secret infringement as stipulated in Article X Provision (I) and (II) in Anti-unfair Competition Law. • 前款所称“反向工程”,是指通过技术手段对从公开渠道取得的产品进行拆卸、测绘、分析等而获得该产品的有关技术信息。当事人以不正当手段知悉了他人的商业秘密之后,又以反向工程为由主张获取行为合法的,不予支持。 • The above mentioned “reverse project” shall refer to obtaining relevant product technological information by dismantling, mapping and analyzing the products gained in public channels through technical measures. Once the party has known other’s business secrets through unjust measures and advocated to gain the legality through reverse project, it shall not be supported.
闫文军 yanwj@gucas.ac.cn • Yan Wenjun yanwj@gucas.ac.cn Thank You! 谢谢!