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SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE With the rise of technology, many of us spend a significant amount of time sitting at desks, in front of computers, or using smartphones and other electronic devices. This sedentary lifestyle has negative consequences on our health, leadingtoweightgain,muscleweakness, poor posture, and increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, andobesity.
INCREASEDSTRESS LEVELS Modern life is often characterized byhighlevelsofstress,whetherit’s duetodemandingworkschedules, longcommutes,orthepressuresof balancing multipleresponsibilities. Doingregularexercisehelpsin reducing stressquickly.
RISING RATES OF CHRONICDISEASES At present, various chronic diseases havebecomeprevalentlikediabetes, heart disease and cancer. Most diabetes are directly linked to a bad lifestyle such as poor diet and no physicalactivity.Doingexerciseplays a very important role in preventing your health from chronic health issues.
MENTALHEALTHAND WELL-BEING Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, have become increasingly prevalent in the modern world. A key factor in fostering positive mental health and general wellbeing is physical fitness. Exercise has been demonstrated to improvecognitiveperformanceandboost self-esteem while reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, andsadness.
CONTACTSUPPORT 251.341.0927 www.personaledgefitness.com 513 WI-65 Service Rd N.Mobile, AL36608