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National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Summer 2012 Higher Education Poster Session NASA Ames Research Center. KNOW YOUR PROJECT MANAGER. ACCESS, AERO Scholars, CIPAIR, EPSCOR, MUST, NSTI, Space Grant, TCU, URC, USRP - Maria Lopez ( maria.c.lopez@nasa.gov )
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Summer 2012Higher Education Poster SessionNASA Ames Research Center www.nasa.gov
KNOW YOUR PROJECT MANAGER • ACCESS, AERO Scholars, CIPAIR, EPSCOR, MUST, NSTI, Space Grant, TCU, URC, USRP - Maria Lopez (maria.c.lopez@nasa.gov) • AYVF/EAP - Porsche Parker ( porsche.parker@nasa.gov) • GSRP, JPFP, PSTI, STAR - Maricela Varma (maricela.p.varma@nasa.gov) • NASA Academy - Desi Bridges (desireemoi.r.bridges@nasa.gov) • UARC-STI - Maylene Duenas (maylene.duenas@nasa.gov) • ISU - Alex Nichol (alexander.p.nichol@nasa.gov) • ASL/UC Santa Cruz - Wenonah Vercoutere (wenonah.a.vercoutere@nasa.gov) • MCT – Yvonne Jimenez (yvonne.jimenez@nasa.gov) • SCEP/STEP – Lynnette Jacome (lynnette.c.jacome@nasa.gov) • INSPIRE – Jonas Dino (jonas.dino@nasa.gov) www.nasa.gov
Introduction This document is intended to insure your poster is printed properly and within the established time frame. Please read the instructions very carefully. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in either not having a poster generated or having to pay for extra labor and/or materials. Please feel free to ask questions www.nasa.gov
Saving Your Poster There are some simple steps to take to develop a perfect poster. Following the procedures outlined will help to avoid mistakes and save you time and frustration. 1. Create your poster. Use the attached templates to create the poster. Microsoft Word is not a very good layout program and is not recommended. 2. Convert your poster to a PDF format for printing. In PowerPoint: Print > Adobe PDF > Print 3. Save your poster using a recognized naming convention Use your last name and first initial plus a version/date. (For example: “SmithM_poster-v001”) E-mail Completed Posters to your Project Manager by Friday, July 20, 2012 www.nasa.gov
Template Choices There are several templates from which to chose. You may also create your own. However, try to make your new template conform to the same standards as the ones shown here. The placeholder picture on the clear template should be replaced with your own graphics and text. Your Project Manager will provide you with a copy of the available templates. Templates are also available at: http://new2nasa.wikispaces.com/Poster+Presentation www.nasa.gov
Template Size 32” (Narrow Dimension of Sheet) 1. All available templates have a file size of: 32” X 42.” 2. Working area: Allowing for a 1” bleed strip that will be trimmed off on all four sides, the final size of your poster will be: 30” X 40” 3. Content area: This is the 28” X 38” safe area to place your content; don’t put text or graphics too close to the edge. 42” (Wide Dimension of Sheet) www.nasa.gov
Working Area 30” (Narrow Dimension) The working area is the entire file as defined by the crop marks. This is the size your poster will be - after trimming. Don’t go beyond the dashed red line or you’ll lose part of your text and/or graphics. You may intentionally want bleed. In that case, it is OK. Proper Bleed Part of the blue sky will be chopped off -- to the left of the red dashed line. This is OK; the photo will look fine. 40” (Wide Dimension) Improper Bleed The tail of the helicopter will be chopped off and will cause it to crash - not to mention what it will do to your poster. Crop Marks www.nasa.gov
Content Area • The content area is where you place all of your text, photos, graphics, logos, etc. • It is important to stay inside the content area or you may have your data cut off. Ouch! • The font should be easy to read and not to small 28” (Narrow Dimension) Bad Positioning This pilot has his face crammed against the edge of the trimmed poster. He crossed the line and it shows. 38” (Wide Dimension) Good Positioning She didn’t cross the line. Notice the nice black edge to the right and below the photo. Unless you purposely want to bleed your photo off the edge, this is much better. www.nasa.gov
Dates Here are the dates that you should carefully examine. • Poster Prep Session: Tuesday, June 19, 2012; 2:00 p.m. • Abstract Due: Friday, July 06, 2012 • Poster Due: Friday, July 20, 2012 E-mail your poster to your Project Manager • Final Proofing: July 23, 2012 – August 02, 2012 Your Project Manager will contact you where to view your proof. • Poster Symposium: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. SHENANDOAH PLAZA Meet the deadlines, or better yet, be EARLY to guarantee your poster will be done on time and within budget. www.nasa.gov
A Successful Poster Here are a few additional things to consider: • Read and follow the instructions. • Think and plan ahead. • Use a clean, simple design and font. • Don’t reinvent the wheel. • Ask questions. Listen to the answers. • Proof your work. • Proof it again. • Finish early. See you at the Poster Session! www.nasa.gov