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Web Science Course 2014 - Lecture : Social Networks - *. Dr. Stefan Siersdorfer. * Figures from Easley and Kleinberg 2010 ( http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book /). What is a Social Network ? . Entities ( persons , companies , organizations )
Web Science Course 2014- Lecture: Social Networks - * Dr. Stefan Siersdorfer * Figuresfrom Easley and Kleinberg 2010 (http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/)
Whatis a Social Network ? • Entities (persons, companies, organizations) • Connections betweenentities (friendship, collaboration)
ExamplesofSocial Networks • „Real World“ relationshipsbetween people (friends, colleagues, relatives, …) • Online Networks: Facebook, Flickr, Twitter … • Trading Networks betweencompaniesor countries • Collaborationsandrivalriesbeweenpersons, organizations, and countries • Extension: Technological Networks (WWW, Road Networks, Power Grids, ...)
Example 5: World Wide Web (Blogs on Presidental Election in 2004)
Research Questions • How do socialnetworks form andhowcanwemodelthestructureofSocial Networks? • Howdoesinformationandinnovationpropagate in Social Networks? • How do diseasespropagate in Social Networks? • Howdoestradeandbuisinesswork in Social Networks? • HowtodetectcommunitieswithinSocial Networks? • ….
Topics ofthisLecture • Homophilyand Segregation • FriendsandFoes • The Small World Phenomenon
Properties of Nodes and Homophily • Properties: age, gender, education, location, profession, political opinion, … • Homophily: Similar nodes are more likely to form links. • Reasons for homophily: • Selection of similar persons as contacts • Becoming more similar to contacts
Example: Linear Schelling (-like) Model Vacant slot
Positive and Negative Relationships Negative Relationships: • “Real Life”: people you don’t like, rivals, enemies • Online: Slashdot, Epinions • Economy: competitors • Countries: enemies - + - + - + - - - +
Structural Balance Unbalanced Balanced
Weak Structural Balance • In addition to triangles in Structural Balance: • Allow: triangles with 3 negative edges • Global consequences:
Further Generalizations • Incomplete networks: Structural Balance iff can be extended to complete balanced network by adding signed edges • Approximate Balanced Networks: Balance property can be violated for fraction of triangles
International Relations (1) USA + - + - + USRR China Pakistan - - - - India + North Vietnam
Small World and „Six Degrees of Separation“ • Small Word Phenomenon: Paths connecting two people in a social network are short(Pop Culture: „Six Degrees of Separation“) • Milgram Experiment (1960s): • Ask set of „starters“ to forward a letter to „target“ person • „starters“ are given some information, e.g. address, occupation • Rule: forward letter to person‘s you know on a first-name basis
Decentralized Search • Watts-Strogatz model does not explain feasibility of decentralized search
Modelling Decentralized Search • Idea: probability of random edge beteen nodes v and w decay with distance:~ d(v,w)q
Generalization of Distance Decay: Rank Decay Idea: probability of random edge beteen nodes v and w decay with rank of distance:~ rank(w)p Optimal p: -1
Papers (1): Small World Phenomenon • Jeffrey Travers, Stanley Milgram: An experimental study of the small world problem. Sociometry, 1969, 32(4): 425-443 • Jure Leskovec, Eric Horvitz: Planetary-scale views on a large instant-messaging network. WWW 2008: 915-924.
Papers (2): FriendsandFoes • Jure Leskovec, Daniel Huttenlocher, Jon Kleinberg: Signed networks in social media. CHI 2010: 1361-1370. • JérômeKunegis, Andreas Lommatzsch, Christian Bauckhage: The slashdot zoo: mining a social network with negative edges. WWW 2009: 741-750.