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FOURTH GRADE. Science Week One. A student wrote in his science notebook the following observation: The animal is black, has four legs, is 25 cm tall, and feels soft. Is this a scientific observation or an unscientific observation? .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FOURTH GRADE Science Week One

  2. A student wrote in his science notebook the following observation: The animal is black, has four legs, is 25 cm tall, and feels soft. Is this a scientific observation or an unscientific observation?

  3. It is a scientific observation because the results will always be the same.

  4. What is the difference in qualitative and quantitative observations?

  5. Qualitative uses the senses to describe but quantitative uses numbers or measurements.

  6. Stephanie Alice made an observation on the rock she was studying. She described the rock as hard, shiny and black. Was her observation quantitative or a qualitative?

  7. qualitative

  8. What is a quantitative observation you can make about the pencil shown below?

  9. It is 3.5 cm in length.

  10. The fourth graders set up a weather station in their classroom. Kathleen recorded the outside temperature and the amount of rain water in the rain gauge each day. What kind of observations was she making?

  11. quantitative.

  12. What tool would you use to find the mass of a marble? What unit of measurement would you use?

  13. a balance • gram (g)

  14. There is a storm off of the South Carolina coast and the wind is blowing 40 miles an hour. What tool would you use to monitor the wind speed of the storm as it moves towards land?

  15. anemometer

  16. Look at the picture of the prism. What does this tool do?

  17. A prism breaks light into the colors of the spectrum.

  18. What is a fair test?

  19. An investigation in which only one variable is changed.

  20. John is working on an investigation. He is using a graduated cylinder to collect data. What does a graduated cylinder measure?

  21. volume of a liquid

  22. Kathleen is observing the weather. She saw dark clouds and noticed it was beginning to rain. She said, “There is going to be a thunderstorm!” Did Kathleen make a prediction or an inference?

  23. prediction

  24. Kathleen is observing the weather. She saw dark clouds and noticed it was beginning to rain. She said, “I bet they are going to cancel soccer practice.” Did Kathleen make a prediction or an inference?

  25. inference

  26. Samantha is visiting the aquarium with her class. They are looking at the otters swim. Samantha said, “The otters are fast swimmers with dark brown shiny fur.” Did Samantha make an observation or an inference?

  27. observation

  28. The manipulated variable is the factor that is changed in an investigation. Which axis is the manipulated variable located on?

  29. the x axis

  30. Mother saw a hole in the window and a baseball on the floor. She thinks her children must have been playing baseball in the back yard. Is this an observation, prediction, or inference?

  31. inference

  32. After seeing two snarling dogs walking towards each other, you feel they will begin fighting one another shortly. Is this an observation, prediction or inference?

  33. prediction

  34. Look at the diagram below. • What is this a diagram explaining?

  35. The Butterfly Life Cycle

  36. What stage does the butterfly go through after the caterpillar stage?

  37. pupa

  38. Elizabeth wanted to graph the changes in daily temperatures for the first week in January. Should she display her information on a pictograph, bar graph, or a line graph?

  39. line graph

  40. Look at the line graph below. The x axis is labeled “spacers”. Is the x axis the manipulated variable or the responding variable?

  41. manipulating variable

  42. Should a data tabled be planned before the investigation takes place or after the data is collected?

  43. A data table should be planned before the investigation starts.

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