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Hammond Inclusive Teaching Project . Instructional Adjustments. What Are Instructional Adjustments * ?. Changes made to teaching practices and curricula that assist students with disabilities participate in educational activities. with same expectations as classmates OR
Hammond Inclusive Teaching Project Instructional Adjustments
What Are Instructional Adjustments*? Changes made to teaching practices and curricula that assist students with disabilities participate in educational activities. withsameexpectations as classmates OR with different expectations than classmates *accommodations/modifications
Are Adjustments Formal or Informal? • FORMAL: Legally-binding adjustments that have been included in the IEP by the team • INFORMAL: Adjustments that can be made for a variety of students as teacher sees fit
Roles/Responsibilities of Teachers: Instructional Adjustments Special Education Teacher General Education Teacher • Notify & explain • Provide support • Expect that adjustments are implemented • Communicate regularly with gen ed teacher • Report when adjustments are repeatedly ignored • Find out • Ask for support • Expect that adequate support is provided • Keep sped teacher up-to-date with progress • Report when needs are repeatedly ignored
What Are Examples of Adjustments on the IEP? • Needs extra time to process multi-step tasks in class • Needs extra time to take state and class assessments • Needs assignments shortened on occasion • Needs supports for organization and memory: graphic organizers, visuals…
Types of Adjustments • Size • Time • Difficulty • Participation • Organization • Level of Support • Input and/or Output • Behavior Management • Alternate Goals and/or Alternate Curriculum
SIZE Adjust the number of items student is expected to complete or learn ***** Decrease and eliminate Decrease and delay Increase when “overlearning” is needed
TIME Adjust the time that the student has to learn the concept or complete the assignment **** Allow time to preview Allow time to formulate answer to oral question Allow more time to finish (at school or home)
DIFFICULTY Adjust the skill level, or problem type, or rules for approaching the task ***** Substitute concrete tasks/items for abstract Use matching instead of multiple choice Eliminate more difficult parts of a task Allow use of aids (calculator, notes) Have reader friendly materials
PARTICIPATION Adjust extent to which student is expected to be actively engaged in task **** Assign specific task (e.g., materials) in group work Expect active engagement in specific parts of activity Expect attention, not active participation
ORGANIZATION Adjust the format of an activity or task **** Provide visual schedule Provide graphic organizer Provide a mnemonic Break task/material into chunks
LEVEL OF SUPPORT Adjust amount of personal assistance to student **** Arrange for a peer helper Work one-to-one with student Use flexible grouping
INPUT and/or OUTPUT Adjust manner in which student learns materials (input) and/or shows mastery of material (output) **** Provide oral input in addition to written input Allow for oral output instead of written output Incorporate kinesthetic input and output opportunities
ALTERNATIVE GOALS / CURRICULUM Adjust learning expectations and/or use alternative curriculum **** Choose outcomes carefully Provide seat work that is at a lower grade level Consider good social interaction as a goal
BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT Adjust system of managing social behavior in classroom **** Use individual contracts Use individual cueing Use home-school communication system
Adjustments for Story ProblemsWhat’s needed here? Alex spent $265 at the art store purchasing paint brushes and individual paints. He bought 25 paintbrushes, spending only $65 of his total. The paintbrushes were on sale for $0.69 less than the paint. How much were the paintbrushes and the paints? How many paints did he purchase?
Adjustments for Group WorkWhat’s Needed Here? Students are in groups of 4 in Language Arts class. Assignment is to write a short play based on life of a young Jewish boy who escaped from Germany with his family. Students have been given two models to follow. (Three days of class time.)